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Colour Me Happy Celebrates 15 Years with 15 Giveaways!

By 10/30/2023October 31st, 2023830 Comments

I can’t believe it’s been 15 years! That’s 15 whirlwind years with YOU! My amazing community. You have made it all possible!

And because I’m so grateful that you’ve been along this amazing journey with me, I’m doing 15 giveaways, one for every year! 🎁 Keep reading to find out how to enter.

Colour Me Happy's 5 Year Anniversary

It all began on my least favourite holiday

It was October 31, 2008, 15 years ago. And since Halloween is far from my favourite holiday (I can’t handle horror movies of any kind), it happened to be the day I started this blog. While everyone else was out at a party, I wrote my first post here.

I was 41 years old.

Tough times offer positive pressure to change

The events leading up to starting the blog was the 2008 real estate crash. I watched my designer friends closing up their retail locations and moving their offices back home.

And not surprisingly, my design business had been dead for months. Luckily, I had a client that placed an order for silk drapery for several large windows in her home and that took us through Christmas!

There was a two day online conference that I wanted to attend but it was expensive and I couldn’t afford it. So I borrowed money from a friend. I’m happy I did! It was during that conference where I got the idea to start this blog.

I had no idea back then how it would completely change my life. 

In the beginning 

In the beginning I posted four times a week and spent most Sundays writing Monday’s post. It was a lot of hard work but I loved it. I had no idea when I started writing that I had so much to say about colour and design.

However, up until this point, I had spent my 20s decorating for my friends and family and my 30s in the design industry, selling furniture, working in a paint store doing colour consultations and running a decorating business.

This was where I lived in October 2008. Terreeia and I had found a super cute rancher to rent, high above the hill in North Vancouver with sweeping views of downtown Vancouver. 

The View on Lonsdale | Seeing is believing.

The owners were renting it out with plans to tear it down and build their retirement home because the location was so fabulous.

I decided we were going to make enough money to buy it from them with visions of adding an extension to it. The house was a small 50s bungalow with three bedrooms, laundry in the kitchen with this living room and small dining room.

Maria Killam in Small Spaces, Big Ideas Magazine + My Last Two Homes

See more pics here

So I was wildly disappointed when we were given notice to move out. I truly felt that my manifesting abilities had failed me.

My first eBook

We found a townhouse that was much bigger but it faced completely North and was super dark with an overhang and large shrubs that blocked out even the tiniest ray of sunshine.

Our North facing condo


We lived there for two years. It was during this time when I launched my first ebook on the blog, How to Choose Paint Colours; It’s all in the Undertones.

The price back then of my first ebook was $49.00, so I did some basic math and decided to manage my expectations of how much we would make by drumming up some ultra conservative numbers.

Because I had 400,000 monthly readers, if 1% of them bought my ebook, we would make $30,000 a month.

Seems reasonable right?

Haha, wrong.

It was not that easy unfortunately. Our ebook did add approximately $4000 per month to our bottom line and we now had an assistant’s salary to pay for along with all the expenses that go along with running a website with a shop.

And then after two years of living in the dark town house and saving our money, Terreeia suggested we move out to Chilliwack where my family lived. She reasoned we could afford to buy there and also create more content with a renovation. After all, real estate prices in Vancouver are out of reach for the average homeowner 

So that’s what we did.

What I asked for but better

When I walked into this rancher which just needed a renovation instead of a renovation plus an addition–plus the fact that that it was two minutes away from my Mom, nephews and sisters–I realized I did manifest that house, the original one was just in the wrong location.

Read more: Window of Happiness

It looked a lot different when we moved out last October:

Read more: See the interior of this house here

timeless home exterior and garden

We lived in this house approximately four years longer than we should have. It was definitely over renovated and over decorated by the time we moved out. That was another reason we wanted to move, I was finished with this house.

Making our next move

Over the years we looked for a different house but given what I do, everything required major renovations or was just plain unredeemable.

We looked at some property to build but the prospect of building also overwhelmed me because of what I do. Building a house would become a full-time job and I already had one with the business we were in.

Then last summer I unblocked myself. I had been working with a coach for about a year and one day he called me and said “Maria, you can’t build, it would cause too much stress so you need to buy a house, start looking again, NOW”.

When the sign is unmistakeable

So we did and we toured only one house right before the one we bought. And if you’ve been following me for long time you’ll know my goal in this world is to be the Martha Stewart of Colour.

And this house is on Stewart Road. Do you look for signs like this when something major is about to happen?

This house had so much potential but it had been neglected inside and out for four years since the second homeowners had purchased the home. That was lucky for us because I had vision while other people just saw a mess along with overgrown trees in the back and front yard.

Exterior with over mortar stone

What makes this house the most dreamy for me is the oversize Southern living room. I have poured over rooms like this for years in magazines. And this French country house, which is completely my style, only needed paint (on the exterior). Which was another miracle since so many homes not only need paint but structural work as well.

Beyond my dreams

I would not have been able to dream up a space this perfect had I been able to build my own house. I am obsessed with the french doors on both sides and the way the morning light floods the house.

To be clear, other than the custom corner sectional  (below) that arrived right before summer, the rest of the furniture in here is from our last house (other than a few tables I’ve picked up on Marketplace). 

A dream in progress

I still plan to add coral to this room which means the cream chair will be replaced with a coral one, an oversized ottoman will be custom made in front of the fireplace and coral in the pillows (Using my Colour Balancing Method® I teach in my two day workshops) in addition to drapery on all the windows. 

Living room with blue ceiling

Timeless kitchen with island chandelier

However, right now the landscaping project (below) is priority so that’s where our budget is going! 

Here’s Terreeia and I in a photoshoot with the family this past summer.

The sweetest addition

And last but not least our biggest source of constant joy is our mini goldendoodle Lucy. She became ours 2 1/2 years ago and we are completely obsessed with her.

Everyone loves this baby girl she’s so full of love. She’s the biggest proof that just constantly telling someone that they are the best in the world 100% works. I have never once been mean to her (except to yell, ‘enough barking already’, when she sees another dog, haha) and she’s just perfect all around.

This is her “Mom it’s time for our walk” look (left). And she’s never far away from a ball she loves to chase (right)!

Your last chance to take my colour course in 2023!

I hope you enjoyed the whistle stop tour of the last 15 years. This all started with a course I couldn’t afford but I did it anyway.

Which brings me to the course I’ve meticulously adjusted and refined to be the best colour course you’ll ever attend. And if you don’t feel that way by the end of the first day, I will give you your money back no questions asked and you can keep the materials.

We just had 90 people in the virtual class last week and the only regret people have when they finish my course is that they didn’t do it sooner (or, bring a friend!)

It’s a complete game changer for the homeowner/colour enthusiast who wants to make more confident colour choices for everything for their home and the design professional who needs to gain the confidence of their clients by giving them certainty.

Learning the ‘why’ behind colour choices is what make this course a step beyond everything else you’ve ever done. 

There’s one more event this fall and it’s in one of my favourite cities, Dallas! It’s going to be amazing and so fun to see each other in person! I can’t wait to see you there!

Thank you for being a part of this journey! 

So here it is! I’m giving away 15 prizes for 15 years.

HOW TO ENTER: please post a comment below and let me know the most useful thing you have learned from me in my 15 years of blogging! 

ONE seat in my Expert Colour & Design Training  course in Dallas on November 15th and 16th – 0r a seat in an upcoming spring session Virtual class if you prefer (Value up to $1,997)

You already know you can’t get this colour training anywhere else! Enter below to win a chance to attend!

FIVE Colour Wheel + ebook bundles (Value $69 each)

The bundle includes both my essential eBooks, How to Choose Colour: It’s all in the Undertones and White is Complicated, a Decorator’s Guide to Choosing Whites. AND the most powerful tool for identifying the neutral undertone of anything.

FOUR Exterior Colour Selection Masterclass online course (Value $349 each)

In depth self guided learning to tackle any exterior project! Learn how to choose colour for a wide variety of exterior styles ACCURATELY to create perfect colour harmony to make your house, or your client’s, the envy of the neighborhood!

FIVE Learn How to Create Mood Boards online course (Value $149 each)

Do you, like most homeowners, spin and delay decorating your room because you don’t know where to start? Here is the essential guide to teach you not only where to begin, but how to pull a room together using mood boards!Plus you’ll learn how to get colour right when shopping online. 

Prizes may not be redeemed for cash or exchanged for previous purchases.

Winners will be drawn THIS FRIDAY!

Good Luck!

XO, Maria


  • Claire Sandbothe says:

    White has so many undertones! And i just love the paint colors you suggested for my interior remodel!

    • Amber MacKay says:

      Same! I see all the pink and grey undertones now 🙈 Slowly learning how to shift away from the trendy black and white we put in our house 5 years ago. We are having to redo our floor in our house because of a slab leak and I found your information about wood floor colors just in time!!!

    • Dawn Giza says:


      • Dawn Giza says:

        I love the way the color wheel is so accessible and able to see undertones to help pick better colors. I also learned from you how lighting in a room changes how colors look. So important to bring color samples to the space. Thanks for sharing your experience and expertise.

  • Karyn says:

    I would love a chance to win one of these! I look forward to your Color Lessons on youtube. I love seeing how to tweak existing spaces without breaking the bank and saving money for other things. So many of us dont have the money for expensive top to bottom renovations so its fun to see how styling and decorating can transform existing spaces. That is what I have learned from you.

  • Janelle says:

    What a wonderful look back!
    Maria, I don’t think I could pick just one thing. The undertones have been sooo helpful, picking boring means picking classic and lasting decor choices, allowing myself to love colour, the best hardwood colours for flooring…I could go on and on but these have been the ones that I always think about and always tell other people!

  • Chloe says:

    You have given me confidence to add the colour I crave to my home. I grew up in a home decorated in white-on-white…on-white and it’s been hard to break the pattern. I’m now super excited that I’ll to be introducing our hot pink sofas to our new home thanks to you posts on how timeless colored sofas are and how colour is joy!

  • Peggy L says:

    Lighting! Just because I bought a house with trendy ceiling fixtures doesn’t mean I don’t need lamps, and more lamps! Lots of things have stuck with me, but right now I’m on the prowl for some big, beautiful lamps!

  • Melissa Schofield says:

    My favorite is that when you fail to make the best choice… It’s time to decorate! I love that practical advice that acknowledges we aren’t always working with an unlimited budget or unlimited time to redo. Where others might say “tear it all out.” Maria says decorate, and then your room will be so beautiful, you won’t even notice.

  • Jacie says:

    I love it when you say to refresh instead of renovate – spread the money around and spend it on a trip!

  • Bri says:

    Fifteen years . . .so long a span, but one that seems so short. Cannot begin to tell you all that I’ve learned from you, but what a fun journey it has been. The evolution of your site(s) and skills has been astounding and I remain an addicted follower.
    Now, I will admit I make mistakes to this day in applying the knowledge, but joy of joys, I recognize them now. Having your website with many back posts to refer to is so helpful as well. Thank you.
    And thank you as well for the updates on Terreeia, Lucy, and your family. That love and support from them helps you prosper, and it is a delight to see. Here’s to fifteen more years!

    • Trinitee says:

      Congrats on 15 years! Gosh, I feel like I have learned so much reading your blog. Don’t be afraid of color. Ugly costs as much as pretty. Timeless hard surfaces. Be yourself and decorate with what you love; trends come and go. Gosh, most importantly, matching (or clashing, as the case was with me) undertones as the biggest reason I was struggling with decorating. As a design enthusiast/hobbyist reading your blog has helped me see my home differently. I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing so much!

    • Martha says:

      Timeless choices in fixed elements are the key to a longtime satisfaction in your home. That is wisdom. Plus who knew colors have undertones?

  • Karen says:

    The most useful thing from your blog was that I purchased the white undertone color wheel and it changed my life!

    I obsessed over what white color to paint the entirety of the interior of my home and made my husband and friends think I was a crazy woman for being so concerned! But seeing the wheel and knowing I knew there was more to white than white–I chose the perfect white for my home.

  • Donna says:

    Avoiding pinky beige.

  • Vivien says:

    I took an excellent renovating your home course from you way back-an audio offering. I made hubby listen to it while we were in a road trip. He still reminds me about “identify what is the boss” in your room and work with it if you aren’t replacing ut. Great advice we took to heart.

  • Gill says:

    The colour wheel has saved me a fortune and reduced stress – I am colour illiterate and couldn’t for the life of me work out tones that everyone else could easily see….. but armed with my wheel a whole new world opened up for me. Im in NZ and we don’t have many of the brands of paint that you use but I found a women here whose done lots of your courses and she has matched to NZ paints which is a life saver too. I love how you look for savings and working what you have got and not ripping things out ($$$). And avoiding the trends so your house is yours….. I could go on but I think you are great and practical. And that you love a dog just about makes you perfect in my eyes!! Go well and thanks

  • Vivien says:

    Best advice relates to lighting. Get enough lamps! Seven different light sources. I am terrible about going to people’s houses and turning in their lamps.

  • Jane Cage says:

    Your color wheel helped me make the right choices to complement the items that I already had in my home. I learned that paint should be the last choice, not the first choice. Your blog and videos have reinforced that it is so much more cost effective to be classic than trendy. Thanks for all of your advice, Maria. Happy fifteenth anniversary!

  • Victoria says:

    Selecting the right undertones for whites and creams has been sooo helpful!
    As a designer I’ve always been good with colors, but the color wheel and sample boards make it so much easier to be on pointe and not wondering if I’ve made a mistake. Especially with my own house… its twice the work of a regular client!!

  • Suzanne says:

    There’s been many a lightbulb moment over the years but I think my most important takeaway is how versatile a timeless foundation can be and the decorating freedom that gives you. So much easier (and budget friendly!) to incorporate trending colors and aesthetics with strategic styling or a bit of paint. And even if your vision is longer term, you can still work magic with what you have.

  • Courtney C says:

    I’ve learned that understanding color matters. I haven’t mastered things but I take inspiration from your decor, furniture placement, color choices, rugs, all of it. I’m so stunted by my own indecisiveness, I could really use help.

  • Brooklyn Ellingson says:

    I have to say LAMPS! It definitely creates a cozy atmosphere! Also, nothing else compares to your advice about TIMELESS finishes. Boring = timeless.

  • Jami Hurt says:

    Learning to embrace what I love, like when it feels like the whole world is going black and white, color can be just the thing I need! I don’t have to choose what everyone else thinks I should. Having confidence in choosing colors because I now understand undertones has also been so valuable!

  • Laura Delaney says:

    I have followed your blog since 2012 (and went back and read all the earlier posts). I have learned so much just from reading it. The biggest impact it has had on me is that I can’t look at neutrals without categorizing them by undertone. But I will say that what drew me to your blog in the first place was that there was someone else out in the world who loved color. At the time I started reading, it was already a gray world. But there was so much more: how to pick a timeless backsplash, what is the most timeless flooring, a timeless sofa, how many lamps do I need (all the lamps), how to create a vignette…the list goes on and on. And always I have appreciated your candor in giving advice and opinions, the design photos that accompany each post, and all that you’ve shared of your own homes and both your professional and personal life. While I also follow and love your Reels and YouTube videos, the blog has always had a special place in my heart. I look forward to the next 15 years.

  • Heather E. says:

    I’ve been following your blog, and now videos, since you lived in your apartment. This look back is really hitting home for me. I am newly 40, a commercial designer with a corporate job, but I’ve been working from home for a few years and things have slowed down considerably. I’ve been trying to think of some ideas for a side job to keep my creative mind busy (and money wouldn’t hurt) and exploring what I would LOVE doing. You’re such an inspiration!! One of my favorite sayings is “light colors will never come to life in a dark room”. 😊 Congrats on 15 years!

  • Amber F. says:

    Your guidance and suggestions are too amazing to simply call out 1 thing! I have learned sooooo much from you, undertones being king! Thank you for leading your followers to make smarter decisions when looking at permanent fixtures and surfaces! I am grateful to hear it’s okay to not want to be trendy(redid my home this year, not a lick of black outside1mirror and colorful furniture)! Contemporary timeless for the win! Thanks Maria!

  • Debbie says:

    Your color wheel and your talks about finding undertones have been so helpful! Even with a bachelor of fine arts degree from a major university, I still had a hard time finding the correct undertones in things until I got your color wheel. I love watching your journey through your home renovation and love how close you are with your family. And…I’m jealous my spouse can’t cook like Terreeia does, you are a lucky girl!

  • Always look forward to your design blog Maria, your advice truly inspires me and has saved my reno projects time and again! The Colour wheel is brilliant!

  • Amber says:

    I always look for the “bossy” permanent finish in the room first…..then find the coordinating colors.

  • Linda says:

    Congratulations on fifteen years of blogging. Thank you for all the helpful information on how to decorate timeless.

  • Terri says:

    What timeless design is and how to achieve it. But mostly Confidence!! I found you through my daughter when we were talking about paint colors. I love taking about color!
    I bought the color wheel and your two ebooks. I sent you message on Instagram and you responded!!! I follow your blog and love how you break it all down with examples. Fast forward we decide to move closer to our kids and grandson and we buy a 110 year old house. I start rereading your ebooks and practicing the color wheel, I learned all about complex creams from you and it’s time to paint before moving in. An old acquaintance happens to be a designer also moved here a year ago, she recommends a painter and I fear my paint choice may be off as it’s my first time actually implementing your system. Painting trim, doors the whole house is expensive! I hire the designer for an hour consult to confirm my choices. She doesn’t know what my decor is since the house is empty and suggest the colors she used in her last house. White Dove and Pale Oak, I’m sure it would be lovely. I thank her and I go back to the complex cream you taught me about for my more earthy decor and art colors, and the trim and ceiling rules of contrast. Then in the bathroom with white tile that I have to live with, using the undertones that work best with the tile counter. I hire the painter and love the results. It’s perfect!! You have given me confidence! My husband says Im really good at this and have a great eye for color but I need consensus. Your system is teaching me to trust my choice by applying the system. It’s not just a guess, you give the why. I would love to take your 2 day course. The ebooks have been a great m next best learning tool while making a home purchase. Another thing, I’ve learned about from you is lighting. I’m going to be sure to get the amount of lighting you recommend in each room to set the atmosphere. The painters are almost done. Move in this week! Thank you for sharing your gift of blog explaining color and the color system you’ve created.
    Warmly, Terri

  • Bri says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! Your blog and services helped me determine the undertones of paint colors… and using a piece of white paper next to it all really helps!

  • Beth Carroll says:

    Love that I use Color Green and that it is good for my soul!

  • Rebecca says:

    I’ve learned not to be afraid of colour. I’m slowly transforming my boring grey house into something that brings me joy! I’ve also added lamps in spaces I didn’t realize needed them.

    Happy 15 years!

  • Sedona N. says:

    Hi Maria, I absolutely love the method you talk about when choosing color for a room. Looking to bedding, drapery, art or something in the room. I’ve been imploding this method for years without truly realizing it but now it’s a conscious choice! I also love the way you describe the black trend for interiors and exteriors (and black hardware) it’s truly sucking the life out of lovely designs and homes where it is trendy and not the right fit to be timeless design! Thank you for all that you do and share with us. Cheers to 15 years!

  • Alecia rideau says:

    I’ve learned to keep the hard finishes timeless and classic although it may seem boring. Also learned that the wall color comes in reference to the rug, favorite fabric, or a piece of furniture and not first so that the paint undertone coordinates with those things. Not the other way around.

    • I have been following your blog since before you bought the rancher and have learned many, many things from you. Met you in Boston at your course later on which was so very helpful. When you first started writing, you used to say “you spend so much money on your granite (quartz hadnt been the thing yet) do not ignore it. That stuck with me till today. That is still something i immediately look at in peoples homes. It was also awesome watching you progress and evolve over the years.

  • Marie says:

    There are so many things it’s hard to pick just one. But the idea of undertones has been life changing. I absolutely would have just gone to the paint store and just chosen a color I liked without reference to anything else, or would have been overwhelmed by all the choices. I’m also learning not to be afraid of decorating in color rather than mostly neutrals.

  • Heidi Geldean says:

    I learned all about bossy pinky beige and the undertones. I learned about decorating with black. I love all of your work. I loved your Moms living room painted in BM “Old World’

  • Where do I start, from that white is a color and it has to relate to the design in the room to a colored sofa is timeless, a neutral sofa is not.
    You are my North Star in the design industry. It is just not your color and design insights that I value, but also your example of just telling it like it is with grace and humor has given me the encouragement to share my recommendations with conviction with my clients.
    Thank you and congratulations on 15 years!

  • I’m Ashley, owner of Blue Mist Paint and Flooring in SC! I’ve recently learned that just because my tiny machine calls for a colorant doesn’t mean the color is said to have that undertone. I am hoping to win a prize so I can learn more to be the best in my community!!

  • Pattie says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! As a non-professional homeowner who has worked with several designers over the years, I have learned so many lessons from you that I didn’t from these designers. Often I let them lead me into what they thought was perfect for my home. Many of these choices were costly and not timeless or classic. But now, as I start to make changes again in my home, you have given me the confidence to make my own choices and stick to the classics on the things that you cannot easily change like flooring and tile. I quote you constantly and you have told me that you can reuse and repurpose things, to recognize and look at the undertones in fabrics and finishes, and that lamps will warm up a room. I adore you and love your stories about family and Lucy. And I especially like that you tell it like it is. Cheers to many more years of success!

  • Patricia Bentz says:

    Avoiding Trendy. Embracing Timeless.


    Artwork abounds!

  • Shay says:

    I have especially benefited from your videos on decorating around things you can’t afford to change, such as in kitchens and bathrooms. Also, learning about undertones has been a game-changer, helping me to choose the right complex cream paint. It makes such a difference to get that undertone right! And using art as “wallpaper” is so effective. Thanks for making decorating accessible, Maria!

  • Sabra says:

    Hi Maria, You’re first color wheel became my constant companion when we did our renovation three years ago and I have shared it with others doing there’s. Color is THE MOST confounding of all decisions when building or renovating and you have take much of the mystery out of it. Thank you.

  • The lesson I learned was to use a piece of white paper beside a colour to see the undertone. Your course changed the direction of my business for success, thank you Maria!!

  • Hi Maria!

    I was one of the 90 that just finished your virtual class this last week. I was truly blown away by how fantastic your color confidence class was and how much it completely changed my thinking around design and color specifically.

    I learned a lot in two days but you really showed me that color is timeless.

    Thank you for giving me confidence in my design business and my own home again.

    Can’t wait to keep learning!

    Rachel B.

  • Ann says:

    Undertones!!!! While maybe not an original response, it is in alignment with the core of your work. I now see undertones everywhere I go. I am an amateur artist and your undertone education is now a part of my paintings, as well.
    When I couldn’t identify our existing tile undertone, you did an e-design consult to determine my bathroom paint color, and we continue to love it.
    You pioneered this work, and I am so glad to have been an early follower. Congratulations, Maria, and thank you.

  • Marlene says:

    Congratulations on your 15 years! I loved hearing the story of your evolution. I’ve learned that color can make a room sing and not to be afraid of bright colors and mixing colors. Love your outfits too!

  • Jodi Potgeter says:

    Congratulations! You have persevered with excellence. I was in the virtual class last week. And while it was exasperating at times, you did not let up on teaching us how to find the undertones of neutrals. One of my walk aways from these 2 days was; compare compare and compare some more. Maria didn’t master this in 2 days, give myself some grace”
    Thank you for offering this class on line, it made it doable for me.

  • Tiffani Michalenko says:

    Maria makes me laugh with her no nonsense approach to color! When someone says “Lighting is blame”… nope! The wrong color was chosen to begin with!!
    Common sense blended with a real world approach to specifying color has boosted my confidence when helping clients choose their color scheme. I am so grateful I stumbled upon her blog. Thank you Maria!!

  • Jennifer Brodie says:

    Choose classic finishes over trendy and you will love your house forever!!!!🩷😀 and some stuff about undertones…

  • Bonita O'Neill says:

    I can’t drive by a badly painted, house without thinking that “Maria could fix this and it would be amazing.” I have followed you practically from the start. Besides always looking at undertones now,
    I guess your “use more lamps” advice has had the most impact. Five in my living room. Huge mood adapters. Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to fifteen more years of beautiful interiors.

  • Kylie says:

    Hard to choose just one thing… but learning about the undertones has been so valuable. I’ve been applying it as I plan our renovation and in helping my friends and family decorate their homes. Using the method for everything from carpet to cushions. It’s a game changer!

  • Beverly Bell says:

    Congrats on 15 years.
    What an accomplishment!
    I have learned many things from your posts and blogs! I love the way your teach.
    I am so glad you have taught us undertones.
    I love neutrals. I like your opinions on things. I l really admire how you teach us classic design. I am a true fan. Thank you for all you do.

  • Jackie Saur says:

    Congratulations on 15 years Maria! I look forward to your advice on a daily basis. I’m most grateful for the undertone color wheel and so happy I followed your advice in our recent ski lodge condo reno to keep with the style of the house, including the flooring and fireplace! There are so many design choices I wouldn’t have considered if I hadn’t listened to your advice. Priceless info and I also enjoy your personal stories, coffee w/mom and sisters and of course the adorable Lucy. ❤️

  • Lauren says:

    Hi Maria! I love that you not only share the big ideas on how to update rooms, but you also give practical, inexpensive ways as well. I have been reading your kitchen update posts to help figure out what to do with my dated granite and early 2000s cabinets. I saw how replacing the “bossy” backsplash made a huge difference!

  • Kim says:

    Keeping the hard finished and large pieces of furniture neutral, so the accents can shine brighter.

  • Sally says:

    As many others have said, you have taught me to think about undertones. I still can’t fully distinguish all the different undertones, but at least I know to look for the undertone and that alone can help eliminate colors that will not work. Thank you!

  • Cindy Gann says:

    There are so many valuable design tips you have written about over the few years I have followed you and, of course, undertones are a difficult yet essential concept to grasp for the unification of our spaces. I do believe that’s a process of time to comprehend. However, I appreciate your back story of where you began your journey at 41 in 2008. Your story of your experience being primarily designing friends and families’ homes then starting out in the furniture and paint stores to build upon your previous experience to turn into what you have accomplished now is inspiring. It reflects that nothing is really lost, and that the baby steps can produce a learning experience to culminate into success within your field of passion, along with hard work and determination, of course.

    I sometimes feel like I am on a bicycle without the chain, turning my wheels but going nowhere. I am happy for your success; you have a lot to offer from your baby steps which are now helping countless others and has become giant leaps. I hope to one day be able to say I could do the same for even the fraction of that. One day I hope to take your color course, but, for now, your blog and amazing photographs will have to suffice.

  • Erin says:

    A sofa in your favorite color is more timeless than the current trendy neutral. That advice felt like permission to buy my blue couch, which I love!

  • Katie R says:

    I’ve been following you for almost all of your 15 years. The most valuable lesson you’ve taught me is; just like white’s undertone, always be your most authentic self, even in the sun even in the shade and you will get along with other folks that share the same basic value. Life=Color with a little lamplight thrown in there for good measure!

    Best of luck in the next 15!

  • Susan L says:

    I have learned the ability to understand color is a skill that can be learned and improved upon like any new education.

  • Martj says:

    Your advice on kitchens was very helpful to me when renovating our kitchen. Picking flooring and counter material and color was key to the rest of my decisions, particularly wall and cabinet color. I also appreciate your use of color in your home. And clothing! Yay yellow!

  • Kim says:

    Your colour wheel has made picking paint colours and furniture so much easier!! And also using a blank piece of white paper. Congratulations on 15 years!!

  • Stephanie says:

    Congratulations Maria! I’ve been following this blog for so long now i can’t remember not reading it ~ and always looking forward to it. I have assimilated so many lessons along the way, but as a lover of color I appreciate that timeless design does not mean colorless. I get bored easily with neutral interiors so I love the reinforcement that color is what makes a home personal, interesting and joyful! Thanks for all your hard work!!

  • Lindsey Pilato says:

    By far the greatest advice you’ve ever given that resonates with me daily is to stick with the classics. Avoid trends! As I’ve renovated my 1930’s house I’ve put back the character that previous owners took out. Marble, polished nickel, stately cabinetry, less big box, more curated. I seriously hear your voice in my head when I day dream about the next project I want to tackle. Love your blog!

  • Brenda says:

    I have learned SO much from you it’s hard to narrow it down to one. Aside from the wonderful advice on our kitchen reno, I think the favourite thing I’ve learned is to pick boring classic hard finishes…which aren’t actually boring at all.
    Thanks Maria and Happy Blogversary!!

  • Brenda says:

    I have learned SO much from you it’s hard to narrow it down to one. Aside from the wonderful advice on our kitchen reno, I think the favourite thing I’ve learned is to pick boring classic hard finishes…which aren’t actually boring at all.
    Thanks Maria and Happy Blogversary!!

  • Emilee Munafo says:

    I have loved learning not to be afraid of color! 🤩

  • Heather Benton says:

    Congratulations! I’ve been a follower for most of those 15 years…I found you in 2010 as I was in the middle of renovating a 1930’s red brick.
    The game changer for me is your undertones wheel… I take it with me whenever we are shopping for any finishes -Recently took it to the tile shop and when I asked them for a white tile with blue/gray undertones, they looked at me like I was crazy. Once I showed them the wheel and explained your system, they were blown away and immediately bought a few for their staff.

  • Angela says:

    So hard to choose just one piece of advice! As we plan our remodel, you are in my head saying, “choose boring finishes, they are timeless.” This has helped me tremendously, it is so easy to get caught up in the trends.

  • Ida Young says:

    I am a new reader of your blog and I really enjoyed reading how you started blogging. The most valuable decorating information I have learned from you is about choosing a rug to help choose colors in my room.
    Most recently I loved the post about putting pictures in the corner of a room because I have an empty corner that is visible when I first come into my house. I am collecting pictures to hang there and can’t wait to see what a difference they will make! Thank you for your blog. My house is becoming more beautiful and that makes me and my family happy!

  • Penny says:

    You opened my eyes in 2013 when reading your blog for the first time. You teach the foundation of a beautiful home is timeless finishes in coordinating undertones and whites which contradicts television and magazines that push using the most trendy materials because you need to have your Reno/new build “look current”. From choosing tile to bath towels your system is learnable and invaluable. After all, even if you can afford to use a professional designer for all your purchases you still need to understand colour for a towel or tablecloth (unless you have a colour designer in your pocket at all times!). Bottom line, you make it possible for all income levels to have all the feels of a beautiful home and save the landfills in the process.

  • Sharon says:

    I just found your website and wish I would have done so sooner. I struggled with picking colors for my recent interior and exterior painting projects and hope to find a better way to get to the desired look. (What do you do with 30+ sample containers of paint!) Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Barb G says:

    I love your blogs. You have always given me at least one, if not more ideas to keep after following you.
    I love PATTERN, COLOR, and COLLECTING. Restraining myself now that I’ve been following your advice.
    TIMELESS has now been my mantra. Thank you.

  • Kayla owen says:

    I still feel like a suburban mom who doesn’t quite get color, although I do get under stones now, but can I just tell you thank you for bringing beautiful and classic back to home style and ditching the “farmhouse” black and white trend. As someone who actually lives on a farm, you helped us with our exterior color and garage build and chicken coop colors and you raised boring craftsman to elegant and classic. I simply cannot wait until we can afford to do an interior consult with you. Oh! And I LOVE how you continue to offer options on how to elevate a home without doing a full renovation and say “take that money and go on vacation, don’t waste it in your bathroom”! Not only are you classic and practical, but your priorities in life are correct and that makes me love you even more!

  • Wendy says:

    If you have a white kitchen, use the same white on trim throughout the rest of the house (if using white trim) – crucial but seems so instinctive once you know!

  • Sharon says:

    Maria, thank you for this fabulous chance to have one of your excellent color tools. I have so enjoyed reading everyone’s comments above about what they have learned from you – you are truly the color maven! The most important tool (among the many) for me is your system of analyzing undertones – it allows one to avoid “design paralysis” and to quickly arrive at the right colors for paint and furnishings, which is 80% of good design. This system is priceless. Many thanks for sharing your knowledge with others.

  • Joanne says:

    One of the most important things I’ve learned is how to identify undertones, particularly how pink beige can throw off a color scheme. I recently took your virtual course, and bought the color boards, which will be a huge help as I continue redecorating our new home one room at a time.

  • Judy Pease says:

    Undertones! I’ve learned how that’s the basis for picking everything, from pillows to paint! Your color wheel has been my best friend as before I knew a room was off, but not sure why. The color wheel solved that for me, and takes the mystery out of picking colors. Thanks for all your great content.

  • Christian P. says:

    What an inspirational story! The most useful thing I’ve learned from you is that you only get one pattern with hard finishes. That wisdom saved my kitchen renovation from disaster. Thank you.

  • Mollie says:

    I’ve barely begun, but you’ve taught me to slow down and do some planning. That picking up paint for projects isn’t about my gut feeling staring at paint chips, but requires thoughtfulness and deeper knowledge of under tones to achieve the look I want!

  • Boring = Beautiful, Lamps, lamps and more lamps, How to identify the undertones of neutrals, paint doesn’t do the heavy lifting, and so much more!!! Thank you so much Maria – Would love to take the course again as a refresh for my confidence level!

  • Mimi says:

    Congrats on 15 years Maria-bravo! Thank-you for sharing your story, expertise and family over the years. You are very generous.
    Having been with your blog from the beginning and using your ebooks, I feel far more confident now than back then with All things decorating. And I share a love of yellow! I think that’s what first drew me in, no one else mentioned yellow at the time.
    So many tips are etched in my mind, learned from you. Many have already been mentioned, but here are a few more-
    1. Ugly costs the same as pretty and is what’s on sale.
    2. Colour introduced into a room needs to be repeated at least once for cohesiveness, and this includes the mixing of metals.
    3. Colour choices for exteriors (and interiors) need to be chosen in all types of light-especially view them in full sun before choosing.

  • Sheila Rowan says:

    I used you color wheel to choose a new backsplash and paint color for my very dated Tuscan kitchen with a busy granite countertop. Then when I was ready to renovate I used it again to choose all the finishes, with a modern and fresh looking cream, green, and white scheme. You also helped me choose a front door color, a bluish green, for my mid-brown stucco house. I will be likely be getting a color consult from you when I am ready to repaint the exterior in a lighter color. I wouldn’t have the confidence to undertake these expensive changes without relying on your expertise. Even though I live in a different climate (Florida) and have a different decorating style (mid-century modern) I find your advice to be so pertinent, detailed, and easy to put into action that I use it for almost every decorating decision that I make!

  • Teri says:

    Undertones, undertones, undertones!!!! This is the MoST important thing I have learned. I had no clue why some things felt right and some things didn’t. Reading your blog and buying the color wheel has been eye opening. 😀

  • Jonelle says:

    Maria, I am so glad I took your course in 2017. It has helped me so much in my business. My color confidence and the way I present my ideas has changed since learning your techniques. I refer to the boards and materials I have purchased all the time. The biggest takeaway is to show confidence when working with clients. I love your social media and blog and look for your posts regularly. Happy 15 anniversary!

  • Sarah Bonnette says:

    The importance of undertones when picking a color! I stayed away from the popular white everyone else was suggesting because the undertones weren’t right in my house. And you’ve given validation to my lamp obsession.

  • Diana Stirratt says:

    I found you in the middle of my new build. Best advice… boring = timeless. I’m so thankful for your advice not to go with trendy tile!

  • Shannon Adam says:

    Congrats on 15 years, Maria! It’s hard to identify which piece of advice you’ve shared as the best one … so I will list a few! The power of lamps! Since following you on social media and reading your blog posts, I’ve added at least 15 lamps to our home and I’m always on the lookout for more! Picking a paint color based on the undertones found in the key elements in a room, such as a rug or hard finishes. (The color wheel and large color boards have given me so much more confidence when choosing new paint colors!) And the importance of steering clear of trendy backsplash tile options! When we we’re shopping for our kitchen backsplash, the trendy tiles were front and center. I had to really search to find an off-white, not-too-modern subway tile that would compliment our cherry cabinets and the Santa Cecilia granite countertops that were not being replaced. After stacking various samples up along the wall and using the color wheel whites as my guide, we found the perfect tile that completely updated our dated kitchen! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us! You’ve helped me transform our house into a home we love! ❤️

  • Kirsten Ancona says:

    Since finding your blog I’ve so enjoyed your “straight shooting”advice! You often make me laugh…and I’ve really appreciated your insights on color undertones.
    About 15 years ago I wrestled with beiges in my master bath…I knew why they weren’t working, but that didn’t mean I could remedy the problem easily. Your method would have been a life saver!
    I’d love to go to your Dallas seminar because I just moved here to the DFW area & have been renovating our home. 🙏😊

  • Kathy Mostoway says:

    I bought your undertone color wheel and it’s been very helpful! Love reading all your posts, I always learn something new!

  • Deb Reed says:

    The whole concept of “undertones” was so helpful. I bought both of your e-books when I was trying to figure out what to do with all of the saltillo tile in my home. They helped me see and think of color in a completely different way. I have loved following your blogs and many times have referred back to older postings for your thoughts on a color problem. Thank you so much and congratulations on 15 years!

  • Hi Maria, I have followed you a long time and the most useful information you have given me is that there is in fact something called “an undertone “. I didn’t understand this before but you opened my eyes to this and I never see colors now without seeing the undertone. It’s been eyeopening! And transformative! I’d love to be considered for your 15 year celebration giveaway! Thank you so much!! Madeleine

  • Brandi says:

    Timeless hard finishes! More lamps! Undertones!

    Thank you, Maria, for sharing all of your wisdom with us. Thank you also for sharing your journey with us. It is never too late to start something new and your story is an inspiration to lots of us. Happy anniversary!

  • Linda says:

    Thanks Maria for all the Timeless vs. Trendy advice. It has saved me much regret.

  • Rose says:

    I’m a new follower and fan. I’m looking at my home with new eyes and discovering ways to make use of color and paint to create a home I truly love. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for your inspiration.

  • Kirsten Ancona says:

    Since finding your blog I’ve so enjoyed your “straight shooting”advice! You often make me laugh…and I’ve really appreciated your insights on color undertones.
    About 15 years ago I wrestled with beiges in my master bath…I knew why they weren’t working, but that didn’t mean I could remedy the problem easily. Your method would have been a life saver!
    I’d love to go to your Dallas seminar because I just moved here to the DFW area & have been renovating our home. 🙏😊

  • Beck H says:

    Oh my goodness, I just realized when I started reading your blog it was in 2009, right after my daughter was born! I can’t believe that was the start of your blog. You had so much valuable information I always tried to just soak it up! The undertones of beiges and all of their complexities is one of the most valuable things I’ve gotten over the years. I’m a “neutral nelly” so making undertones work together has helped me in my own home so much! I’ve purchased two of your ebooks and they were so helpful! Happy Blogiversary!!

  • Karen says:

    My husband and I downsized to a much smaller home last year. At the same time I happened to find your blog, and so glad I did. We have been renovating with an eye towards timeless not trendy. Thank you Maria!

  • Ashala says:

    You need to have a plan and a vision before you start! And only buy decor in colours and design that fits with the plan and the era of your home. You can’t just go out and get a mishmash of “things I really like” and think that it will al work together. It has to be deliberate. Love you Maria! Your straight-talking advice on your social media and blog makes me laugh everyday!

  • Karen E says:

    More lamps! — it’s just the most recent thing I’ve learned from you. Sowhen we first toured our new-to-us historic house, I was worried when I didn’t see many lamps. Did the house not have enough electrical outlets? We went back to check. And after we moved in, the first thing I did was buy several small lamps—one for kitchen, one for main bathroom counter and one to sit on tall antique secretary in entry foyer—and provide such a warm inviting glow! Thank you for all that share.

  • Danielle says:

    Congratulations on 15 years!! I’ve learned so many things – lighting, undertones, different shades of white and probably most of all – classic is never boring! Thanks for all you’ve shared!

  • Paula C says:

    I was pretty much a “paint slapper”. Slap on some white (any white) and hope for the best. My biggest paint faux paux? My living room statement wall in SWANS BEAK ORANGE. Oh dear.

    You make me pause to think about my next coat of paint. Who knew there were so many legitimate factors to consider?

  • Linda says:

    Congratulations on 15 years. Over these years you’ve given so much guidance; it is truly appreciated. You’ve also linked me up with other bloggers such as Claire Jefford and Laurel Bern whom I also read/consult regularly. I think that my biggest take aways from your course (2017 Toronto) and reading your blog are: Timeless and Classic ; identifying the bossy elements; how elements relate. There are more for sure but these three pop up quite often. Thank you.

  • Laura L says:

    I am so thankful to have come across your blog more than three years ago. I have learned so much from you, including that Color is a way more timeless choice over the trendy neutral of the moment. And the second best thing I learned from you is that White is a snob. We are planning a kitchen renovation and I look forward to having you and your team guide me through your kitchen package!

  • I learn & keep learning. Been evolving as you have & moved and remodeled a house almost every two years of my adult life. Living in dust… 😄😄 Love every bit of this industry. You are visionary and have taught me to layer. Lamps, light, color. In every aspect a form of layering exists. Am I practicing it all? Not yet. A work in progress! 😁 I live in Houston and attending in Dallas will be fantastic. I’d love to move on to working with clients. I need that change in mindset.
    Thanks for all the info, sharing & for coloring our lives. Cheers to the next 15 years!

  • Julianne says:

    Always go for classic finishes over trendy!

    Congrats on 15 years!

  • Liz says:

    Most useful – using something for inspiration, whether it’s the bossy granite or a beautiful rug BEFORE you choose a paint color. That, and telling your builder NO recessed lighting! Thanks Maria.

  • Diane Asmuth says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of graciously sharing your experience and perspectives! I can “see” color in an entirely new way, with the confidence to choose paint and furnishings that look wonderfully cohesive thanks to you. Here is to 15 ( or many, many) more years!

  • Sheri wible says:

    I’ve gained so much CONFIDENCE from taking Maria’s courses. I’ve taken several online classes and my confidence has soared. Her system for choosing color works and she has a wealth of design knowledge. I found her when redecorating a very dated house my husband and I bought. I have a timeless classic on my hands now, thanks to Maria. My house is full of beautiful colors in all the right places. Thank you Maria.

  • Phyllis E. says:

    Congratulations on your 15th anniversary of blog writing! I think you HAVEW succeeded in becoming the “Martha Stewart of Color” –though I think that now people will be striving to be the “Maria Killam of Colour” ! Please enter me into the contest! I would love any of those prizes!

    I have learned so much from you, but I think my favorite is “Boring now equals timeless later.” (As a very busy real estate agent whose walked into thousands of homes over the past five years, I can attest to the timeless truth of that!!)

    I only wish I had found your blog BEFORE I had renovated my kitchen back in 2010, spent over a year trying to decide on backsplash tile and granite, only to end up hating what I eventually picked out. Shortly after that, out of frustration one day I just googled, “what backsplash tile goes with granite?”, not really expecting to find a real answer out there in cyber space, when, lo and behold– google led me to one of your blog posts, and have been a fan and avid reader ever since! Your willingness to share your knowledge and expertise freely in your blog and (now, in your delightful videos), is so refreshing and appreciated. You have the rare ability to put your design expertise so succinctly into words! Thanks again!!

  • Sandy says:

    Hi Maria and Terreeia,

    Thank you for sharing your journey into color with us for so many years! I learned so much and I continue to be wowed by how your system works each time I get to apply it to either new builds or renos. I feel really confident with a system that I am able to confirm the undertones for neutrals and whites. It has been such a game changer to be able to explain why a space is beautiful due to the colors that have been thoughtfully selected.

    Thank you for sharing with us your learnings,

  • Michelle Holland says:

    The entire concept of the undertones of the “not changing” hard surfaces when first looking to refresh, renew and change up a space has been a game changer! Now I understand and can explain to my clients why and why not! Thank you!
    Here’s to another15!

  • Laura says:

    Congratulations on 15 years!! The most helpful thing I’ve learned from you is outdoor color selections and not being afraid to use color!

  • Lisa Richardson says:

    I have enjoyed reading your two ebooks and I’m trying hard to study them and your color wheel. I need to refresh my paint colors in my whole house, do a kitchen remodel, and also our primary bathroom needs a remodel. I would love to attend a two day course with you. Since my son passed away 4 yrs ago, my creativity and decision making skills seem to be lost. I used to love to be creative, plan, design, and make decisions quickly. Maybe with your course, I could find my creative self again. I have loved reading your blog and following you on Instagram and I feel a part of my creative side is trying to comeback. Thanks for sharing all you do.

  • Tracey says:

    So glad I saw your renovation series on Instagram! And purchased your ebooks and color wheel! All the information was so helpful in picking countertops, backsplash and tile!

  • Christy says:

    Wait! We can only pick one thing? There are so many useful things, but if I had to only pick one thing it would definitely be learning how to distinguish all the undertones in colors by utilizing your color wheel. Prior to this, if I was told a neutral color had a green undertone I would not have been able to see it, but now I can! Reminds of when I was a cheerleader when I was little, and trying to learn a pom pom routine to a song – I remember them talking about the # of beats in the music, and I was clueless – had no idea what they were talking about – LOL! Us left brained people find so much of what you share useful! But learning about the undertones I find most useful. Thank you for sharing.

  • Gay Wells says:

    Wow-15 years!! I think I found your blog shortly after you started it. Best thing I’ve learned from you – white subway tile is timeless and the best choice. Thank you!!

  • Brookie says:

    Maria, Thank you for sharing your gift with us. I have learned far more than color selection from you. I’ve learned about color, decorating, fashion, landscaping, blogging, writing, travel, family, forgiveness and so much more. You have given me confidence to try color in every aspect applicable and trust your tools and the process.
    I would be pleased to accept any one of these gifts and put them to practice.
    There are many blogs available to read and yours is the one I find most enjoyable and eagerly anticipated. Please go continue your awesomeness. Thank you.

  • Amber says:

    Congratulations!! I have learned so much from scouring your blog while planning my new build, and now I never miss an Instagram story. By far the best thing I learned from you, simple though it is, is how to place samples when making choices. I brought my own white posterboard to my design consults for the new build before making selections and it helped so much. Thank you for sharing all your wisdom over the years and especially for compiling here in this blog which has been a constant resource for me.

  • Melony Sutherland says:

    Hi, I have been following you for about 6 years, have all your e books and taken all your courses. I love how you have been able to break down colour in a way that is easy understand and see. Breaking down white into the 4 graduations has been a game changer!! My only regret is that I was not able to take your course in person. By the time I had the funds to take it covid had hit and you were only offering the online course. My dream is to someday take the course again in person! Your story gives me hope that I can make a small living doing something that I love and get to use my creative side to help people turn their houses into homes!!!

  • Mary says:

    So many things, but number one is to keep hard finishes timeless! Thanks

  • Shelly Shaw says:

    Congratulations on 15 years Maria! It was great to hear how you got started. I’ve been loving your posts where you work with the existing finished, like bathroom makeovers. As others have said, not everyone can afford to renovate every room. These rooms always look amazing when you are done and you see that the room is totally livable afterward. No need for a full reno! Keep up the great work.

  • Minna Fonda says:

    I have followed you for years and love learning from you. One tip from your blog that I implemented in my own home is a lamp in my kitchen. It is on 24/7 and makes the kitchen so cozy.

  • Susan Bucci says:

    I’ve always liked decorating for myself but my finished product never seemed right. I’ve learned so much about undertones and the rule of accent color throughout the room 3; one large, medium and small Thank you!

  • Maria says:

    There’s so many pearls of wisdom where do I start! The biggest for me is understanding whites, color and understanding their undertones. A huge one that I help all my friends with is to choose “boring” classic fixed elements and add flare elsewhere. I’m not a designer but I have friends ask me for decorating help often and I stick to your principles! Also, choose what goes in the room first and then pick a paint color. And you don’t have to demo everything to make it look beautiful 😍 thanks for all you do Maria! Congratulations!

  • Amy Kennedy says:

    That all neutrals have undertones. I thought the fact that they were “neutral” meant they went with anything, lol. TY for this giveaway and all the knowledge you so kindly share!

  • Rose Pye says:

    I’ve learned that if you are renovating to work with the colors that can’t be changed (like flooring or tile) instead of working against them. Some of the before and afters that you show are just unbelievable – work with what you have when you don’t have the budge to start from zero. Thank you for all that you do!

  • Tomie Schmidt says:

    I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I do remember that something “clicked” when I read your posts. It’s like all the things I knew in my soul that I couldn’t put my finger on were there in clear, articulate print. Most importantly… more is not always better. And eye catching details are fine, as long as not *every* thing in the room was chosen to be eye catching. The eye needs a place to rest.

  • Alisa M says:

    I know it’s a basic principle, but the undertones have helped me see color so differently! Being able to see undertones has helped me so much with my own paint, decor, etc, but also ordering online, clothing, helping friends, and watercolor painting! Thanks, Maria!

  • Cheryl Eastwood says:

    Choose the green sofa(or whatever is your favorite color) then decorate around that favorite, paying attention to undertones. Seems so easy once you’ve been given the go ahead to choose what you love!

  • Debra Miller says:

    Wish I knew exactly when I began following you, maybe not too long after you started your blog! We have been in our (mostly honey oak) home 17 years. I’ve had an obsession with black & have (sadly) considered it a neutral & need to thank you for ending this horrible personal flaw! Although, I did cheer when you said “the only instance when black knobs & pulls are appropriate is when the countertops are black.” That gave me such joy, felt like my 1st win. I continue to consult my Whites Are Complicated & How To Choose Paint Colors, as well as my “original” Color Wheel! Congratulations on your recent milestone, and again thank you Maria, for sharing your wealth of color and timeless decor knowledge with the world!

  • Patty says:

    Maria, you have shared so much practical information on your blog & videos through the years. Lighting, refreshing a room & using a mood board are awesome advice! thank you!

  • Campbell22206 says:

    Hi Maria, et al.

    This is a great post. It is impressive how open you are with your journey’s story. Thank you for sharing.

    After taking your courses I not only have the confidence to recommend colors but I find I am much more equipped to explain why something won’t work in a particular circumstance. Recommending is important but being able to “pull someone back from the ledge” of color mistakes is super important too.

    Continued success!

    Susan Campbell

  • Suzanne Van Wagner says:

    I have followed Maria since around 2010. She’s rescued color for me a couple times. Now I have the confidence, with her color boards, to choose updated finishes for my current home. Learning how to create mood boards and shop online helped me ‘sell’ my husband on our master bath update.

  • Cheryl Eastwood says:

    Choose the green sofa(or whatever is your favorite color) then decorate around that favorite, paying attention to undertones. Seems so easy once you’ve been given the go ahead to choose what you love!

  • Carol Foster says:

    Bonding with your color wheel for a many of the choices I’ve made while remodeling our Greek revival home. Understanding the undertones of neutrals and whites has been immensely helpful! There’s so much more that I have learned from reading your blogs, and even some of the simplest affirmations, i.e. Subway is timeless, not boring!

  • Nicole Schultz says:

    The most useful thing I’ve learned from you, so far, is that neutrals have many undertones! With the help of your blog posts I was able to take my kitchen cabinets from a dark espresso to the right complex cream. The new color draws the best out of my orange beige countertops. It fixes all the expensive problems that my kitchen had; the dated countertop, the dark closed-in feeling, the need for bright fluorescent lighting. Now I just have the fun of adding some copper, straw, and/or terracotta elements. Thanks for all you do!

  • Jess says:

    I loved readying about your story. The most beneficial for me has been to grasp a full u estranging of undertones. I have always known things “didn’t look right” but I didn’t know what to do about it. I use to find color scary, but wow does it make me happy now that I feel empowered to use it. You have transformed how I decorate.

  • Kristen says:

    Congratulations on15 years! I have learned many things, mainly to look for undertones and to decorate with small, medium, and large color repeats. Also how to avoid looking dated for flooring and tile!

  • Kristin says:

    The most important thing I’ve learned is keeping your hard surface boring and simple, which makes them timeless. It’s great not having to worry about a reno going out of style.

  • ZiZi says:

    Congratulations, Maria, to you and your entire team! Each post either informs me of a new perspective to consider or reinforces my thoughts. You won my heart when you championed colorful sofas. I lived with a beautiful green sofa for years and never tired of the color statement. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

  • Karol Hollis says:

    I’ve learned so much, but the bigger picture of the more you know and practice, the further you can go with what you can confidently recommend. I can explain why something is the right answer. I have confidence in that, thanks to you! Congratulations!

  • Elaine P. says:

    As a newbie in the world of decorating, I have found your blogs and IG posts informative, inspiring, and entertaining all in one. I have learned so much from your articles, especially regarding undertones in neutrals that I didn’t even realize existed. Now I am beginning to understand why a room seems off when the undertones do not coordinate. Your little nuggets on styling have been extremely helpful in designing a “look and feel” for a room, especially when I’ve already made so many design mistakes in my own house! Lol Decorating feels like a lifelong project but a fun one. I could probably be my own client forever!! So truly happy to have found you over the web! ☺️

  • Robin M says:

    Here’s to the Queen of Colour🥂. I believe you will achieve your ultimate goal and we are witness to what you have taught us, are teaching us, and will continue to teach us. Thank you for sharing your life, personal and professional. You are an inspiration 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
    You taught me that my vision of color and timeless are spot on. But the undertones are what I still struggle with. And the fact that I can never make up my mind. Your products have been very helpful. But I still need help.
    BTW, in your 15 year look back blog today, I noticed that most of your original furniture is still with you today. Proves, buy the color you ❤️. Your new home is gorgeous. I am into landscape design, so your current outdoor project speaks to me.

  • Amy Gibney says:

    I absolutely love and admire everything you do! I’m so glad you came across my for you page. You’ve added so much joy and colour to my life.

    My husband is a contractor and we’ve flipped multiple homes. Some have looked perfect and some have been a little off but I couldn’t understand why. Now I know! Too many undertones, specifically white undertones. I really struggled with communicating what bothered me but now I can.

  • Kimberly Smith says:

    Undertones have always been my weakness, now I can’t “unsee” them! I definitely have more confidence in my color choices and my choices for finishes.

  • Mary says:

    Timeless = boring. White is VERY complicated (until you read Maria’s book and use her tool!)

  • Carol Z says:

    The most helpful information I have read is about the colour wheel and looking at undertones. I think this should be considered a life skill! It does take some practiae however and I am working at it. Thank you and congratulations!!!

  • Brittany B says:

    You have taught me about undertones, which means you have helped me understand how the underlying colors can affect the overall look of a space. How to identify undertones in paint and decor, and how to use this knowledge to create harmonious color schemes.

  • Mary says:

    Thanks for sharing your history. And congrats on 15 years! Your love of all things beautiful is inspiring and contagious. Your explanations of undertones is invaluable!

  • Boring now = timeless later! You saved me from choosing a wood floor with gray in it three years ago–medium brown, it is! Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us, Maria!

  • Cristy Moffitt says:

    Maria, I’m moving out of a 4500 SF home and into my parent’s 1900 SF, 3 BR ranch, built in the 70’s. The 70’s home has never been updated, and I am bursting at seams with excitement because I will be using some of your practices with the renovation. I’ll use your color wheel to ensure that I keep the undertones consistent throughout the renovation, as well as keep all hard surfaces timeless! Thank you for you blog! You’ve taught me alot about decorating! I enjoy you and your content!

  • Sarah Morgan says:

    My favorite advice you have is that when nothing seems to be working or you can’t fix the color yet….decorate! It has been a game changer to help me love my house now while I wait to make the changes that will help me love it forever.

  • Joanna Iwanicki says:

    Happy 15th Anniversary, Maria! The take aways from your blog are too many to list. The one that stands out the most is that when it comes to hard finishes: “Boring now, means timeless later”. Twelve years ago, I was in the process of renovating my kitchen, when I discovered your blog. Unfortunately it was already too late for choosing the right countertop, but just in time to pick the right backsplash. You can only guess what they tried to push on me at the tile store as the “perfect” match for my Sienna Bordeaux countertop. Accent tile, of course! But I always loved subway tile, and when that confirmation showed up in one of your posts, I was so relieved. Then I learned about the whole world of undertones, pink and yellow beiges; how to read, distinguish, and avoid clashing. Or how to “hide” mistakes by implementing patterns to cheat the eye. I read every single post you wrote, Maria. You sparked my curiosity in the world of color and undertones, that never faded to this day. For this I am forever grateul.

  • Ellen Daehnick says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! The biggest thing I have learned from you is that decorating – particularly styling – can solve almost any problem that might seem like it can only be fixed via renovation. Thanks for all the great lessons!

  • Cheri Keckeis says:

    It has been a privilege to be part of your journey. I have enjoyed your blog for years and hope you continue for many more!

  • Anne Merrill says:

    A whole new world was opened up when your blog became my favorite regular read. Who knew there were so many neutral undertones and that certain ones work with certain others? Clean and dirty colors? No wonder things didn’t look right! While I had defaulted to decorating with neutrals out of desperation to get it right, I’m now excitedly coming back to color with new eyes. My husband and I are starting a business which includes color discernment and I’m so pleased to encourage my clients to use both neutrals and colors in a timeless way. I’d love the thorough education from your course, Maria!

  • Deb Hyden says:

    Undertones! Who knew! I am the one that takes 3 years to pick out a paint color! Understanding the undertones certainly helps! Also lamps! We just moved and I’m in search of some new lamps for the living room to warm up the space.

  • Melody says:

    I’ve learned so many things! The one that stands out the most is how to mix metals by alternating them. I’ve also stopped using my overhead lights and switched to lamps and, suddenly, my home feels so much cozier. Thank you for that!

  • Theresa says:

    Congratulations on 15 years. I have learned so much from you about undertones and colour. For me that means getting rid of my pink beige sofa. Now I am looking for a blue sofa, which is my favourite colour.

  • Laura Scholz says:

    Just discovered you this summer- and you have changed everything! We are building a home and I am devouring your blog, lists, everything I can. Would love the chance to take your course. I’ve already nixed the black windows my husband wanted on the exterior 😉. So much new and fabulous information

  • Vanessa H says:

    I’ve learned so much since I first started reading your blog. “White is Complicated” and “boring” now equals classic/timeless later have changed how I see things. I’ve watched many friends update their kitchens with trendy tiles/colors and within a few years they already look dated. When we updated our own kitchen I felt confident in my choices, knowing they would stand the test of time

  • Karen says:

    Congratulations on reaching the 15-year mark of blogging. You have taught me so many useful and important things. It’s difficult to just choose one. The boring=timeless really resonates with me. The other, and maybe THE most useful to me, is learning about undertones. I’d always wondered why it was so hard to explain what was bothering me when it came to putting colours together and how to achieve harmony. Thank you!

  • Melissa Blose says:

    Your mood board class gave me the information and confidence I needed to furnish and entire house with furniture, rugs, pillows, lamps, etc.

    I’m just an average girl who had always been afraid to pick anything, but decided to jump into real estate and buy a short term rental. This put the pressure I needed on me to learn, so I dove head first into your blog reading everything I could. When I took the mood board class using your color wheel things clicked and my house came together. Thanks to your blog and classes I am determined to expand my knowledge to decorate my own home and other rentals I will purchase. Who knows… maybe I’ll become the short term rental go to girl for furnishings and color. A girl can dream, right?

  • Camille Glover says:

    I’ve learned so much in my 10 years following you that it’s hard to capture just one thing. While undertones are key, perhaps the most surprising thing is the value of a good half dozen lamps.

  • Erica Sonnenberg says:

    Hi! Congrats on 15 years! I found your blog when you did the “how to screw up your renovation” series on instagram and I’ve been hooked ever since!! I would love to lean more!

  • Sarah Norman says:

    If I have to choose just one it would be “Buy a sofa in your favorite color.”
    I still have the green velvet sofa I bought in 2011 and I love it! ❤️

  • Tasha says:

    I think my biggest takeaway is to have fun with color. While there are many guidelines to consider to create balance and beauty in a space, color doesn’t have to be intimidating. Thank you for continuing to share your expertise Maria!

  • Gigi Lombrano says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! The top thing I’ve learned from you is the best verbiage to communicate to clients why this color works and not the other. The language of undertones makes sense to them and when they can see it, via your fabulous color wheel, they have confidence in the specification as well. Even better, the skeptical husband understands the science and appreciates getting it right the first time! Continued success to you!

  • Jessica S says:

    We are building a new home and have a designer that we are working with for the interior and exterior. A friend referred me because I was frustrated that I couldn’t express what I didn’t like about the exterior elevation in the design plan. I took your exterior master class and the advice about stone, tall slender windows, and all the suggested undertones with SW paint colors have been so helpful. I am wanting to take your mood board class. Best advice is that boring now, will be timeless later! That one phrase has encouraged me to tell our designer that I don’t want trendy and I have been able to choose timeless classics. Thank you!

  • Elaine says:

    What a great recap of the last 15 years. I love all your designs, your designs and of course, meeting Terreeia! Following you has given me insight on undertones and how that affects color choices. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your life story. You truly are the Martha Stewart of color!

  • Cindy W says:

    One of the best thing I have learned from you is your most basic lesson: understanding undertones. Early on I knew different colors didn’t look good together, and I just didn’t understand why – now I do! Another good lesson that I learned from you is freedom to express joy of color in the home (and even in my choice of clothing).
    Really appreciate your blog site, love the more recent color rescues.

  • Barbara says:

    I started following Maria after a visit to a Benjamin Moore paint store . The employee told me she follows you on Instagram and that I’d enjoy her . So I did . Maria is knowledgeable AND funny ! I was trying to make my Tuscan trend kitchen better without changing the expensive existing backsplash and countertops …. A challenge. It’s so much easier to start with a clean slate than trying to make existing elements work . I bought the e books and wheel , read and read and read Maria’s posts and then chose paint colors for kitchen cabinets, walls and carpet. Maria’s system helped me with my confidence to make good choices . I’d love to take the 2 day course to continue learning.

  • Karen Dyck says:

    I have learned so much from you over the past years. I wish I had started sooner, when I was designing our house. Probably the most important lesson is to consult a professional when the stakes are high (renovation, landscaping, major painting projects).

  • Lorri says:

    What an amazing story, Maria. The “before and after” of your new house looks like a dead house brought back to life and living color!

  • Selina says:

    Happy 15th Anniversary!! Thank you for sharing such generous gifts with your readers. I have only been reading for less than a year here but I have learned so much already: undertones, decorating instead of full on renovating (wish I would’ve heard about you before we purchased our current renovation project), lighting and lamps!! I love your approach that is not wasteful and focused on quickly evolving trends but making the best timeless decisions to help you “love your house forever.” Cheers to many more years of success for you!!

  • Angela says:

    I’ll never forget going into pottery barn and feeling overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. The salesperson started helping me and we soon learned that we both follow you. We talked through some of your concepts and came up with a plan.
    I just bought my first home so I still have a lot to learn from you as I tackle each room.
    There’s too much to write here. Thank you for the design advice. Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Monica Malone says:

    Congratulations, Maria! Have enjoyed being part of your journey for more than a decade. Way to manifest!

    I think the most important thing I learned from you is in the realm of light, specifically how different directions of sunlight change color. Truly, there gave been so many things.The “language’ to explain why things work/don’t work … Ooo … That’s a biggie, too!

  • Louise M says:

    I have been following your blogs, Instagram and You Tube channel for years now and not only do I keep returning to your words and videos time and again but I tell EVERYONE I know who’s thinking of redecorating to listen to and follow you! Best advice? Choosing timeless hard finishes and using the color wheel to do so to avoid mistakes. It’s easier to repaint a wall than pull up a floor or backsplash if you do make a mistake. I look forward to continuing to learn from you for many years to come.

  • Stacey says:

    I’ve learned so much from you and so enjoy reading every post and watching each video! I found you when I was searching “timeless flooring.” Your advice resonated. We shouldn’t have to constantly change out hard finishes and chase trends. So my favorite thing I’ve learned is boring now equals timeless later!

  • What a journey! What grit it must take to make this happen. I have learned that I can keep my cream molding and only touch it up (as opposed to what my designer neighbor suggested which was to paint it all white which would have cost us a few thousand dollars!) I have so enjoyed your advice for real people in real houses! Thank you!

  • Leslie Scott says:

    UNDER TONES!!!!! and as a landscape designer I often referred to your advice to designers about how to deal with clients.

  • Robin says:

    A few years ago we bought a small home close to where our son and his family live so we have a place to stay when we visit and can stay longer. We hired a contractor to do some remodeling and updating. I had never had to make all of the decisions about a house at once and it was at first overwhelming. I don’t remember how, but I stumbled upon your blog and became obsessed with learning about color. A few years ago everything was gray, black and white and that is not appealing to me. Your blog gave me the confidence to go with the color that I really wanted (SW Silvermist and Indigo Batik). I love how it turned out and have had no regrets about any of the choices. Also learning about colors that relate to something else in the room. (I have had to convince my husband that certain things he wants to do won’t relate to anything else and would not work.). So thank you and congratulations on 15 years.

  • Diane says:

    Widowed unexpectedly in 2020, I moved to a fabulous open concept condo two years ago. Since then, I purchased a gorgeous light navy blue sofa. I also learned how to style my mantle; it looks great! Finally, I chose the right paint colour throughout my 1500 sq ft space that relates to ALL the existing hard finishes including a very bossy Tuscan countertop in the kitchen. Thanks Maria! You’re the best!!

  • Darby says:


    I love reading your story of success and hard work. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us! Understanding classic vs trendy interior finishes has been my biggest takeaway. I found you at just the right time during our bathroom renovation in 2021. Because of your insight, we have a bathroom that we will love forever.

  • Beth Boyd says:

    Maria, I sure am glad you are not a fan of Halloween and decided to write a blog instead! You have helped me SO much over the last few years. I used your new build package for a house we built in 2017. We just sold the house for way over asking in large part because of the excellent advice you provided on choosing finishes for kitchen, baths and paint colors. Our house stood out from the crowd because it is so beautiful and fresh. I will be using your kitchen and bath refresh packages for our new home (I am so glad you added those!) and I know the advice I receive will be perfect again.

  • ALISA KLEIN says:

    A lightbulb went off for me learning about undertones. I can’t not see them in all the neutrals I work with. Yours is a great system for understanding this. Thank you!!!

  • Janet says:

    Timeless or Trendy advice is always very helpful! Also, don’t panic decorate helped when I thought I’d made a color mistake. You reminded me that you can’t look at a color on the wall and decide it’s wrong until you add your furnishings. Thanks for all the great posts!

  • Joan Rosen says:

    Hi Maria,
    When I decided to paint my tired orange oak kitchen cabinets many years ago, google brought me to you. Ever since, I have faithfully read your blog, bought your color wheels and e-books, and savored your words of wisdom. I never knew the world of whites were so complex, but thanks to you, I now have an understanding of undertones.

    Thank you for all of your help and congratulations on 15 years! Sending hopes for many more.

  • Charlotte says:

    I’ve been following you since 2012 & you have taught me the language of color. While I am not fluent (yet), I have loved everyone of your e-courses and each has contributed to my depth of knowledge. You continue to inspire me and I’m ever grateful for how beautiful you make the world. The color course is what I want to do most!

  • Deb says:

    Congratulations! I have enjoyed reading your posts for a little while and I really appreciate your wisdom and advice on how to love a home forever! The enlightenment about undertones is an eye opener and the advice to be careful with trends is invaluable.

  • Marcia H says:

    I had no idea there were cool colors amd warm colors. In addition, the difference lamps make in a room. Plus, expensive fixed features of a home should be neutral. I’ve learned so much amd yet will learn more.

  • Ahuva Hazan-Fuchs says:

    The most important thing I’ve learned is that boring is timeless. And also – if you choose a color you love, that is also timeless.

  • Carey says:

    I’ve learned so, so many things from you, Maria. The one that’s relevant right now, as we renovate an inherited house, is to work with the brick and roof color when choosing paint and a new trim color.

  • Sharon Abel says:

    “BORING EQUALS TIMELESS ! ! ! “. Your advise has become my mantra since I started following you in 2011 when i was designing our home from scratch. And even though I mistakenly installed a few “bossy finishes” during our build your advise about decorating and using colour, when renovating a newly built house wasn’t an option, has helped me get past those bossy elements and love my home.
    Your blog has been a source of joy. Thank you for years of fun!

  • Brenda says:

    I have been following since 2010, I think! It feels like a long time and even though I don’t follow a lot of blogs anymore, this one is my true constant. I also refer back to it fairly frequently. I have bought all your books, your colour boards, the virtual Colour course, the mood board course… and next up it will probably be the exterior course. I can’t pick just one thing I have learned; over the past few years I have renovated my house using your principles. We decided to list it because we found a different house and guess what? My house sold in 3 days and had multiple offers. I received so many compliments on how pretty it is. So much of that is because of what I have learned through you, Maria. So now I am going to move into my new place and apply the principles I have learned from you, there. I feel very equipped to handle this new house, there really won’t be too much trial and error. And I plan to buy a bunch of new lamps. Lots and lots of lamps. Thank you, Maria!!!!

  • Christina says:

    Undertones! how to see them and relate things in a room. Lots more too….lighting, timeless decorating, bossy hardscapes 🙂

  • Valentina says:

    The most useful things I learnt are 1) to place the painted cardboard sample on top of white cardboard instead of directly on the wall, and 2) the hard surfaces that are difficult to change should be neutral.

  • Colette says:

    Lamps, lamps, lamps. And that I really do need to get the colour wheel and ebooks because I definitely chose the wrong undertone for the last two rooms painted and I want to get it right for the next one. Also, thanks for the tip to decorate when it’s not perfect and that will distract. Need that so much because once you see it, you don’t ever not see it.

  • Sharon Wilson says:

    Love your blog. It has helped me in so many ways already. I redid my floors in 2020 and used your advice and put down reclaimed elm hardwood throughout. Repainted during the lockdown in a complex cream – BM’s Collingwood, and just remodelled the kitchen last November and went with one of the whites. I plan to add a deep navy as my accent and I still working little by little to make our home what we want. It is coming along beautifully and have learned so much from you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would love to take your virtual course as I have purchased your ebooks and colour wheel already.

  • Courtney Petteplace says:

    So many great things from you blog, but most importantly to add lamps and keep the most expensive finishes and furnishings timeless and boring and add personality throught art and accessories! I Love everything about your style and tips!

  • Rose P says:

    You taught me not to be afraid of color. I never used to be but I got caught up in all the neutral trend but it’s not me! Which brings me to the other thing I learned…you don’t have to follow the trends…do what you love..trends will come and go! Thank you Maria

  • Jennifer says:

    BORING IS TIMELES$… Have reminded myself to KISS many times over the years, and when working withy my real estate clients…some listen, some have still bought into grey streaked trendy floors!! ugh… BTW, I am still in love with your leopard staircase! I have learned so much over the years, kicking myself for not signing up for your NJ class a couple years before the pandemic but God has a reason for everything : )

  • Nancy says:

    I have learned so much; undertones, lighting hacks, and making bold color choices, bringing my home to life, makes my creative heart so happy! Thank you!

  • Melissa D. says:

    I am so happy I found you! I’ve always been afraid of color because I had no idea how to use it! Now I’ve started filling my life with colorful decorating and know how to work with the hard finishes I’ve got before we move again. There’s too many good things to mention, but those are the best ones. Happy 15th blogaversary!

  • Janice Gion says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! Unfortunately, I found your blog after I had installed some very bossy, earthy granite in my kitchen! Thanks to your blog I am learning how to live with it. I really like that you aren’t like many designers who rip everything out, but instead help us save money by giving options to work with expensive mistakes!

  • Carmen Carter says:

    I am a new reader of your blog but I learned not to paint my interior white as it will look like its primer. I was considering White Dove but I’m going a different direction after reading your advice.

  • Becky Greenwald says:

    I’ve learned SO many things from you, Maria. Undertone analysis was a total game changer (I have the round wheel and seemingly use it all the time). So many ah-ha! moments regarding color. Lamps! One bossy element. Boring = timeless. Being somewhat color phobic (I call it conservative, but po-tay-to po-tah-to), your advice has allowed me to branch out not only in my own home and streamline the decision-making process, but also to help those I care about in their homes. Can’t thank you enough.

  • Kristin says:

    Reading your blog has given me the language to use to explain to my husband why he can’t pick that paint color/pillow/sofa. Before, if undertones weren’t right, it would bug me but I didn’t know/couldn’t explain why. “Because I said so” only works so many times with another adult (probably with kids too)

  • Bridget says:

    Save money for decorating!

  • Karen Manougian says:

    I am so thankful to have taken your 2 day virtual color course last week! It confirmed what I’d been thinking all my life – that my eyes aren’t deceiving me about undertones. I now have the understanding and language to articulate what I see. I might need some practice (waiting for my color boards to arrive), but I can see the future with more clarity (pun intended!) Thank you Maria for writing this blog 🙂

  • Jenny says:

    Congrats! Undertones and timeless design. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

  • Ann says:

    Trendy doesn’t equal timeless. Happy 15th year anniversary!

  • DENISE P says:

    Congrats Maria on 15 years! I’m a designer and the most useful thing I have learned from you is how to communicate effectively with the client. Specifically, how to introduce color, explain bossiness, and avoidance of trends. Your approach is so professional without being critical. It is warm and believable.
    Well done my friend!

  • Annie says:

    Lamps! Love the ones I have added and need to find some more. Would love some tips/tricks to coordinate different lamp sizes and styles.

  • Sacha Beltran says:

    I found you when I was searching for timeless wood flooring and I was hooked! I love your writing style and look forward to every blog post. Trendy verus timeless has been incredibly helpful as well as the power of lamps! Lamp tramp forever!

  • Katie Stewart says:

    How do I pick just one thing I’ve learned, there have been so many! It’s all about the undertones, now that I know that I see design so differently.

  • Anne Jackson says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of colour!
    I discovered your blog early in the pandemic when I had to stop a kitchen reno plan. I read and reread the ebooks and took one the first 2 day virtual courses. As the pandemic eased, I was able to pick up the thread of my kitchen reno again, this time armed with such valuable insights and information. I love my new kitchen and wouldn’t change a thing! I wouldn’t have been able to make all the decisions as successfully without all that I’ve learned from you. As someone else wrote, I cannot see neutrals without instantly analyzing them for undertones!

  • Luanne says:

    I have taken Maria’s colour design classes twice. One comment that i use all the time with people is the line that wood flooring is like a pair of jeans –
    And timeless is classic Subway tile the end.
    Decorate with colour and pieces easy to switch out
    So many valuable lessons i have learned through this blog Thank you Maria

  • Stacey says:

    Congratulations, Maria! What I love about your story is that in helping so many others find happiness in their houses, you have found such happiness in yours.

    I only recently found your work, but it was just in the nick of time as we were actively choosing bathroom flooring and hardware for a renovation to our primary bathroom. The salesperson was steering me towards the current trends (encaustic tile floors, dark faucets, etc.), but I stood my ground and confidently chose a marble-look for the floor and chrome faucets. I have not regretted it for one second. So, thank you.

    Here’s hoping I am one of the lucky chosen!

  • Nancy says:

    Maria – wow how can it already be 15 years .’as I look back to when I first connected to your blog … seems like yesterday .
    I remember thinking wow who is this lady ?
    Would soak up every blog you wrote..

    I’ve learned so much from your blogs and your e- books .
    I remember when I first starting learning from you .
    Thinking undertone ? What is an undertone ?
    I’ve learned a lot so to narrow it down to one thing is hard.
    But I’d have to say the one thing that has helped me a lot is ..
    Compare, compare and compare some more .once I do that it is easier for me to see what works and what doesn’t .
    It’s been a great 15 year journey with you !
    And can’t wait to spend the next 15 years learning from you …
    Thanks for a blessed 15 years of your time and knowledge…

  • Shelley says:

    Hi Maria,
    Thank you for sharing your experiences the past 15 years . Perseverance and dedication to your passion has certainly paid off..
    I appreciate you!
    I think of your words of wisdom when I begin any new design-whether it be a brand new home design or a renovation.
    Is it timeless or trendy? What advice I can give to my clients I learned from following you..
    The importance of living in your home for many years without getting tired of the expensive finishes you have chosen (or your designers selections) is something of great importance and value.
    What would Maria do? And how as a designer I use what I have learned from you from simply watching your stories and reading your blog..

    I am a designer and I still learn something new everyday..Thank you Maria for your helpful advice..

  • Sara Diressova says:

    One of the most useful tips: pick “boring” hard finishes and add character with the soft finishes! So smart yet everyone wants crazy tiles (used to be me :))

  • Oh, wow! What a wonderful opportunity! I am not a designer, but I’ve been following your blog with devotion since 2017 when you helped me with a home renovation. What I’ve learned most from you is to take my time to plan with mood boards so that I can check color undertones and color shade coordination with decorating. This has made a huge difference in how I approach decorating my home. And I am thrilled that you have encouraged me to choose colors I love, rather than what is trendy. Thank you!

  • Louise says:

    Lamps, repeating colours in a room to bring it together, to have a couch with colour and not a neutral. My couch is navy because of you and I absolutely love it!

  • Lesley Kuhn says:

    So many choices to pick from, create timeless, look for undertones, and and and lol. Love your blog and quote you to whoever will lister

  • Susan says:

    Lamps, lamps and more lamps! Light truly wakes up a space, and makes all the difference in pulling together a finished look in any room. Been reading your wonderful blog since ~ 2010; thank you for a great journey 🙂

  • Janice says:

    Congratulations on 15 years Maria. I was in the process of a total kitchen renovation and was agonizing over the color to choose for my new kitchen cabinets. The kitchen designer was of no use. She just kept saying to paint them BM White Dove. I had painted at least 20 large boards with different colours of white. Finally, after stumbling upon your blog, I decided to buy a color consult from you. Best thing I ever did. Your common sense recommendation: paint the cabinets the color of your trim. This was the best advise I could ever have. You also helped me with the cream subway tile. Today, I love my kitchen. In fact, I see recently you used it in one of your before and after posts! Purchasing this consult from you was the best money I ever spent. I shudder to think how my kitchen would have turned out if I hadn’t done this. Thanks for everything!

  • Shelley says:

    Found your blog when looking for timeless hard wood floor colors – shortly after you started writing your blog. Biggest take aways – timeless hard finishes and a re-ignited passion for color!!

  • Kathleen Thunberg says:

    Hi Maria,
    Wow! Congratulations on your success and joy in your work!
    I am not a professional at all, but people have always complimented me on my home. Yet I was never quite satisfied.
    When I discovered your site and blog, I began to understand why. I didn’t know about undertones. I now see mistakes I have made.
    So understanding undertones has been crucial to knowing why I have not been satisfied completely. And to also create a plan and design boards.
    I am now working on my kitchen design one step at a time before beginning the project.
    Thanks so much for all your words of wisdom and design ideas!
    Best wishes,

  • Lori says:

    How can I pick just “one” thing I have learned from your blog?! I have been a follower for years and attended one of your in person courses 6 1/2 years ago. I have learned so much about color, undertones, and timeless design. Thank you so much for all of the valuable information. I use it daily for almost all decisions I make in regards to my home and my clothes!!! Congrats on 15!

  • Cyntia Chamberland says:

    You’ve help me understand what I felt looked wrong in my interiors in so many ways (I’ve lived in 3 houses since I discovered you) that it’s not possible to choose only one. Finding the undertone, one pattern/bossy element, white is a snob… and lately your new videos on YouTube that show how to decorate a space without renovating. Oh and lights! More lights haha

  • Jane Mac Innis says:

    Maria, I have been reading your blog for several years, and I sing your praises all the time to friends and family about your wealth of information, and your gift to get your audience to see colour differently. Your ability to share your colour expertise to your audience in such a detailed and simple manner that it gives us that “aha” moment! That moment when you begin to understand undertones, how to compare colours, and how quickly a colour project can go south if you do not understand the undertones. That moment when you think OMGosh I got it! I am just one of many that have learned so much from you over the years. I am reading your e-books, using your colour wheel and thoroughly enjoying the experience. Thank you for teaching me so much in a very short period of time. I see colour now in a whole different light! 🌈

  • Julie Norval says:

    The most important thing I’ve learned from you is undertones That undertone matters more than exposure when it cones to choosing paint color. I am happy to say that I am perfectly pleased with my whole house paint color thanks to keeping the undertone of my fixed elements, ie countertop, in mind. Congratulations on fifteen years.

  • Jennifer Lynn says:

    Stone is bossy!

    There are so many things I’ve learned, but that is the first that came to mind, so I’ll submit as my contest entry. I also used this truth to confidently select stone for a screened porch fireplace that would work with the bluestone flooring.

    Thank you for your blog, the color wheel and tools like e-books. Most of all I appreciate your ability to explain design and color concepts so clearly with a generous willingness to share your knowledge with the world.

    Congratulations on 15 years and wishing you continued success!

  • Laurie Schroeder says:

    The most useful thing was learning about undertones. I now knew why things looked a bit “off” to me. Also, more lamps and buying a colorful sofa were contenders for the top spot.

  • tt says:

    I love your educational posts. I have learned about how to avoid bossy elements and think classic. For example, we own a rental property with someone else and they wanted to install gray laminate flooring thru out the house. I managed to change this decision and get something installed that is not trendy. Additional I have learned the principal that one can add color thru accessories and artwork to enhance a room. Thanks for all your work.

  • I’ve learned so much from you, Maria! Congrats on 15 years! I love how you help me distinguish between what’s classic and what’s trendy. I’m doing some home renovations, and I’d like them to not look dated 10 years from now. Your videos and advice have been incredibly helpful in making design and color choices for my home that I’ll love for the long term! And your color wheel is the best thing ever!

  • Janet Bergeson says:

    I’ve been following for close to 10 years now and I have learned so much from reading your blogs and your Instagram posts. What I have picked up and used the most in my own home and the homes of my daughters is not only about the undertones in the room (e-books, color wheel), but in the decorating of the room, and how that the decorating can take the room from drab to over the top. Many times it is by using what you already own and moving it around and then by adding a few new touches of additional color. Thank you for teaching me to see color in such a different way! And congratulations and to many more!!

  • Tammy Hayes says:

    I love Lucy!
    I look forward to seeing her in your posts!

    Congratulations on 15 years!

    I am beyond grateful for your guidance in my new build! Purchasing the complete exterior
    E-design package was the BEST money spent EVER!

    Timeless, classic beauty is what you give with common sense approach and REAL people examples that even someone like me can understand and follow!

    Thank you for being YOU Maria and sharing your amazing talent with us ALL!

  • Anne Smoot says:

    You have helped me sooo much! I love reading your posts and seeing the associated pictures! Your undertone e-books, your color choice for BM paints, how to design a mood board, all are tips and tricks I’ve used. I remodeled my kitchen, including counter tops, and the choices really make me happy, and I probably would have made lots of different choices without your insights. I would love to come to Dallas to meet you in person, and to gain a lot more insights! You RAWK, and are certainly a joy to know! Blessings!

  • Lisa Glass says:

    I’ve learned all about undertones from you! I am a decorator and furniture seller and this knowledge has enabled me to better serve my clients with confidence! I read all of your posts and apply your advice and tips when working with clients and in my own home. I like to think I have prevented disasters! I hope to one day take your exterior class as this is the one area I lack in training.

  • Tiffany D says:

    This CONTINUES to save me headaches! It has also carried over into wardrobe choices!! THEN, you can DECORATE. 🤯
    Congrats on your hard won success!

  • Fran W. says:

    Keep the fixed surfaces clean, simple, and classic. The other (i.e., less expensive) components of the room can be trendy. Congrats on 15 years!

  • Mary Anne says:

    This was the most useful thing I learned, not because it was the ONLY thing, but because it made me a Maria fan forever!

    I somehow stumbled onto Maria’s blog over ten years ago when we’d just purchased a new-to-us house and had to make too many design choices.

    My first decision was the paint color for a bathroom with very “bossy” (Maria’s word) granite. I learned from her that with so many colors in the granite, I needed to choose a wall color that was in the granite. That complex cream truly toned down the bossiness and transformed that room into the loveliest space. Everything flowed from that first decision and made decorating the house so much more of a joy.

    Thank you, Maria!

  • Aimie Reistad says:

    One thing I’ve learned…how to choose?! I must go with lamps and lighting. I was timid in adding too many lights to one room, as I worried I’d end up with the local lighting/fan store look. Now I feel I’ve been given permission to get all the warmth and glow. I tell my husband (loves himself those recessed lights) that MK says they look like Swiss cheese 🙂

  • Aldona Baron says:

    That I don’t have to love everything that I pick for the house because then the design won’t be cohesive. Also I have been paying attention to design in the movies from the 80s and 90s and Maria is right – subway tiles are timeless.

  • Jane H says:

    “Boring is timeless!” Congratulations on 15 years blogging and on all of your accomplishments, Maria! And a cheer for many more!

  • Erin says:

    How to make timeless and classic colour choices. I love your trendy vs timeless series. It helps to see visual examples of what works and what doesn’t. It’s completely changed how I view colour and has helped me identify trends. Congrats on 15 years!

  • Jeannie Johnson says:

    The simple truth that I can stop being overwhelmed by choices and narrow it down to what works with my fixed elements and what’s staying. I can take a breath and not pick something that looks okay in isolation and cringe when it’s installed. That a boring choice can look awesome in my room surrounded by a unified whole. That I’m never alone in a carpet or tile store if I have my color wheel.

  • Jane Cassidy says:

    Dear Maria, after using your e-services in a few rooms in my home with lovely results, my biggest lesson that I have learned is to keep trying to get it right through all your wonderful posts. I keep trying to self teach myself concerning the undertones and have made progress! I appreciate all that you have done to make all our intimate worlds more beautiful, and thank you also for all your patience, as we have proof that you do endure after answering the same questions time and time again with expert results! Congratulations on your longevity!

  • Jill C says:

    I am a Realtor who advises clients on what needs to be done before selling their home. Often times this means painting, new counters, flooring, etc., but I was usually fighting some old finish that needed to stay to save my clients money. I finally took your course a couple years ago and it has given me a lot more confidence picking the colors and finishes. With the high interest rates and slow real estate market, I have moved into helping more people remodel who want to stay in their home and not necessarily sell anytime soon. I’m as so glad I took your course. Thank you!

  • Lori Szepesi says:

    Oh my goodness, it’s definitely timeless over trendy. I wish I had used subway tile backsplash when I renovated our home years ago. I’m ready for another refresh and will use many of Maria’s recommendations on this go-around.

  • Melissa Stevenson says:

    I am so thankful for ALL of the lessons learned. I believe between your exterior module, your blogs, color wheel….it saved me years of grief! Building a “forever” home utilizing the tools and advice from you – was priceless. If I “had” to choose the most useful advice learned from you, it would have to be to choose the hard finishes FIRST, rather than choosing paint colors right away. I was obsessed with choosing colors for the walls! Not realizing how much easier it would be to repaint versus install new flooring, or countertops! Thank you for everything, Maria

  • Abigail Williams says:

    Boring now is timeless later. Any friend that is considering building a home, I recommend you to her!

  • Maria,

    I have taken your in-person course in Charlotte, NC, and also volunteered the year after to make sure I soaked up all your great color and decorating nuggets! I used to think I was a decent decorator, but now I have the confidence to KNOW I’m more than just “decent”. I have been empowered by all the reasons why something works and doesn’t work, and how to remedy the situation with the right color (and undertone). I had for years given my wall color suggestions, and couldn’t figure out why sometimes a color just wasn’t working with the tile in the room. Thus, your training on specifying a Neutral wall color when the tile in the room is Bossy is what gave me the “ah-ha!” moment. When there are more than two colors in the tile, it’s best to stay Neutral on the walls! Love how you’ve shared all the details of your fabulous journey with us! Thank you for everything you do, Maria!

  • Mira says:

    Oh, dear Maria! Where to begin? I’ve been with you on this side of the screen since 2009 and have learned so much! Perhaps the biggest takeaway from your blog has been to keep the fixed finishes “boring”. Your white undertones e-book has helped me refinish my kitchen beautifully while being confident that things will look just as timeless in 15 years. Oh, dang! There’s one thing that stands out. Around 2011/ 2012, you recommended SW Agreeable Gray as a true neutral gray that won’t look like purple. I had never found a grey that didn’t look purple. I moved around that time in early 2012 and immediately painted my entire house that color. It was the perfect grey indeed! That color has stayed with me every time I moved, and it currently works beautifully with all the greens and whites I have in the house. Thank you and congrats!

  • Elle says:

    Congratulations Maria! Love celebrating this milestone with you and all your readers.
    My biggest tip was if you want a fixed element to “disappear”, such as an awkward placed door, just paint it same color as surrounding elements.

  • Keely Gladiuk says:

    Congratulations Maria on 15 years. I’ve been following along for many of them. Love your decorating style and use of colour. Mostly I love your trendy vs timeless reminders. Your new house is shaping up to be perfection.

  • Brinda Hammel says:

    Maria, I found your website when I googled what white-ish paint color brightens a dark room And then I read about lamps, lamps, and lamps. It made so much sense! Now the house is aglow with beautiful lamplight and my husband and I are loving it! I recently found your website and I’m learning so many things. Thanks, Maria!

  • I have been enjoying your blog for many years, not quite 15! Once I saw that pink beige undertone for the first time, I was hooked! I love your flamboyant style and I keep imagining myself taking your course, I can see it happening! <3 Thanks for all the great ideas, I don't always agree but always see the point! Cheers!

  • Dear Maria,
    Congratulations on 15 years of extraordinarily insightful blogging! So much of your advice has been extremely helpful to me. If I had to choose just one piece of advice that has been the most helpful, I would say it is your mantra of boring equals timeless. These are my watch words as I renovate my bathrooms. This piece of advice is helpful not only from anesthetic sense, but also it is extremely cost-effective. And your color wheel, especially with the white undertones, has also been incredibly helpful, as is your system for categorizing the various colors and tones. This has been helpful to me, not only in decorating my home, but also in my small fledgling, photography business. Another piece of extremely valuable advice has been your system for mixing metals in bathrooms and kitchens. This is also an extremely cost effective method of introducing the warmth of brass, but without having to use it in all fixtures. Wishing you all the best! —Carol

  • Paul Austin says:

    I have learned that color is vitally important. That lamps are your friend and I needed a lot more of them. I learned that you can help me make the house one that I will love for years to come. Most of all I feel like I have found a partner to help me through the challenges in the future.

  • Cheryl says:

    Congratulations on changing people’s lives and minds about color for 15 years! My journey with you started 8 years ago when we bought some land to build our dream home. I read your blogs numerous times to avoid mistakes regarding black (windows, hardware, paint), use of stone on the fireplace and exterior, and undertones. A year before we started building, I purchased your New Build eDesign (along with your eBooks) which became the foundation for our home design. We moved in two years ago and we are so grateful for our home. My sister visited our home for the first time for a family gathering and texted me, “You guys did such a great job designing and building your home. It’s very timeless!” Thank you, Maria!

  • Barb says:

    Congrats on your 15th anniversary! I am new to your blog and it has given me so many ideas for my home. I now know why I don’t feel great about the color choices I’ve made in a few rooms — UNDERTONES! I am excited to keep learning new design ideas — I have always leaned toward timeless design choices so when I found you on Instagram I knew you were one to follow. Again, CONGRATS!

  • One of my favorite things I’ve learned from you (and there are SO many things I’ve learned from you!) is to explain the “why” to clients. If you can tell a client why a color works, or doesn’t, you have them fully engaged in good design and in you. It’s wonderful. Thanks, Maria

  • Darlene says:

    I was renovating a kitchen back in 2014 and found your book White is Complicated….it’s still my fave. Though your class I took in 2019 was pretty dang awesome too!

  • Jill Buckingham says:

    Congratulations, Maria and Terria, I am a retired designer myself and have enjoyed and loved your blog, I like the way you see the world of design in a down-to-earth grounded sense, even though you are up there with the best. Let’s not forget to thank ‘ Tim Berners-Lee for giving us the World Wide Web for Free

  • Amy says:

    I’ve learned so much but the biggest recent thing is learning how to match the undertones in white. Just helped my friend pick tile, kitchen countertops & house trim for their new build and they go together perfectly! We were on a huge time crunch and your book on whites saved my life.

  • Nicole says:

    LOVE your blog! I have learned so much. I love learning about undertones and how to choose neutrals. Love your advice about not being scared to use color and have learned to make a mood board from your course 🙂

  • Cindy Fisher says:

    Such a nice success story! Just finished your virtual last week. Most important, starting with the paint colour is backwards. So many other great lessons too. Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Lynda McCance says:

    I have been following you for a long time and don’t really remember when I found your blog but I have pdf’s from 2012 so I know it was at least before that timeframe. A few things I have found most helpful: the colour wheel with the basic undertones, choosing a colour in hard finishes to repeat if they must stay in the home, and your large colour boards. All of these have been invaluable when decorating for myself and my family. Your large boards and colourwheel are currently out on loan with my daughter who is repainting her interior :). These tools have been used a lot over the years. Thank you for your contributions to colour and design over the years and I look forward to your blog posts each week.

  • Linda Hartford says:

    I found your blog just as we were starting construction on our home. I think the most useful advice was boring now/timeless later. I absolutely love my home with its medium brown wood floors installed even in most of the bathrooms. I have an amazing shower with white subway tile. Had I not found your blog, my home would have been Tuscan brown, as I didn’t know that was a trend and that it was over.

  • Pam says:

    I found you several years before our new build was to begin. As a homeowner who loves color (I’m also a quilter) I was thrilled to find another color enthusiast!l in this world of black, white and grey! After reading your blog to prepare for the build, I realized I should hire an interior designer to manage the project. When I mentioned this to my husband, he was not on board. So I said, you pick – hire an interior designer to help with project or I’ll need to take all of Maria’s classes. He said he had confidence in me and my eye for design so he gave me the green light to enroll in Maria’s two day class and take as many of the online classes as I needed to guide me through the build. Needless to say, I took everything that was offered. Long story short, due to the training I felt confident and in control throughout the many decisions that needed to be made from the time we turned over our own house design to our builder to the day we took possession of the home 8 months later.

    Yes learning to understand undertones was invaluable. Yes learning how to create a timeless home “we would love forever” was so helpful. But when the day is done, it was the CONFIDENCE in knowing why I was making a certain decision and being able to speak to the trades with that confidence and stand firm with my decisions that made our build run smoothly. We got the home of our dreams with no nightmare stories to share because I was prepared and confident.
    So, CONFIDENCE in the “why” was my greatest take away.

    Cheers to the next 15 years!

  • Liz says:

    Wow – to see it all laid out like that, what a journey! I’ve no doubt it’s been a lot of hard work in addition to your talent!! Do you still have the raspberry-clad woman painting in your current home? I loved that pic 🙂
    My learning of undertones has gotten much deeper thanks to you, and also that colour is more timeless than a neutral (who knew?!) 😉
    We’re very blessed you share with us what you do – and you ARE the Martha Stewart of colour!! 💕

  • Rhonda Walls says:

    I have learned so many things along the way, but I think the most valuable thing is how to create a timeless kitchen including to only have one “busy” fixed surface. I love your socials and your blog and would love to see you here in Dallas; I have my fingers crossed for that special prize. Keep up the great work, Maria!!

  • Elynn Taylor says:

    “GENEROSITY & GRATITUDE” … Your blog, from day #1, has shown me how important it is to be generous of spirit, generous of knowledge and generous of one’s time … YOU are so generous with your knowledge of color and your understanding of the importance of undertones. From your very first blog to the one that you write a week ago … you give generously. I’ve learned so much from how you approach colour, how you approach design and HOW YOU APPROACH LIFE! Many designers and colorists are talented … what separates you from the others is your generosity towards your followers as well as your gratitude towards them. Your gift to us then extends out in the world because I, in turn, treat my clients and contractors with generosity and gratitude. My colour skill, understanding of undertones, and my focus on creating timeless and classic spaces for my clients, directly correlates to how you, Maria Killam, have so generously shared your talents and design beliefs with ALL OF US! I gladly say “THANK YOU!”

  • dlf.frederick says:

    Congratulations on your 15-years milestone! That’s huge! I had no idea that what an undertone was – just that some colors don’t feel right while others do. The others thing is that lamps are key to creating a warm and comfortable home. Best of luck for your next 15 years.

  • Chris says:

    I confidently custom made couches for my living room from a small swatch in the store, and I nailed the undertone. It matches the rug perfectly and is exactly right for the room. This is all because of what you taught me about undertones and picking color. I’d really love to win the exterior paint prize since I have already purchased everything else 😆.

  • Sheree Jones says:

    White us complicated! Plus, if you can’t renovate – decorate! Remember to repeat colors 3 times in large, medium and small elements.

    P.S. congratulations on 15 years!

  • Susan says:

    There have been so many things I’ve learned but understanding undertones helped me avoid an expensive mistake in my master bath remodel when looking at some samples from the designer/contractor I hired. I’m currently on a lamp kick and have you to thank for that, too. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping me love my home!

  • Maggie S says:

    I have been following you for 14 years!! And thanks to your blog I found Kristie Barnett, The Decorologist. I took her Home Staging class and became a home stager. I also took you online class and loved it!! Thanks for all the information you have shared on your blog!! It changed my life…and I am sure that is true for many people!!

  • Barbara Everett says:

    Years ago I hired a decorator for the first time to redo my home’s primary bedroom. My husband was ill and having to spend time in the space. After thousands of dollars, the space was not what I expected. I trusted the decorator who said she would make my bedroom magazine worthy. During the process when I asked a question, she replied that “this is the way we do this in million dollar homes.” The room was not one that my husband or I liked or expected. The whole experience left me bitter and angry. I vowed never to to let this happen to me again. I began searching information to educate myself a bout decorating and I discovered the Color Goddess, Maria! OMG! The words of color sparked joy in my heart! Advice on color, decorating, lighting, and a timeless vision filled my head. My bitter tears dried while I binge read your blog from the beginning. At this same time, I met a sweet decorator who suggested that I read your blog! She didn’t realize that I was already a devoted fan. Your wisdom has influenced my new decorator and me to turn my house into a home filled with color and joy.

    Your greatest gift to me is your WHY behind your decisions regardless of the topic. Understanding the WHY has enabled me to not be mislead by well-intentioned painters, contractors, design stores, etc. Understanding the WHY narrows down the options which stops the number of decisions to be made and the second thoughts of whether the right decision has been made. I can sleep at night after investing in large purchases for my home because I believe in your timeless decorating vision. Thank you for your no nonsense advice. Thank you for your generous sharing of your knowledge and for helping to make my home a source of joy. I am truly blessed and grateful to have learned from you.

  • Cathy H says:

    Finding your color system has been a breakthrough event in my life. Embarking on a new build requires confidence and decision making ability I lacked until consuming your blog and videos. Everything is coming into focus. The best tidbits have been how to effectively use wood tones without it overtaking a design. Blending whites and woods so there is balance and room for bold color accents. I have multiple products earmarked to purchase and maybe could win something first. Thanks for the new skills and confidence boost.

  • Nance says:

    Happy anniversary, Maria and team. Thanks for showing us what you started at 41 and the power of vision and setting intentions
    some interesting things I learned from your blog was about using off-white window casings to match the wood frame holding them in. I didn’t really know that companies had off-white as well as black and white!
    From your class, I learned to pick out one of the main over riding colours in a pattern as an accent colour
    whereas I would’ve normally chosen a less obvious one.
    Lastly, that art from HomeSense need not to be impersonal but quick and perfect for the space
    Whoops one more unique view or wording which influences choices is the difference between for now home and forever home.
    Keep the blogs and before and after and rescues coming !

  • Wendy Leonardo says:

    The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to look for the undertones in whites and creams, of course, but also that some color errors can be fixed with good styling. I look forward to learning lots more!

  • Natalie says:

    I would love a chance to win one of these amazing gifts- you are always so generous. But I feel I have already won big time by following you for many years. You are simply the most charming color expert out there. Obviously you have influenced me to decorate my house with many more lamps than I had, but you also prevented me from making many costly mistakes like decorating based on my floor color, hanging my curtains incorrectly, and buying into the black and white trend! I love your blog, your advice and your sense of humour. Even my grumpy husband likes your advice and always gives in to my suggestions when I say you recommend it. I look forward to many more years of Maria!

  • Angela says:

    I have been following you for almost 10 years now and have been an interior designer for the same amount of time and have soooooooo appreciated learning how to explain color in terms that my clients understand and than can see for themselves that its the right color. Its like magic!

  • Joan Martin says:

    I would say the most important thing I have learned from you is using the undertones of fixed elements in a room when choosing neutral wall color or carpet. I’ve applied this method in my own home and it greatly simplifies making decisions. Thank you for all you do to inspire us!

  • Anne Day says:

    Congrats on15 years! I truly learn from every blog: color use, styling, furniture arrangement, mixing old and newer pieces. I bought the color wheel pkg and must say that really getting the differences between all the cremes/beiges out there has been profound and money saving, as well. Because I am a visual artist, perhaps, I also truly loved the tutorial on how to create vignettes. Like designing a set-up for a still life painting, only I don’t feel I need to paint it, and can keep changing it up to suit my mood. Very satisfying!

  • Carole says:

    Apart from the fact that a color has to be repeated several times in the room for it to belong, the most useful thing for me (on my journey into decorating land) was when you explained how paintings help to structure the space and create an atmosphere (from a soulless “empty” room to a balanced room where the eye is guided and can rest). Before learning this from you, I was dubious about superfluous decoration such as frames and paintings. Your advice that paintings should be considered as wallpaper and not necessarily a cry from the heart convinced me with your examples. Thank you for this one! Congratulations on 15 years of existence – quite an achievement.

  • SB says:

    The light bulb moment for me was learning that every decision is a COLOUR decision. Timeless decorating is choosing colours you love, not decorating with the trendy color. For a room to work, the color palette needs to work with hard finishes and the undertones. Repeating the colour in small, medium and large elements will give the room a polished style. Avoid using the same color on everything. Be bold use COLOUR!

  • Wow, pick only one useful thing I’ve learned reading your blog? Not possible. I’ve learned so much about color – so many tips and tricks on undertones, what works with what, how to fix-or at least decorate until can fix color mistakes, COMPARE-COMPARE-COMPARE, the list continues; decorating – how to work with clients, how to explain the whys, so many useful tips and helpful information on trends (current and what’s to come). I’ve also learned a lot from your e-books, which I’ve read multiple times and seem to still pick up useful nuggets on the second readings. Thank you Maria, I look forward to learning from you for another 15 years!

  • Helen says:

    It’s all about the undertones (which I already knew… but I didn’t KNOW I knew) and “boring is timeless.” I’m looking at renovating my kitchen and bathroom and the boring is timeless mantra has been going through my head as I look at all the trendy finishes.

  • Marg Fundarek says:

    I enjoyed reading about all of your steps to fame and prosperity. You deserve everything positive that has come your way.

    My Scottish Nana and Mom used to say, “What’s for ye will no’ go by ye” which means if you were meant to have it, you will. Like that rented house that you wanted to buy but things turned out even better when you didn’t get it.

    The thing that I’ve learned the most from your blog and products I’ve purchased is the ability to see undertones. I can’t go anywhere without seeing those undertones and learning to work with them.

    Thank you Maria, and continued success and happiness to you!


  • Shelley says:

    Hi Maria! It’s hard to choose just one—I’m so glad I stumbled across your blog for many reasons! The idea I’m using most lately is that sometimes you just need to work with the finishes you have—decorate them up to make a place you love—rather than rip everything out and start over. You helped me get past just being stuck in our current house to working on turning it into a home. Thank you for your guidance!

  • Sharon Lancaster says:

    For expensive surfaces, boring equals timeless. For all other things, color and pattern are beautiful.

  • Rebecca Burlingham says:

    The most important thing I have learned from you is how to see the undertones in different materials. I use this skill in my home as well as my career as a kitchen designer in a flooring store. The second most useful skill I have learned is how to balance color. That has been useful in my own home as well as my gardens.

    I share your blog posts about flooring with my co-workers all the time. I hear them repeating your lessons on undertones as they work with clients.

    Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  • Wow! Congratulations Maria on 15 years!! Loved learning about undertones and how you make your design magic happen in any space!

  • Karen O’Connell says:

    Probably the most practical thing that sticks in my mind as I look at my sad bedroom in need of help is to not start with paint color, but to create a mood board of furniture, rug, accessories, lamps and color all at the same time.

    And of course, watch out for expensive trendy investments that I would regret later!

  • Carol says:

    Congratulations Maria! I didn’t realize that I’ve been following you since the beginning! I found you through google when I was researching a paint colour for our great room with a very bossy stone fireplace… We went from hating that stone to adoring it! The big aha moment was your explanation of undertones… using a sheet of white paper to more clearly see colour is absolutely brilliant. Your advice on lamps and how to integrate colour in to a room and throughout the house has also been put to great use. I look forward to your emails and blogs and learn much from you. Wishing you all the best!

  • Tonia says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of blogging, and here’s to many more! You have been such a blessing to so many in helping us navigate the world of renovations and decorations. You have helped me in so many ways, but the one thing that sticks with me the most is lighting. MORE lamps in every room please!

  • So many things! Probably the biggest thing that you made simple for me is the undertones. I love the color wheel and taking it to 8 foundational colors to build on.

  • Carissa says:

    I am so grateful to have found Maria before we started our new build. Her advice has been tremendously helpful for paint colors (I used “white is complicated”), hardwood looking LVP floor colors(mid brown) , floor tile (marble looking porcelain and classic basketweave), the white subway, countertops, all of it. Even faucets! Doing “just” chrome. And the fireplace!! I picked something that matched the kitchen thanks to her!!
    I’ve told so many people about her color wheels.
    If it wasn’t for her advice I would be picking my favorite of every item and we would have such a busy looking end product.
    And I can reason my way through each pick thanks to her. The counters have a purple undertone, so we are using Zurich white on the cabinets.
    I got the “permission” I needed to pick a COLOR in two rooms, and for the bathroom cabinetry.
    Maria’s website has been my go-to for every single decision. So so grateful for this blog, and for e books and color wheels within financial reach.

  • Laura Wilkin says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! This blog may have changed your life, but it also changed the lives of so many of us who are following and learning from you. Thank you!

    I’ve learned so many things from you, but if I have to pick the most important one, it’s “boring now = timeless later.”

    Sadly, I’m afraid I will always be hopeless at identifying undertones, but at least I know what I don’t know, thanks to you.

  • Eva says:

    When you can’t renovate- decorate! And lamps 😀 Thank you Maria!

  • Nicole says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of an amazing & helpful blog! I refer to you as my ‘colour guru’ whenever I speak about the things I’ve learned from you. Clean vs dirty was the first big take away for me, but there have been many others – too many to list! Thank you.

  • Tam Aldrup says:

    I only found you a couple of years ago but I’ve enjoyed going back and catching up on all the posts! I’ve learned the correct order to design plan, and that boring is timeless and also versatile. And of course I am a lover of lamps now! Would love to join you in Dallas! Tam in Houston

  • Ann DeBolt says:

    Hi Maria,
    I’m new to your blog and just like everyone else has said, I have learned a lot about the world of color from you. You have a gift. I must admit that I keep returning for the stories about your journey and how you express your love for family and friends. Your transparency and honesty is so refreshing and funny! I love how you own your “bossy but kind” personality. “Spread the money around” and “decorate if necessary” is a great way of saying “choose your priorities”. Love and family. Priceless.

  • Aurora says:

    Maria, I’ve learned so much from you! One of my favorite pieces of advice is to use color on furnishings, and go timeless on your hard fixtures. Why go bold and crazy on hard finishes when you probably won’t love it in ten years and it’s expensive to do.

    I also love how you say we should lean into styling. I was saved from renovating my 14 year old daughters bathroom (it was an AWFUL miss piggy pink with orange-beige tile and a violet-grey countertop) though paint and styling. The bathroom is so fresh now I can’t imagine having torn it out for 30k when I saved it for around $500. Thank YOU!!!!

  • Elizabeth Littlejohn says:

    Like you Maria I started my new journey 15 years ago. I was hired because I have a good eye for color but I did not have the confidence that I needed and was in search for knowledge. And that is how I found you, through a google search and I have followed you since the beginning and use your knowledge, advise and what I have learned in your course everyday.
    I recommend colors for PET products for the largest manufacturer in our industry. There’s a good chance LUCY has some of our products that your advise brought the color to product development! Even though your course/blog is intended for interiors(Pet products are in the home) it helps me recommend colors for products that are sold at Petsmart, Petco, Walmart, Target, Costco, HomeGoods…. & so many more! Creating products through consumer insights combined with interior color knowledge sets up us as the experts in the industry. “Color sells and the right color sell better” ~CMG …and knowing the undertones of color sells even better~MK!!!
    I would LOVE to see you again in Dallas! I am trying to get approval to attend for a refresh, heck I may pay my own way if I have too! Hope to see you in Dallas 🙂

  • Brady Vickers says:

    I’ve learned a lot from you over the past 10 years or so. I’ve always found neutrals the hardest thing to get right and when I found your ebook with a real SYSTEM for understanding them it was a total game changer for me.

  • courtney says:

    Congrats congrats congrats on 15 years! I haven’t been here since the very beginning but I’ve been reading, learning, and following for a big slice of your time online. I have learned so many things – UNDERTONES (my goodness has that been a game changer), TIMELESS over TRENDY (my new kitchen is especially thankful for that one), COLOR = JOY so just go for it (your yellow sofa says it all), also a personal thank you for standing firm for a few years now that the GREY trend has been OVER for years (i sent links to your blogs to a few folks to suggest they consider not installing the grey wood lvp flooring or grey out the whole house and i’m convinced living in sad little grey boxes has not helped our collective mental health), and as an entrepreneur i’ve learned to TAKE RISKS, STAY IN THE GAME, and CLAIM MY EXPERTISE bc I see you do that so well, with class, joy, intelligence, and a sense of humor. Seriously, just thank you for giving a fellow color nerd some language and tools and inspiration and a community to geek out with along this ride with you.

  • Cindy says:

    It started with undertones, where I learned why some of my early neutral choices weren’t working. I prefer color anyway, so I was thrilled to learn about choosing fixed elements that won’t limit my future color options. Boring now = timeless later? Yes please! The more expensive something is to change, the more versatile it should be. It’s been such a relief to not feel pushed around by the latest bossy trends, and to have the confidence to chose hard finishes that might not look like much on their own, but will let my special things shine. Save money for decor! Thanks for that, and for the countless other things I’ve learned from you over the years.

  • Tricia says:

    I can’t just pick one thing! I am constantly learning from you about color and design. I love reading your blogs. Thank you for being honest and bold in your opinions!

  • Amy says:

    Undertones, Undertones, Undertones!!!!!!!!!

  • Kelly Wiens says:

    Mood boards. They are brilliant and allow for so much experimentation!
    Undertones. I’m a painter (art), and I didn’t understand those before.
    Lamps. I’m working on it!

  • Tina L says:

    I think the most useful thing I have learned is the balance between aspirational and reality. The reality is that like most people, I live in a house that someone else designed/built. I love how you teach the principles of stunning timeless design and how I can achieve something so much better with the hard finishes I have and my budget. For example, everyone loved my master ensuite bathroom, except me. You helped me recognize the subtle but hugely annoying problem (floor and vanity top had different undertones and both were slightly patterned). With what I have learned from you, I had the confidence to give myself permission to rip out the cheaper problem (the vanity top) and replace it with one that works perfectly. I absolutely love it now. My husband thought I was crazy to do it but agrees it looks so much better. I can’t imagine what I could learn in one of your courses 😀

  • S.Herbert says:

    More Lamps has been the advice with the biggest immediat impact. But so many helpfull little advices each time I read /reread an article of you.
    So much fun to follow you .Thankyou

  • Deborah Fields Holbrook says:

    I feel like I’ve followed you on most if not all of your journey since I saw a post of yours in the Washington Post so long ago.
    I’ve worked for a flooring company in Honolulu for going on 26 years and sales people in my store know exactly what an undertone is and I laugh when I hear them explain it to customers. Our company has grown so much, we have 3 stores and are the distributor for Cali flooring and sell to Lowe’s and Home Depot in Hawai’i we outsold any store on the mainland.
    I am known in my company as the color consultant and have given classes to my fellow employees. I am also the buyer for the area rugs we sell. I am also the source the sales people come to for window coverings.
    I came to your class in Dallas years ago as that is where I am originally from and I brought omiyagi (Japanese for souvenir) Big Island cookies. You definitely changed my world. Aloha Deborah

  • Sarah F. says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of spreading the color knowledge! How could one pick only one thing they learned from you? I have learned so many things:
    boring now equals timeless later
    only one bossy pattern per room in your fixed elements
    the fix elements, inside or outside, will be your starting point to choosing the correct neutral

    Thank you for making it easier for us non-designers to create beautiful homes!

  • Eileen says:

    Wonderful 15 year Review! What I have learned from you in the past 5 years…………….one can never have too many lamps in a room (well, almost never), look for the undertones in neutrals (the “clash” is everywhere!), pick “boring” and you’ll love your home forever!!

  • Lynn Paterson says:

    Adding lamps was a huge life change and brings me so much joy! I also have enjoyed creating elevated tablescapes that showcase my favorite items. The “classic, not trendy” advice is always in my ear as I gradually make changes to my home. Thank you so much.

  • Ginny says:

    I never knew I didn’t know anything about color! As a left brain person, I thought choosing a color was simple until I got to the paint store. Nothing I tried was working or went well together. Your color wheel is a game changer and would love the opportunity to learn more!

  • Jean says:

    Have enjoyed your posts on undertones and timeless finishes. But I really loved your post on how to create a “tablescape”. I have used this information and lots of items I already had to create vignettes in my home. Thank you so much for your blog.

  • Jenny says:

    I have loved following along and have learned so much! Biggest piece of advice is hard to narrow down, but I would have to say keeping things classic and not falling for every trend is something I use every day. Of course paying attention to undertones as well! Would love to take your class as I’m transitioning into a next phase of life with my kids in school.

  • Katherine Kruis says:

    The most important thing I learned was how to work with existing fixed elements in a space by discovering their undertones and then bringing harmony to the room with the appropriate neutrals and colour. Thank-you!

  • Diane Morris says:

    Recognizing that differing undertones was the reason why certain things weren’t going together has been a real eye opener for me. Also, learning the importance of how a color needs to relate to something else in the room. Thanks for all your helpful tips on what is timeless. And I love your color rescue videos! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Candice Montevideo says:

    Buy the wheel and use it because it works and you will love your home forever! Also do not follow trends/fads because you or your clients will regret it. Keep it classic and colorful. Thank you Maria for all you do for your peeps.

  • Gale Abello says:

    I love your blog. It’s impossible to choose just one thing I’ve learned from your blog. I purchased your e-book bundles in 2012 and have never looked back! I used the knowledge gleamed to decorate my old house. I now live in a small community with limited shopping choices. Looking forward to using mood boards when I shop online to decorate my new home.

  • Vera Linnansalo says:

    The significant impact of color, both on the inside and the outside (including plants) of a house.

  • Jadzia says:

    Happy 15 years! I’ve learned so much from your blog! White having so many different undertones, which finishes are timeless, how to tell what’s trendy, the color wheel is a life saver, and I love your ebooks too.

  • I love, love, learning from you! You are very generous with your information in emails and now the Color Rescue videos, and I was thrilled and grateful to be able to take the 2 day color class (I’d love to take it again)! The most important thing I’ve learned from you is undertones. I read a top designer state that she uses White Dove everywhere and I thought, yikes, I wish you could take Maria’s class! I describe undertones to customers in the store where I work, which sells textiles for the home (upholstery and window fabric). I enjoy teaching them! I have also found Janice Lindsay’s book to be extremely interesting and really appreciate this reference. You’ve made a big difference in my life and if I am successful advising people on their homes, please know that you have been a big part of my education.

  • Char says:

    You taught me so much about undertones in colour…especially whites. I love the neutral colour wheel! It’s so helpful. I’m always excited to see your posts in my in box and am particularly enjoying the new part of the blog where you pull together a room in an average home. You can be sure I’ll be following along for the next 15 years. Congratulations!

  • Maisy says:

    Although I’m a very new subscriber, I’ve read all the posts from 2015 to now in just a few weeks! Every chance I get, I read a few more! I’ve learned that (1) timeless = boring
    (2) undertones are everything, and
    (3) Maria is a very generous person to share her knowledge with us.

    Thanks, Maria!

  • Kay says:

    All your advice about hard surfaces has been immensely helpful, but the one piece of advice that made the biggest difference in my kitchen renovation was to integrate the kitchen floor with the rest of the house: i.e., to use the same hardwood, which is everywhere except in the bathroom. The kitchen has pocket doors (open almost all the time) separating it from the dining room, and the beauty of that uninterrupted hardwood is a pleasure to look at every day. It looks like it was always that way. I don’t believe I would ever have thought of doing that on my own. Thank you, Maria!

  • Julie S says:

    The most useful thing has been learning how to compare and see undertones to get that harmonious look in my home, instead of a jumble of so-called “neutrals”! Thanks for all you do to spread beauty- really 🙂

  • Ela Pobojewski says:

    The most valuable for me is learning about the undertones in neutral colors and also the principles of timeless design especially when it comes to hard finishes that will have to stay for a long time. I recently renovated the bathroom and followed your advice on timeless finishes. It is so easy now and in the future to decorate around it. Thank you Maria.

  • Wendy says:

    My biggest take away is avoid the trends and stick with timeless elements. It has saved me from myself several times!

    Thank for sharing all of your wisdom-

  • Bonnie Joyce says:

    Love your story! I have learned so much from you over the years that it is hard to pick just one thing. I love color and still have red, turquoise, and spring green on the walls of our living area (living, dining, kitchen). But they’re from 2006, when I painted the walls to distract from less than perfect furniture. It worked. But now we have better furniture and I’m ready to redo the walls. Your education on undertones and color balancing have given me the confidence I need to make those choices. Thank you for all you do!

  • Alissa says:

    I’ve not only learned how important it is to identify the correct undertone of a neutral element, but how to do so. Thank you for teaching us!

  • Lori Strickland says:

    I just started following you this year! I have lots to catch up on! I’ve learned you can be trendy ~ but TIMELESS is best. Especially when you’re getting ready to sell. I’ve taken your self guided Exterior Course and it was so helpful picking out our roof (color) which needed to be replaced badly. Also, not knowing all the other items that go along with getting a roof replaced…gutters, soffits , fascia…Wow. Choosing COLOR for all of those items. I was overwhelmed, but felt confident after taking the course we chose the perfect color for our home. We’ll be getting our home painted in the Spring and I feel confident it will turn out sensational because I had taken a great course with tools and knowledge in my pockets from you! Thank You!!

  • Pamela says:

    I’ve learned SO much from you, Maria! The top two things have to be 1) recognizing the undertones and 2) realizing you have to know how to compare the colors before you can truly analyze them. It’s been a game changer!

  • Leah says:

    We traded our city home for a little place out in the country, which we renovated this summer. My city home in the southwest had so much fun color, but I decided I was ready for a more neutral look. I was planning to paint all my walls white. Ack! I kept putting off actually buying all the paint, because I felt like something wasn’t right about it, but I didnt know what… Thankfully my friend told me about you, and the rest is history! We are finally moving in this week, and my elementry aged son said, “This place looks like a dream house, doesnt it?” Well, it’s our dream, anyway, and I am loving the way I feel in it, partly thanks to your undertones advice! We are also benefitting from your advice on lighting! I awoke to snow early this morning, and I enjoyed drinking my coffee in the library with the warm light making the atmosphere so cozy (from uplights, a small table lamp, and a cream shaded floor lamp thanks to your suggestions!). I’m still looking for the perfect chandeliers for our dining room and library, but thanks to you, we’re not going to be installing the clear glass one with naked Edison bulbs! Happy Anniversary! And thank you for helping me to make our home a more enjoyable place!

  • Julie Yorkovich says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I’m a fairly new reader, and I’ve been learning so much from you as I renovate my kitchen. I was considering trendier approaches, but you taught me the value of timeless finishes. You also opened my eyes to the existence of undertones. Now I need to learn more about them and how to work with them.

  • Karen McMahon says:

    Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with us, each nugget is incredibly helpful and useful. The most valuable advice that I’ve gained from you is to identify the “bossy” elements in the room – and if budget will not allow to change it- then determining the undertone and working with it is the only option.
    Thank you!

  • Krista says:

    Everything! But I’ll narrow it down to the two biggest: White is Complicated and lamps.

    I began following you when we started building our home in 2016. It was a very traditional style with medium brown hardwood floors, and a white kitchen with grey/white granite counters. I had purchased samples of paint from Benjamin Moore, painted up large 2×3′ sample boards and selected Cloud White for the cabinets. What I realized after submitting the colour selection, but before painting had begun (thank goodness), was that the sample of Cloud White I had was wrong. I thought perhaps the bright light was tricking the eye, but I went back to Ben Moore and it was discovered that the paint colours hadn’t dropped into the can properly. Because I had read about whites in your book I was able to correct what would have been an extremely expensive error. That is the number one reason I recommend your website to so many people.

    We have since moved out of that house and into a north facing home which is naturally darker. Enter lamps. I haunt the thrift stores and have come home with many beautiful and timeless ones for every room. It has transformed this cottage style house into something so dreamy and comfortable that I cannot imagine living elsewhere. They are so special. Even in the kitchen, even in the laundry room!

  • Ruby says:

    I ordered an eBook from you in 2012 which really opened my eyes to the world of undertones. You are very gifted and passionate about what you do and I thank you for sharing your design expertise during the past 15 years.

  • Lauren McKenzie says:

    I have found all of your content so incredibly helpful. We have been looking toward doing a renovation (hopefully next year, finally!) for the last couple of years and all of your content about traditional finishes that don’t assign a “trend era” to your home have been so helpful as I think toward what I want our home to look like. I think too the idea of having a vision board in mind has been so helpful instead of just piecemealing design choices which I could have seen myself falling into.

  • I love your love for COLOR! And your desire to help anyone who’s interested in understanding it better. I’ve very much enjoyed your color tutorials ❤️I’m an interior designer in the Seattle area, so I well understand how color comes to the PNW to die (😂iykyk)—your color tips come in handy as I try and bring my clients into the full spectrum of joy 🌈 !!

  • Linda Joseph says:

    Choosing one piece of valuable, most-effective thing I’ve learned is nigh impossible. It’s all important! However, the advice that everything must relate to another color is key.

  • Carla Phelps says:

    Happy 15th blog anniversary! I wish you many more years of happiness and sharing what you love!

    I feel very lucky to have found your blog when we purchased our first house in late 2008. My budget was minimal but your blog helped me make the most out every dollar spent in exterior paint and new kitchen surfaces.

    The most valuable learning for me from Colour Me Happy is the undertones in neutrals (I can’t unsee them now). Thanks Maria and your team!

  • marianne says:

    Undertones! Timeless kitchens! I already agreed with you about the glory of lamps, but I love when you talk about Swiss cheese ceilings. Also, I loved that room you did with all the Ikea bookcases.

  • Dianne Luke says:

    When you can’t renovate, ignore the paint, floor, couch color, etc, and head to Home Goods to decorate around it! That and every room needs, at least, 6 lamps!

  • Patti McCarthy says:

    I enjoy reading all your posts and can’t wait for the next one! The color rescue videos are so helpful and awesome! I’ve learned so many things, boring equals timeless, you only get one pattern in hard surfaces has stuck with me and helped me choose a countertop for my half bathroom. Undertones are super important and I now see things differently. Thank you for all the great decorating ideas!

  • Amy says:

    I found your blog a few months ago and have learned to keep my hard finishes classic and instead use color for paint and decorative accessories and other things that are less expensive to replace. We are in the slow process of building out forever home ourselves and appreciate all the design and color advice.

  • Angela Taylor says:

    I took your course when you taught it many moons ago. You lived in the apartment at the time and had invited the class back to your home at the end of the course. I had dreams of becoming a colour consultant but ended up helping friends with their projects. I have learnt so much from your blogs since and most recently was inspired by your consultation with your niece. The high walls were something I was dealing with but after viewing your video the light bulb went on and I knew immediately what I needed to do. The end result is a lovely gallery wall:) Thank you Maria and best wishes going forward.

  • Susan B. says:

    Learning to recognize the undertones in grays and beiges has changed my life!

  • Heather says:

    I’ve been following you since 2014. I was having a horrible time finding the right paint color for a bathroom remodel. I began searching the internet for help on how to pick a paint color and found your blog. We were also replacing flooring in the kitchen I was really starting to pull my hair out. The kitchen had dirty yellow/gold granite counter tops when we moved in and I absolutely hated them. The backsplash was a natural stone with a pink undertone. The walls were painted a taupe/greige and the floor was white tile. After reading your blog I was able to determine the granite actually had an orange undertone and worked well with the butterscotch cabinets. It was quite the A-ha moment for me. I was then able to found a floor tile that related to the cabinets. A subway tile with an orange undertone for the back splash and painted the walls BM Sundial. Which also worked for the living room once I determined that both the rug and fireplace also had an orange undertone. Life changing!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!!

  • Rick P. says:

    Hi Maria:
    Greetings from your former neighbours in North Van! I’ve been following your blog for 15 years, and I learned that colours and interior design is wayyyy complicated! I’ve been paying attention and someday hope to be in a new space where we can follow your advice and expertise! All the best and lots of luck for future courses and blogging!

  • Allison says:

    Maria, I love your blog and Instagram posts. I see colour in a different way and undertones usually jump out at me now. One of the biggest takeaways has been to use classic finishes for my hard surfaces.

  • Karen says:

    I’ve learned 3 things from Maria’s blog, and they are undertone, undertone and undertone. The most important of the 3 being undertone! And the undertone guides you to finding the right colours to decorate with, it doesn’t mean you live in a sea of neutrals! You CAN safely choose colours you’ll love to live with.

  • Samantha says:

    I have learn so much from following you and your blog! The most useful thing I have learned is when decorating to start with a piece of art, fabric, rug, etc. and allow your decorating to flow from there! I also have learned a ton about color and neutral undertones!!

  • Kimengle says:

    Layer that lighting!!

    Happy Anniversary.

  • Carly Porter says:

    I have found learning the undertones super useful! You have made me feel confident in my love for color and the decision making when choosing paint, hard finishes, and decor. Thank you!

  • Karen Ernest says:

    You’ve taught me that boring now equals timeless down the road. Not everything needs to say “look at me”. Keep the hard to change things timeless.

  • Sarah Patey says:

    How important it is to install timeless hard finishes! Oh and turn off the overhead lighting!

  • Vicki Barr says:

    Opening my eyes to the undertones !!!
    However 2 things I have done for years since taking the course.,,,,

    Hold Colors next to each other to tell if they go together

    #2 Color samples make a huge difference for wall’s versus floor.
    Walls. Hold samples upright
    Floors. Hold samples flat like the floor

    Thanks for all the training
    Vicki Barr

  • Joyce says:

    I have learned SO MUCH from Maria! My sister, mother, and I always ask ourselves “What would Maria do?”
    The most useful thing I’ve learned is the importance of repeating a color x3 – small, medium and large size – to have it make sense in a room.

  • Lindsay W says:

    Wow! The blog is such a great way to capture and record history! Thanks to you I’m basking in the warm glow of lamps and dreaming of removing my Swiss cheese holes during the upcoming phases of renovation. Thank you and congrats on 15 years.

  • Patti Gonzalez says:

    In 1999, I was updating a 1983 bathroom with beige fixtures. The color was actually called “Almond.” We were not replacing the fixtures, just the flooring, hardware and lighting. I wanted beige tile to coordinate with the beige fixtures. But all of the tile samples I brought home looked awful. When I put them next to the almond tub – every single one looked pink! Nothing available at the time seemed to coordinate. I finally compromised on a lighter, whiter tile that didn’t look great, but didn’t clash either. That was my first hint of 2 things you would eventually explain to me. #1 – every neutral has an undertone (and yellow beige and pink beige do not work together!). And #2 – neutrals follow trend cycles (and it can be difficult to find almond when pink beige is trending!). Thank you Maria for making sense of what I struggled with all those years ago. And thank you for providing education for when I want to DIY and services for when I realize it’s more than I can handle on my own. You’re the best!

  • Maja says:

    I learned about what is timeless and what is trendy and not to panic if a room is not looking right until decorated. You’re a great source of knowledge and inspiration and thank you for educating us. 🙂

  • Claire Humphrey says:

    I’ve learned so much! Obviously the power of undertones, but you have helped me a lot with lighting, as that was always a struggle, and my least favorite part of design school. Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Maggie says:

    Lamps! Simply the best additions to our rooms.

  • Whitney says:

    I appreciate your lessons on decorating around what cannot be changed. I also refer to your blog when needing to make sure a new design choice blends with older choices. I’ve become more confident when explaining to clients why we cannot do certain things because it will look really bad. Sometimes no is simply the best answer!

  • Ruby Doerksen says:

    My finger is sore from having to scroll down so far on the page to leave a comment. 🤣

    Seriously though congratulations on your 15 year blogaversary.

    I have learned to love and appreciate Timeless finishes. I added alot of trendy hard finishes in my previous home and the people who bought it loved it at the time. Do they still love it 13 years later? I doubt it. I know I’m glad I don’t have to deal with replacing those finishes.

  • Rachel says:

    Colors matter in relation to the hard finishes in your home. Use your undertones wheel for complete confidence in a paint choice. Medium wood floors are timeless. Go boring/classic in hard finishes. When you can’t renovate, decorate. Lamps!

  • Benita says:

    Identifying the boss of my house, which has a lot of minions throughout, has given me the starting place to reimagine the whole house. My big boss is a stone fireplace I really don’t like. Its minions are in the kitchen and bathrooms. I was thinking I needed a complete remodel but now I think I could get more bang for my buck replacing the tile backsplash and countertops and repainting. That would leave money for the fireplace. Thanks!

  • Virleen says:

    My favorite lesson: Buy the colorful sofa. By this, I mean a yellow, red, blue, or cognac sofa will uplift the room. I had a white sofa upholstered once more –in white. The upholsterer thought I was nuts. It’s all in the thread count of the cloth.

  • Lori Loucks says:

    WOW MARIA!!! Congratulations on 15 years!!! I have followed you for so nearly that many – your blog helped to rescue me as I struggled with finding curtains that would work with my “Behr Classic Taupe” walls (in other words, pinky beige). Looks like I am similar to most commenters, in that understanding undertones is one of the most useful things I have learned from you. But another piece of your wisdom is that wood floors are like blue jeans. I’m a real estate agent and I have shared your advice (and links to your blog!) soooooo many times. I’m not sure others geek out on it quite the way I do, but the wisdom often gives them enough info to get them unstuck. I never miss your blog posts and thank you for your years of inspiration. Where would we all be if you hadn’t chosen to change your direction and life? You have helped so many people be happier with their homes.

  • Cindy says:

    I’ve learned so many things. My favorites are the importance of lamps, how to achieve a classic look that doesn’t go out of style and the impact of color. So glad I found your page.

  • Andrea says:

    Congrats on 15 years blogging! One thing I’ve learned is white is complicated!

  • Jenny E. says:

    I had my kitchen counter redone as part of an emergency kitchen fix in 2016 (the 1967 cooktop tried to shock me and had to go!). Tile was installed behind the new cooktop and along the backsplash edge to cover the shorter modern backsplash as compared to 1967. My contractor failed to order the countertop I asked for months prior and I had to pick a countertop and tile within an hour on the first day of the job or move the job months into the future, which was not an option. I knew the tile didn’t work with the countertop (it was something he had in the back of his truck and gave me for free), but I didn’t know why. Your blog has taught me that it’s the undertones. I now know what to do next time to tie in with my new floors – timeless white kitchen or watch the undertones with another neutral. I’ve redesigned my kitchen so many times in the past few years while reading your blog! I think before any major renovations, I need to take your course so that I can better use your color wheel – which I used to verify that my countertop and tile undertones do, in fact, clash. Had I owned your color wheel and had a better prepared contractor, I would love my kitchen countertop and tile right now.

    The most useful thing I learned is to get your color wheel and use it! A close second is that a timeless white kitchen is a great choice.

    I’ve also learned how to decorate around or just ignore something I can’t change right now. I appreciate getting “permission” to not have to do it all at once.

  • Ruth says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! You have given me a vocabulary for what I couldn’t verbalize all these years – “I don’t know what’s wrong, but something ain’t rights.” Now it’s the undertones are all wrong. Thank you.

  • Elise says:

    Undertones & Lamps! When I see bad decorating, I’m beginning to understand why and I play a game in my head to see what I would do to fix it.

  • Trudi Rowe says:

    Dear Maria,

    Congrats on your 15 year journey! I have always read your blog and now I follow you on instagram. So happy to be learning all about color and undertones. I have learned so many things from you: get your sofa in a color, how to match whites with your marble, cut down on the number of undertones etc. My daughter just purchased a home and I am trying to help her decorate inside and out. I will use all the wisdom I have learned from you to help her make good choices.
    I just love your new home. It looks so fabulous inside and out! I love the new sectional with the fringe, the leopard stairway, the molding you installed on the walls, and the mural wallpaper! Fantastic!
    Trudi R.

  • Ashlie Dennis says:

    I learned undertones!!!! Omgosh who knew?! LOL. Your down to earth, easy to understand style is so helpful to a DIY decorating enthusiast like myself. I love reading your posts, learning from your experience about color choices & following along with a few personal projects. Thank you for all your hard work!

  • Sherry says:

    Maria – congrats on 15 years of blogging! It’s amazing that you are a design star among “those who know” in this crowded landscape! I (and my husband) have learned so much from you. The biggest lesson has been “boring now = timeless later”. And the bonus “repeat the color” for accessories. Cheers!

  • Susanne says:

    “Boring now, equals timeless later.”
    I can’t tell you how many times this has saved me from adding something “exciting” in my home ; )
    Thank you!

  • Angela says:

    Lamps! Lamps rock! You helped me with the interior color in my house which was amazing but I doubted how much of a difference lamps would make. Now I am a believer!

  • Maryle Brauer says:

    So many things! I learned to pick my counter stone first in my kitchen reno, then choose other hard finishes to coordinate. You validated my decision to use polished nickel, as a timeless choice, instead of all the gold I saw online. I love the kitchen and bathroom makeovers. You deepened my approach to use decorating to pull a space together. Most importantly, I’ve begun to see paint undertones better. HUGE!

  • Holly says:

    Oh my I have learned why the black appliances/furniture/accessories that I purchased in the early 2000’s always bothered me (they had nothing to relate too)
    I am learning that timeless is the way to go for long term satisfaction and now I know why certain finishes in my house don’t bother me.
    I now notice undertones all the time.
    So much eye opening content!! Love it!

  • Brenda says:

    I have learned so much about color and under tones. Congrats on your success! So happy for you.

  • Laura says:

    To have more lamps, lamps, lamps!

  • Sherry says:

    Hi Maria, I have followed you since the beginning. I have always loved your timeless advice. If anyone asks me my opinion on flooring etc, I always direct them to your blog. The latest time was just last evening after my friend had sent me a screen shot of the living room of house they just bought. It told her about your blog and she replied she had also followed you since your Vancouver days!

  • Kristie says:

    I have learned so so much! Definitely dont paint if you don’t have furniture picked out! Definitely avoid black in the bathroom for hardware or finished if nothing else in the room is black to anchor it up (I just told this to a friend today!), timeless is boring but you’ll be happy long-term! The fireplace style should match the style of the kitchen. I even put a lamp in my mudroom because the overhead light kept dying. Now it’s this adorable, cozy, mudroom that the kids love to go into in the morning when it’s dark.

  • Jennifer Pippin says:

    Wow! It’s hard to pick just one! Understanding undertones has been a game changer. I don’t even look at a space the same way as I did before, whether mine or somebody else’s!! I carry my color wheel with me any time I go shopping to make sure I can interpret the things I’m looking at.
    I also must say that I’ve also always disliked overhead lights and have lamps on all the time, put them in dark corners, etc! I’m so glad to know I wasn’t the only one and why it matters so much for the feel of a room!
    Also, your kitchen package was a game changer for me!

  • Sarah says:

    Maria! Thank you for putting the undertones out there in such an understandable way! Helped me know I wasn’t crazy for disliking environments that didn’t “work” and helped me recognize what to do to FIX them! I love that you are spreading the good word on lamps and color and JOY. And “ugly costs the same as pretty!”

  • Kristen Davis says:

    I’ve learned that that I shouldn’t be afraid of color! I’ve learned that you shouldn’t use black unless it somehow relates to something else in the room. I’ve learned that traditional tiles are the best option for kitchen and bath. I live here in Dallas and would love the opportunity to learn more from you!

  • Melissa says:

    Repeat a color to make it look intentional. Lamps will do way more to give your space a look and a feel than the paint color. You can turn the lamps on in the daytime! Pure white is not the best white.

  • Annie Wieler says:

    I’ve learned that color is timeless, and that there’s many undertones to white!
    I’m also in the process of acquiring lots of lamps to get that cozy glow in our new house:)

  • Leez says:

    Heh Maria, Thank you for sharing your creativity and decorating adventures with us. I’m only four years a follower but a happy moment when I googled colour expert and found you. Now I’m a lampologist and squint at undertones! Congrats on 15 years and a big shout out to your support team, Terreeia and Lucy the dog as well. 💛💛

  • Maggie Roy says:

    When I was looking for a “white” I bought your neutral/white color packs which came with your color wheel. What a game changer! I have blue sofas and was thinking on changing them out to neutral when I saw a black post about how you should have a colored sofa and work the room around that so that was a big help and saving the money. Lastly, the blog post about lamps and how to make sure you have enough light in your room!

  • jennymar1 says:

    Congrats Maria!

    I have learned so many things that this post is not long enough for all the info. I have a Note with 6703 characters with all your tips! I found you while looking in google how to work with a wood kitchen and then I got trapped in your blog reading for days. The most important thing that I learned is the WHY. The why of everything is the reason that made me follow you every day. Other than not enough lamps the most important thing I have learned, that I always use, and was a “revelation”, is the clean and dirty rule and the use of subway tile for a timeless look. Thank you for your amazing blog and I am always impressed of your ability of creating new content almost every day.

  • Traci Gentry says:

    Hi Maria. I have learned 1) Don’t be afraid of color and 2) you can never have too many lamps. I would really really like to attend your virtual course in the spring so I hope my name is picked 🙂

  • Renee Luna says:

    I have used your color wheel extensively for the renovation of our new condo. I spent hours agonizing over the “perfect” color for the walls. Your color wheel and YouTube videos helped me confidently pick the color, and I love it!

  • Sandy says:

    What haven’t I learned! Probably the most important for me right now is the variations of white while I choose my quartz countertops. I have a friend at work who is renovating her kitchen and when I told her about the various undertones she stopped everything and went home and watched every one of your reels on Instagram that night. She had no idea and you saved her expensive mistake (me too)!

  • Stephanie says:

    So much good advice. One that stuck for me was decorating and designing around the style of your home’s architecture. Don’t force modern on a traditional home. Thank you Maria!

  • Alyssa Altorfer says:

    I first found you 8 years ago when looking for a neutral paint color, and your system of undertones was fascinating to me! I’ve gotten pretty good at finding the undertone over the years now! I love your advice on lamps! I can’t stand overhead lights! I think they are so depressing! Even my classroom where I teach is lamp lit! Thanks for all the good advice!

  • Dian Jones says:

    I have been following you for about 2 years. When I discovered you, I had that “Aha! moment.” Intuitively I knew you were on to something with your undertone system. I immediately bought the books and wheel. When I couldn’t decide whether my carpet was taupe or violet gray and needed a living room pain t color, I bought your package. I am just a color enthusiast, but I have learned to see colors in a whole new way!

  • Robin Y says:

    The undertone system is the BEST. Sorting through materials with the color wheel makes it so much less intimidating! And dare I say fun! I also love the ebooks with the short list of colors!

  • Randi says:

    I’ve learned so much! I watch your stories daily and try to implement as much as I can into my own home. I’ve learned the importance of lamps for creating a warm ambiance especially in the fall/winter months. Also how to understand undertones and work with existing hard finishes. Thank you Maria!

  • Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! Not sure I can nail down one useful thing you have shared. I love all the information that you pass along. How unselfish of you to give us insight on undertones, spending money wisely when renovating, using timeless hard finishes and so much more. Love the You
    Tube Color Lessons. I look forward to viewing those so much. Good luck with all your future endeavors. I hope to enjoy all of your insightful knowledge in the future. Thank you!

  • Sue Watson says:

    I have learned so many things from your blog and Instagram posts over the years. My favorite so far is don’t freak out if you don’t think the painted walls ,etc don’t work you need to first decorate and style the room
    before you go changing paint color and other hard finishes

  • Miriam Woodard says:

    You have taught me how much lighting impacts the mood of my home and how I feel in it! I’ve realized that in some rooms, the issue that needed to be addressed was lighting related. Whether it has been adding shades to a hanging light fixture, adding lamps, or changing out fixtures, I’ve found this has had the largest impact on my satisfaction with a space and how I feel in them. Thank you! I could also go on about undertones and helping my brain understand what my eye could always tell but not put into words and so many other topics, but I’ll simply say THANK YOU for sharing your expertise and knowledge.

  • Alex J says:

    Hi Maria!! So many congratulations on 15 years! You’ve made the world a better place one lamp, and one less stark white and black house at a time. ❤️
    My biggest triumph, as a result of you sharing your knowledge and relevant tools to get to the next level, is my new house color! We have a darling craftsman home in Arizona, but with A MILLION undertones going on in all the hard finishes. Following your insights, we were able to identify a complex cream that marries all the undertones and makes this house SHINE like the star it is!
    I’m hoping one day to attend your two day workshop, that’s high on my bucket list!! 🤞🏻🙌🏻 Thank you for all you’ve done to help the world enjoy light and color in a better way! 💖

  • Jessica says:

    You hav helped me so much in figuring out the undertones and how to style with them! Before things would look funny in my room and now I see it’s the undertones. Even this week I bought gray bedding and I had to return it because it was blue grey and not green gray which is the color in my rug! Thank you.

  • Eva says:

    I am a newer follower and would love to win one of the prizes to supplement what I have learned from your blog and Instagram. I have your color wheel and ebooks and that alone has been so helpful! I love the emphasis on timeless, most of us don’t have unlimited funds to renovate every 10 years but with a “boring” foundation we can refresh without breaking the bank. Thank you for all you’ve already taught me and Congratulations on 15 years!

  • JoDi says:

    Oh my, so difficult to pick just one! I would have to say the best thing I’ve learned is “Don’t be afraid to add colour!” Second best is you always need another lamp because who doesn’t LOVE an excuse to buy another lamp!!!

  • Barb says:

    What a Feel Good story. Congratulations.

    I have used you online a few times and each time I realize how important it is to understand the undertones of my furniture and rugs in order to get the correct paint color. The results were perfect each time. The only problem Is that I still cannot do this myself!! I would love to win a free color class!

  • Barbara says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! You are one of two Instagram influencers and bloggers I trust. You are not selling the trend of the moment, but help me to understand timeless decorating. Because of the blog, I have been adding lamps. Love using the foyer lamp, such a welcoming glow and I leave it on all evening. I am learning about color step-by-step and use your color wheel, e-books and several online courses which I have studied and taken notes. The biggest impact of the blog is this: pick the paint color after you have furniture and artwork planned via Mood Board. I have been purchasing lamps and artwork and will be painting LR and DR in January using your eBooks bundle. Thanks Maria! So much fun decorating with confidence gained from your blog!

  • LizV says:

    Boring now equals timeless later- that alone has saved me a fortune! Plus, one can never have too many lamps.

  • Sandy Bruns says:

    What fabulous prizes! I have learned SO MUCH from you, Maria. The best thing I’ve learned is about the world of undertones. I never knew any of this. I love my color wheel and do feel more prepared to pick colors. I have to add that I’ve also learned about timeless vs trendy. You have given us so many examples and have been a patient teacher. Thank you for all your posts and time teaching those of us who are color illiterate.

  • Emily B says:

    I have been following you since 2010. I was in the middle of renovating our entire house and my friend sent me a link to your blog. I remember staying up ridiculously late, until I had caught up on all the posts! Sadly, I found you too late to save my bathroom from the trendy thin horizontal bar shower tile our bathroom guy suggested (“Oh everyone does this!”) BUT!! Our kitchen benefited immensely!
    My most used advice from you is:
    boring = timeless!
    Ugly is on sale (Beauty is worth waiting for– in regards to custom orders, samples to come in, etc).
    Love your blog!

  • Mary says:

    Congratulations Maria on fifteen years and that you remain timeless like your design.
    Thank you for your commitment to this blog. I look forward to each entry and view your Instagram stories daily.
    I appreciate your comments on white subway tile. I appreciate your integrity. Thank you for helping to make our house a home.

  • Mary Seitz says:

    Congratulations Maria on fifteen years and that you remain timeless like your design.
    Thank you for your commitment to this blog. I look forward to each entry and view your Instagram stories daily.
    I appreciate your comments on white subway tile. I appreciate your integrity. Thank you for helping to make our house a home.

  • Rachel Reinert says:

    I have learned from you that you simply can’t go wrong with timeless, and if you love a color, USE it in your home. It’s what makes your home yours and like no one else’s. Trends go away but timeless stays.

  • Stephanie says:

    Maria, woohoo on 15 years! Hands down the best thing I’ve learned from you is color undertones. I love it when you have us guess the undertones of things. It’s a little challenge for me. I’m getting better and better at it;) Thanks!

  • Janice says:

    What I learned that is priceless is that I was not crazy, that you can update your home in a way that is not trendy but CLASSIC and. of course, timeless. That there is a method and tools and that I don’t have to be led by the populist tastes. That was such a huge, huge, huge, huge relief to me! It changed my life. I can love the colors *I* love and not have to limit myself to whatever the trendsetters want me to select to create another suburban cookie cutter shrine to their trendiness. This was nothing short of life changing.

  • Gina says:

    Name one thing? OK… Everything in EVERY one of your blogs! I go skipping down the street like Dorothy singing “undertones, balance and lamps, Oh my!”🎶

  • Diane says:

    I may drive my family crazy when it comes to choosing colors for our home. I want to get it right because of all I have learned on this website. A major help has been in understanding the undertones of color. The color wheel was helpful, along with suggestions from three paint manufactures to coordinate with it. The complex creams posts helped me in choosing a wall color for our family room redo. Time was short in having to choose floor and wall colors to go with older furniture, until we could purchase new. Your insight on timeless choices for structural basics is always helpful. I especially can still relate to the advice of decorate when you are stuck with things in your home that can’t be changed right away.

  • Laura says:

    What haven’t I learned?! Honestly it’s been so helpful to learn about undertones and LAMPS. I am a total newbie to this all. Thank you for your guides. I’m soaking them up!

  • cyd says:

    Undertones, hands down. And not to be afraid to decorate with my personality and desires.

  • MaryClaire says:

    Congratulations on fifteen years! Your large painted color boards totally changed, and improved, my color consulting business. I almost always find the perfect color within the selection of painted boards. And if not, the boards make it so easy to identify the color direction that the perfect color is just one step away. Thank you for your theory, your teachings and your fantastic tools!

  • Pat says:

    You are definitely my person! I’ve always been a colour girl when no one else was, so now that I’ve found you, I wonder where you’ve been all my life! I know what feels right but I don’t know why, that’s where you come in. You’ve explained why. Your most illuminating concept is that of lamps – who knew it was the lamps all along that made it feel so great. Congratulations to 15 years of joy and bliss!

  • Vanetta A says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I love your work because you were the first designer I had come across that didn’t encourage throwing out beautiful useful things to follow the trends! I find you to have a beautiful eye in every aspect of design. I noticed the re-use of treasured belongings from house to house. Which spoke to my frugal soul. I love how you encourage individualualism in design. I once had a designer who was providing an exterior paint consultation call my decor vanilla, it broke my heart! I thought I’d never find a designer I would believe in until finding your blog. I follow your blog constantly and appreciate all I have learned from you. I would love to win an opportunity to learn more from you!

  • Clara says:

    If you can’t change it, embrace it (for now). Realizing that I needed to work WITH the undertones and style of my bathroom made it look put together. Now I can put that revocation at the bottom of my priority list while I work on other more urgent areas.

  • Beth says:

    Maria, I have learned so much from you, it’s hard to pick one lesson, but I think the biggest lesson is to use a large paint sample with white behind it to isolate it from the existing wall color. I used to do swatches directly on the wall and didn’t understand when the new color wasn’t quite right. My biggest regret is that I didn’t find you 15 years ago when you started blogging! Thank you for all of the free content you share-you are so generous!

  • Deborah Viera says:

    I have learned from your blog about undertones, and more importantly about your color consultation services. I’m happy to share Your suggestions for painting the inside of my house have been implemented. From Canada to Denton, Tx., in my wildest dreams.

  • Karen Lane Welinski says:

    I’ve learned the importance of undertones! Not to be afraid of color! To go for timeless in my new kitchen renovation! To add more lamps!
    Thank you for sharing your expertise and letting us get to know you, too!💕

  • Katie Schinella says:

    Undertones guide everything! Thank you so much for all your posts! Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Georgia says:

    Wow! So much! I’d have to say lamps/lighting and timeless features have made a big impact on me.

  • Erica C. says:

    The most valuable thing I have learned so far from your blog is about not mixing vinyl flooring with wood flooring.

  • Margaret Robertson says:

    Happy 15th! I have learned so much about color, the biggest is learning to ID undertones! I have painted my bedroom, bathroom, living room and common spaces and love using what you have taught me. I am about to paint my kitchen cabinets to match my green countertops while remembering the living room colors. I am loving my home more with every change I make using your advice!

  • Maria Kelly says:

    Thank you Maria love your blog and your design you have made color so much more understandable

  • Lumi says:

    Wow, I hadn’t realized that I’ve been reading almost as long as your blog has been around! I think I found you via Angie from You Look Fab — must have been around 2009? 2010? I’ve so enjoyed learning from you, and watching your business take off.

    I would say the insight I get to use most often has been to start designing a room around a favorite print, and take inspiration from the already-coordinated colors. I’ve done it decorating two new homes over the past 10+ years, but I also play with it whenever I want to gradually change the mood of a room.

    Many happy returns, Maria!

  • Catherine Michaels says:

    I own all of your E books and use them often. Also really enjoy your blog offerings and reader comments.
    Thanks for all your colorful wisdom Maria.
    Congrats on 15 years!

  • Katie Shanks says:

    Play with paint, make your hard surfaces neutral, pick flooring that has little variation, and watch those undertones! Love it!

  • Nikki Warncke says:

    I have learned SO much! Your posts always have quality information with practical applications.
    1. just 1 patterned hard finish in the kitchen
    2. Subway tile, subway tile, subway tile
    3. Start with a rug or art & then build a room
    4. add LAMPS
    5. medium brown floors are like jeans
    I LOVE your blog!

  • Marcy Roth says:

    Classic might feel boring, but it will last…white kitchens, colorful sofas, white bathrooms, subway tile etc. I have used this advice in our last two homes and have never regretted it. It has allowed me to use color in ways that I can easily change the look if I tired of it. I have also learned to repeat color to make it meaningful. Have read this blog since day 1 and used e-services when they were first offered.

  • B says:

    What I have learned from reading your blog, is that I am not crazy! When colours look off, it’s not me, it’s the undertone! Entertaining, instructive, generous and real – that’s what I receive from your blog. Thank you, from a publicly silent, but privately asserting fan.

  • Karen Stanko says:

    The first thing I learned from Maria….UNDERTONES are REAL! Pay attention to undertones and your home will look put together.

    The latest thing I learned from Maria…..get on the LAMP bandwagon because dark winter is coming and you’ll be glad you did!

  • Maria- Congraturitos on 15 years! Nice milestone!! I’ve been passionate about color for over 30 years and never learned anything remotely interesting and spot-on since I discovered your blog in 2018. If I had to boil it down to my biggest takeaway, it would have to be how you’ve taught us about timeless decorating. Can’t say I’m an expert at it, but pretty darn close!! In 2019 I landed an in-home color consultant job with SW in the Phoenix metro area but left in Jan.2020 to start my own color consulting business. I’ve purchased multiple E-books of yours, which has been a huge blessing. You’re my ultimate color coach! Attending one of your live workshops has been on my bucket list since 2020. One day I WILL attend! Here’s to another 15 years and more. Cheers!

  • Elise says:

    I may have followed you for the entire 15 years. I love everything you do. You’ve helped me understand what works and what doesn’t how to determine undertones how to think about hard surfaces and other fixed elements and most of all how to dream. Thank you for a wonderful and helpful blog an Instagram account. Best of luck for the next 15.

  • Rebecca Marsh says:

    Setting the mood with lightening. I went from owning only lamps bedside, to multiplying through my home to create a soft or vibrant atmosphere based on the time of day or mood. Your advice is timeless. I have to redo my exterior of my stucco home in Henderson, NV. I have pink Spanish roof tile, pink tone cream paint and black window frames in the back of house and white frames in the front. A mess. One day I hope to take your exterior course or hire you to help me fix my issues. I admire your confidence. Thank you for all the laughter and aha moments!!

  • Jean says:

    My friends are now so accustomed to my endlessly quoting Maria’s design ideals, that it’s become a joke. Haha. By far, the most important thing I’ve learned from Maria is to use a decorator ( preferably Maria herself) when starting a big project, such as a kitchen remodel. The money, effort and emotions you will save, will far outweigh the cost of the decorator.
    Second most important design tip I’ve learned is not to pick the wall color until you know what is going in the room ( rug, furniture). I’ve always made the huge mistake of picking the paint color then struggling to make it work with what I have. And I’ve undoubtably been left feeling dissatisfied and unhappy with the space! Thank you Maria for all the design wisdom 💕

  • Michelle C says:

    I’ve learned a lot following you for the past 6+ years. I’d say the most valuable thing I’ve learned is to choose timeless finishes for the hard-to-change things (wood floors, counters, cabinets, backsplashes). The second most important is one bossy item only.

  • Terry Woodward says:

    I’ve gained more confidence in using color. Before your blog/IG, I would tend to avoid making color commitments, but was missing out on so much! Color is my friend!

  • Elaine Chick says:

    Hi Maria,
    I think one of the most useful tips I’ve learned from you is to choose permanent finishes in neutral, non bossy colors and finishes. Now, if I can only remember this when I get excited about my next project!

    I’ll see you in person in Dallas in a few weeks. Looking forward to it!


  • Whitney says:

    The undertones and the color wheel have been most helpful! I also appreciate how you teach to use it and sometimes stay with boring or more classical hard finishes.
    Thank you!

  • Regina M says:

    We don’t need no stinkin’ accent tile!

  • Laura M says:

    I learned the concept of bossy elements (like fancy granite) and that boring = timeless.

  • Mary says:

    Congratulations on 15 timeless years of design!
    White subway tile for the win.
    Continued success and the truth always matters in the end. Thank you for your integrity.
    Carry on Color!

  • Wilma says:

    Undertones! You opened my eyes to the undertones of beige and gray and taupe and brown, and now I see them everywhere. What were once seen as muddy, boring, neutrals are now appreciated as nuanced, subtle shades that when selected carefully, make a room come alive. Your blog changed the way I paint and decorate my house, and your advice has truly Colored ME Happy.

  • Kristen Chambers says:

    It’s impossible to pick one comment from you that has been the most helpful. From the importance of undertones, to the value of beautiful colors (not black, white and grey), to the timeless versus the trendy, all of your posts are invaluable!

  • Candy Legedza says:

    Funny, I was just thinking the other day that it’s been 10 yeasts since we renovated our kitchen and I still love I because I followed your advice

  • Alison Curcio says:

    Congratulations!!! Wow!! I’ve learned so much (I’m a newer follower) but undertones being on top! Now I’ll I see are undertones!

  • D says:

    Undertones, undertones, undertones! Who knew?!

  • Krista says:

    The lamps and importance of undertones. We’ve repainted our home a better colour and for tips to tie in some of the other elements. We used the colour selection service and it’s perfect.

  • Cheryl Wilkinson says:

    Hi Maria! Blog birthday blessings to you!
    Picking just one is difficult, so I will tell you the one that rings in my head every time my perfectionist personality questions my choices! I can hear you say “if you’ve followed my blog for years, you probably already know the answer so just go with your gut”! Thanks for all the years of advice!

  • Ann Barta says:

    My favorite is “boring now equals timeless later “. I recently saw pictures of our last house listed again, and the “boring “ choices I made when renovating that house were still in place. That’s a win!

  • Andrea Amberg says:

    I have learned so much about why things just don’t look “right” when the undertones are wrong. I also love your posts about how to make big improvements through small changes when you can’t fully renovate. I’m so glad I found your blog!

  • Kathleen says:

    Ive learned SO many things! One of the most useful to me though has been that when deciding on a backsplash and a countertop, only one should be “busy”… the other needs to be simple. It makes so much sense but I would have never realized that on my own.

  • LoriGilding says:

    I’ve learned so much from you over years and refer to the Ebooks 2 renovations later.
    I understand colour so much more.
    I have to say clean and dirty colours is something I use daily.
    I bought the first ebook shortly after renovation my master bath and I just couldn’t put my finger on why I didn’t love it, something was wrong. Then I read about clean and dirty colour combos and the light bulb went off in my head. I’ve never made that mistake again but I sure notice when others do.

  • Debbie Bunnell says:

    Maria, I’ve been following you for about 5 years. I hate making decisions, especially about decorating and paint colors. Your blog helped me realize that I should repaint my master bath with BM Maritime White since I had mistakenly chosen a pink undertone tile (ugh) when I thought I had picked taupe as my hard finish. You helped me love my bathroom, instead of the dread I felt every time I walked into it. Thank you for that.

  • Wanda says:

    Of course you changed my life with the knowledge of LAMPS!! But you were also so helpful in modeling confidence. I love that. So thank you. Hope to win the training!!

  • EMMZ says:

    Fun post! Definitely the knowledge about undertones has100% been invaluable! And hopefully I’ve avoided costly mistakes in my renovation from avoiding bossy hard finishes and going too trendy. So glad I found your blog and have taken many of your courses. Thank you and your team for everything you do! ❤️

  • Kitty says:

    15 years! So happy for you!!! It’s inspiring how you finally found your niche. Of course I’ve learned so much about color and styling from you, but I also love reading about your loving family and your openness about mending bridges with your sister ❤!!!

  • Alexis Tressler says:

    I’ve learned SO MUCH. One of my favorite color tips you’ve shared is making sure things relate in a room to make it make sense. Pull that blue from your rug or pillows and repeat it somewhere else! Repeat small, medium and large in size. Really helped me pull some spaces together in my home!

  • Barb Hartmann says:

    At first I thought it would be hard to pick just one thing I’ve learned from you. But then I thought about how much I used to AGONIZE over a paint color. I now know that the agony was there because I wanted to paint first. Now I know, you don’t choose a paint color in a vacuum! You need to have decor chosen first. Duh. Seems so simple now.

    I often help friends now with their interiors. And they all want to do the same thing- paint first. Nope. That’s not how it works.

  • Angela says:

    I haven’t been following you very long, but I’ve already learned that the scale of your artwork matters so much! THAT’S what’s wrong with my living room! Should have known.

  • Lori says:

    Love all the information about undertones and lamps! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  • I’ve gained confidence in my color knowledge.I’ve learned the appropriate terminology and the importance of comparing colors in front of clients to demonstrate the reasoning behind the selection. And of course …… more lamps!

  • Margaret Ghannam says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! Most recently your “refresh” versus renovate series. It has inspired me that I can make a difference without breaking the bank.

  • Sheila T says:

    I have loved reading your blog for 10 years. It’s classic and timeless just like your examples! I am excited for your Mood Board course. Thanks for making your system available to so many. Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Natalie says:

    I will be attempting to build a house next year and I am OVERWHELMED with all of the design choices. I am so thankful I have found you and have learned so much already. I live in the south of the US and your style is perfect for me. Cheese lights and white is not necessarily neutral!

  • Brenda Martin says:

    I have learned a lot about undertones and how valuable timeless finishes are. Your advice has really helped me as I begin thinking about some renovations for my home. Thank you for all the advice you give and for wanting us to make the best choices so we can love our homes forever!

  • Tim Daly says:

    I am a seasoned realtor and I’ve always known when a room just feels wrong, through your posts I have discovered some of the reasons! Your trendy or timeless, and the connection between home style and renovation choices has confirmed you’re the go to gal for answers. Keep posting my friend.

  • Shana Clark says:

    How could I possibly pick just one thing I’ve learned from Maria?! Not to mix clean and dirty colors, that boring fixed finishes equals classic in the long run (saved me so much money on our new build!), to decorate and then pick paint color, that not all whites are equal. I could go on and on—and would sure love to go to the course in my hometown of Dallas! I can’t afford it right now due to aforementioned new build but sure hate to miss Maria so close to home!

  • April says:

    One of the many things I’ve learned from you is that whites really ARE complicated! I am amazed at all of the knowledge you share with us and the amount of energy you pour into us each and everyday. Cheers to 15 years Maria, and here’s to 15 more!

  • Catherine says:

    I’ve learned about undertones. I never really paid attention to them beyond “warm” or “cool”. So glad I found your site.

  • Gari W says:

    I’d say the biggest thing that changes the way I do things is to pick your items out first then your paint color. I’ve always done the opposite. Game changer! I’ve read both of your e-books, how to shop online and how to make a mood board.
    Your undertone guidelines are priceless.

  • Diane says:

    One thing? When doing my bathroom remodel, I almost made the mistake of not choosing classic white 3×6” tiles. I’ve learned so much from Maria. I appreciate that she always responds to my questions. Thank you and congratulations on 15 years!

  • Kim Jenkins says:

    I have learned so much about undertones and how timeless choices are such great choices. I always look forward to your posts and honesty. Love your sense of humor. Would love to learn more from you!

  • Kiki says:

    I love the refresh instead of renovate. Your u dertones have helped me so much withbchoosing pain colors with no worries

  • Katie says:

    Oh Maria, I’ve learned so much with each post and video you’ve shared. You’ve opened my eyes to seeing undertones, using lamps(!), and how to make design choices that will stand the test of time. I can’t wait to implement all your advice and love my home forever! Thank you for a chance to win one of these amazing prizes and sharing all your knowledge with the world!

  • Scott Haithcock says:

    Maria I have learned a lot from you over the past few months. I discovered you back in late 2022. Color undertones, why certain choices are timeless and others aren’t, and that lamps, as I’ve always believed, create ambiance. I’m not a designer just a homeowner with an 80s house in South Carolina who’s trying to do the best he can. I still struggle with identifying undertones and choosing paint colors but I’m pleased with the progress I’m making. I do wish you’d include more Farrow and Ball colors in your posts. Their color saturation and intensity is amazing. I’d love a chance to learn more so enter me in the contest. I might be the only guy there but whatevs. Thanks for all your content. Scott

  • Diane Morris says:

    Learning to recognize undertones and the importance of keeping them consistent is a game changer I am still working on. Also love the advice on timeless vs. trendy and the Color Rescue videos. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. Congratulations on 15 years!

  • Brenda says:

    Thank you for trying to set the world right with black & gray! Hahaha
    Congratulations! 🥂

  • Brooke says:

    I’ve learned so much from you thank you! I think it would be the importance of lamps and light.

  • Bookbet says:

    How do I choose just one thing? Everything I know about colour, I learned from you. Right now your styling advice is so helpful since I am trying unlearn a life-time of different choices. This granny doesn’t want to live in a granny’s house!

  • Laura says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I have learned the importance of undertones AND how to identify them confidently. Also lamps. I need more lamps.

  • Lisa Jenkins says:

    I have your e-books and neutral color wheel that I refer to all the time. It helps me to feel confident with choices I make, not with just paint and trim colors but with hard finishes as well. My husband and I have been renovating a 1935 cottage since my husband retired 4 years ago and I quote you so often that my husband now says to me “What would Maria do”? lol.

  • Kristin says:

    I’ve been learning to TRUST my eyes, and to choose a bit more boldly. While still staying true to classics. Thank you!

  • Nicole Hunt says:

    I’ve learned so much! Timeless v trendy, trends, and the undertone of neutrals. You have helped me significantly in my ongoing renovation. Thank you for your perspective and fabulous style!!

  • Sarah says:

    Congrats on 15 years! Your blog is an incredible wealth of knowledge, thank you! Among many favorite tips, my #1 is if it feels ‘off’ it’s the undertones. Your color wheel has been an amazing tool for this as well.

  • Emily Roth says:

    I’ve learned so much from you about color. I had always found working with color — especially neutrals — to be scary. As a trained architect and designer, I thought I was a total failure at color! But your work in undertones has opened up color to me in a whole new way, and now I can’t stop seeing undertones everywhere I look. This was the key I needed. Thank you & congratulations on 15 years of amazing accomplishment!

  • Jennifer Schmittou says:

    I stumbled on your blog many years ago and immediately felt a connection. I was always the one to decorate my friends and families homes (for free of course!) I even went to college and got a degree in interior design, which was a waste of money. They didn’t teach a thing about decorating, undertones or how to pull a room together. I never found a good job in design and am now àn Office Manager. I’m soon to be 57 and feel like I missed my calling…. is it too late to start over? PS… I too got the love of my life 2.5 years ago… Lollie, a lively, happy Yorkie, whom I adore! So I understand your devotion to sweet Lucy.

  • Erin Linde says:

    You’ve taught me invaluable techniques for analyzing undertones and appreciating color! I used to be afraid to use anything more than a “pop” of color, and you’ve taught me that color compliments color! My life and designs are much more colorful thanks to you! 🩵

  • Margie Brueckner says:

    Hi Maria! SO MANY GREAT TIPS! Black windows are not timeless or classic unless you have a very modern home, if you have white cabinets; match ALL of your trim (baseboards, ceiling moldings etc. to that white, in order to create a high end designer look, a square fireplace insert/box is the most timeless traditional look, if you want to save money; consult with a professional (you) or take some classes from you, so you can learn how to make timeless choices, on your own and “have a home you’ll love forever!” THANKS MARIA, for your valuable insight! Oh yeah and CHOOSE YOUR COUNTERTOP FIRST!! Message received! 😁

  • Lisa says:

    Congratulations! I love a story that starts in hardship and ends in gratitude for the successes! So happy for your life now!

  • Ashley A says:

    Color is timeless. Choose what you love and work around it, and it will always work for you! Thank you for 15 years regardless of how many I’ve been here!

  • Jill says:

    Congrats on 15 years !! I’ve gleaned so much design wisdom from you over the years. From undertones, importance of lighting, bossy elements, decorating tricks, permission to get colored furniture, the list goes on & on… Thank you for everything.

  • JP says:

    Moved into my first new home seven years ago with my new husband. When I say I am “slow” to make a decision is an understatement. I do not possess the ability to see the big picture. However over the past few years after finding you I am getting more confident and also carry my Color wheel with me everywhere. In the process of building a new home and watching your posts daily.

  • Laura V says:

    I am finding that I hear your voice when I am out shopping! Haha! “Is this timeless, or trendy?”, “Black (or white) is not always the answer!”, “What is the undertone of this?”, “Spread the money around!” and “Just buy the lamp!” :). Seriously, I have found such a shift in my thinking since I started following you and reading your blog. I find myself preaching the Gospel of Colour According to Maria to my family and friends. My only complaint is that I didn’t find you until after we completed a major renovation and I have a few trendy choices that we need to live with (black kitchen island and cabinet hardware, in particular). Luckily there is plenty of advice on your blog on how to work with what you have! Thanks for all the advice and suggestions!

  • Susan Heyer says:

    Congratulations on a wonderful 15 years! Throughout the renovation of my last 4 homes your words have guided me… classic/traditional is not boring, decorating is where the color (and fun) comes in, lamps lamps and more lamps, and the pant color does not come first!!
    Thank you for all of your guidance and knowledge!!!

  • SC says:

    Choosing color is so easy right? Wrong!!No way! Nope. The knowledge you have shared over the years has made my life a little easier. Now, when I look at a color I can see UNDERTONES. Mind blowing!! MARIA!
    Also, I have learned to repeat the same color (not wall color) at least 3 times right! Oh, oh can’t forget the table lamps,floor lamps, accent lamps…. the more the merrier.
    Congratulations for being an amazing teacher.
    Your ebooks are in my “tool box”too.

  • Gregory Ahlgren says:

    “Boring now equals timeless later” is my favorite rule of design. This is especially helpful advice as it pertains to hard finishes, which can be expensive and difficult to change later.

  • Melissa says:

    Hands down the most important lesson is lamps everywhere! Easy and affordable for everyone. And confirming that simple tile is the correct choice, I’ve always been drawn to it but others say it is boring. Boring = timeless. Thank you!

  • Dixie Long says:

    It’s all about the undertones! Thank you for putting into words and a colour wheel something which I knew but never knew how to articulate it! Congratulations!

  • Ruthanne Powell says:

    I have not done a big Reno yet to our 25 yr old home. Two bathrooms are redone . But the whole main floor including powder room need redoing. So I have been following you for almost a year and have learned a lot.

    Best pearls I have learned from you is obviously lighting. Lamps, Lamps, and more Lamps.
    Pick your kitchen counter first before cabinetry colour and pick paint colour last after you see what colour your couch will look like. And avoid pot lights in all areas if possible except kitchen if need be.

    Congrats on 15 years!

  • Pam Mason says:

    I have been following your blog for over10 years and I have learned so much. I purchased your eBook on undertones and it has changed my whole perception and understanding of neutrals. You are so talented and I appreciate that you share your knowledge.

  • Les says:

    I am thankful for your enthusiasm for color and good design. It is contagious and I’m happy to have caught it!

  • Tenille Buttigieg says:

    There are undertones even in white 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • Irene L. says:

    Congratulations on your perseverance and belief in yourself, Maria! I discovered your work this summer, while searching for how to find an exterior paint color with the existing brick. What I’ve enjoyed most in your posts is learning about how to light a room. Plus you aren’t afraid of bold colors. Thank you for your sense of adventure!

  • Alison Golding says:

    It started for me with the distinction between “clean” and “dirty” colours. I could look around my home and see that I have dirty colours in my furnishings,and that gave me the confidence to put stronger versions of those “dirty” colours on my walls: I have a yellow study and a dark green snug and love them both so much. And now I’ve moved on to undertones and have matched a new paint for my kitchen to undertones in the flag stone flooring – it took a while to find the right colour but I’m confident it will work because my colour wheel tells me so.

  • Dana B says:

    Congratulations! Learning about undertones has been invaluable!! Love my color wheel!

  • Hilary says:

    Lamps, lamps, & more lamps! Also, color undertones. 🤯 I went this long with out knowing!

  • Rebekah says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! Here’s to the next 15. Can’t wait to see you in Dallas. I’m counting down the days.


  • Vicki Jacobson says:

    Congratulations! I have learned so much from you over the years – and continue to learn!

  • Irina Rada says:

    The most useful thing for me was the wealth of information on what it takes to update a kitchen properly: get the cabinets to the ceiling, use a mix the metals instead of slapping hardware in the latest trend (a silver shiny faucet is almost always the better choice), get the right lighting, including that pretty lamp in the corner, add color, understand when the two tone works and when it doesn’t, thread very carefully with black, get your island’s shape into the 2020s and make it look like furniture, and the list goes on. All the things that make a kitchen “perfect” vs “perfectly nice”.

  • Katie says:

    Congrats on 15 years! I found your blog about 5 years ago and have learned so much. Ugly costs as much as pretty, timeless hard surfaces, and the importance of undertones, just to name a few.

  • Emily says:

    Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your journey! Your enthusiasm for color is inspiring! From you I have learned not to fear color, the importance of lighting, and guidelines for choosing the best flooring, among so many other things. Thank you for all you do for your readers! I am at the beginning stages of understanding color and looking forward to learning so much more from you.

  • Beckie Gaskill says:

    Congratulations on 15 years- I found you in 2013 while building our forever home. I was looking for paint color advice; so glad I found you. That and lamps ❤️

  • Mary says:

    I have learned HOW to find my way – my personal taste – while also staying within timeless principles. I found a guidebook I have desperately needed

  • Renee says:

    Congratulations in your 15 year milestone. I’ve discovered you recently and love your “How not to screw up series'”. I’ve learned many things but the most important is to watch those undertones.

  • Debbie says:

    Congratulations on 15 years. I have learned so many things, but understanding how undertones can make or break a room is my favorite. And then of course the value of lamps.

  • Beverly Effendi says:

    Hi Maria, Do you know what you have done to me? I can’t unsee color now. I am constantly looking at a room and assessing the color combinations. I have learned so much from you and you have saved me thousands of dollars and tears! Thanks for all the free advice you provide and the color wheel I purchased. Love 💗 you and your color world.

  • Evelyn Betz says:

    Maria, what I find so refreshing is your ATTITUDE. You aren’t condescending or haughty. So many designer’s ideas are unrealistic or ‘out there’. I’ve learned from you that being practical, timeless and down-to-earth resonates with so many people. As a landscape designer, I have found that my clients really appreciate this approach.

  • Kalah says:

    The color wheel and timeless ways to love my home. I love the idea of neutrals for base and using colors for accents.

  • Kristen says:

    Definitely the importance of lighting and filling my home with lamps 🙂

  • Kelly Robertson says:

    You convey a designer’s point of view and at the same time display curiosity as a way to delve into related topics. I have appreciated your viewpoint on understanding neutrals and their various undertones, that you don’t have to break the bank to incorporate good design elements into a living space, your approach in using color and that you can never have enough lamps and mood lighting. But most of all, I have noticed your never ending optimism, looking at things from a glass half full perspective and that when one door closes another one opens.

  • Pam Wendt says:

    I have loved learning about neutrals and their undertones. I am doing an addition this coming spring that will have a brand new kitchen. I’m planning to use what I’ve been learning to create a beautiful space.

  • Laurie Wichers says:

    Maria, I have learned so much through your blog since I started following you a couple years ago, that it is hard to pick just one thing! I think the thing that has stuck out to me the most is the understanding undertones, since it makes the massive world of colors seem so simple. You have definitely saved our future renovations:) Thank you!

  • Liz R says:

    Not to be afraid of color. A cheerful, vibrant space is what I’m going for in my home, and I love to learn from you!

  • Kelly Robertson says:

    I first started following you because I thought you had a great sense of style and meaningful anecdotes and advice. You are curious, convey a designer’s point of view and at the same time request feedback on your own design issues. I have appreciated your viewpoint on understanding neutrals and their various undertones, that you don’t have to break the bank to incorporate good design elements into a living space, your approach in using color and that you can never have enough lamps and mood lighting. But most of all, I have noticed your never ending optimism, looking at things from a glass half full perspective and that when one door closes another one opens.

  • Kelly Robertson says:

    I first started following you because I thought you had a great sense of style and meaningful anecdotes and advice. You convey a designer’s point of view and at the same time request feedback on your own design issues. I have appreciated your viewpoint on understanding neutrals and their various undertones, that you don’t have to break the bank to incorporate good design elements into a living space, your approach in using color and that you can never have enough lamps and mood lighting. But most of all, I have noticed your never ending optimism, looking at things from a glass half full perspective and that when one door closes another one opens.

  • Kelly Robertson says:

    I first started following you because I thought you had a great sense of style and meaningful anecdotes and advice. I have appreciated your viewpoint on understanding neutrals and their various undertones, that you don’t have to break the bank to incorporate good design elements into a living space, your approach in using color and that you can never have enough lamps and mood lighting. But most of all, I have noticed your never ending optimism, looking at things from a glass half full perspective and that when one door closes another one opens.

  • Joan Stead says:

    I don’t even know where to begin, other than to say that since I found your blog, my life has changed!
    Through your blog, the ebooks, and all your stories, I have been so inspired to take courage to leap into new directions, and take risks!
    Even if I do make a mistake, you have skillfully taught us readers how to compensate, and make it redeemable, without spending hoards of money. I have always loved colour, but you have taught us to embrace colour to bring us joy, which I can say it has done for me.
    I love that one of your favorite colours is yellow, as I feel that it represents who you are to us, you bring us rays of sunshine, and you make us feel good!!
    And that is so desperately needed in this world today. If we can pass on what you have imparted, then we end up doing our part. Congrats on 15 years!

  • Kelly Robertson says:

    I first started following you because you have great personal style and meaningful anecdotes and advice. I have appreciated your viewpoint on understanding neutrals and their various undertones, that you don’t have to break the bank to incorporate good design elements into a living space, your approach in using color and that you can never have enough lamps and mood lighting. But most of all, I have noticed your never ending optimism, looking at things from a glass half full perspective and that when one door closes another one opens.

  • Kelly Robertson says:

    I first started following you because you have great personal style and meaningful anecdotes and advice. I have appreciated your viewpoint on color and undertones, that you don’t have to break the bank to incorporate good design elements into a living space, and that you can never have enough lamps and mood lighting. But most of all, I have noticed your never ending optimism, looking at things from a glass half full perspective and that when one door closes another one opens.

  • Kelly Robertson says:

    I first started following you because you have great personal style and meaningful anecdotes and advice. I have appreciated your viewpoint on color and undertones, that you don’t have to break the bank to incorporate good design elements into a living space, and that you can never have enough lamps and mood lighting. But most of all, I have noticed your never ending optimism, looking at things from a glass half full perspective and that when one door closes another one opens.

  • Cindi Siniard says:

    I learned that all color is relative. You must compare colors to truly understand color.

  • John says:

    Hands down… the Neutral Color has forever changed the way I view color. It’s made paint selection easier, faster, and less stressful — and I feel more confident in my choices (because Maria taught me the “why”).

  • Lori McGinnis says:

    Lamps, lamps and more lamps!!! A game changer in our space…thank you Maria and warmest congratulations on 15 years…how lucky for us! 💕

  • Sara Fehr says:

    Stick to white subway tile, and other “boring” finishes. Then decorate to add your own personality!

  • Teri says:

    I found your blog when I was panicking and heartbroken that I had chosen a hardwood floor that was not what I envisioned. I probably googled something like “flooring mistakes “ and found your blog. It was a lifesaver.

    Besides undertones, you taught me

    1) My floors were pale natural oak floors. They are like jeans. Don’t panic.

    2) Every choice is a color choice. Mine happened to be orange beige. That was okay! That’s a starting point.

    3) Don’t do anything else without a plan and an understanding of color and undertones.

    4) A good designer pays for itself. (It would have saved me from spending $20,000 on the wrong floor.)

    5) Every house has mistakes. Maybe it’s a small thing or a big thing. Maybe it’s a clash in the hard finishes. Decorating is the solution until you can fix it.

    6) It’s almost never the light that makes a paint color look wrong. It was probably the wrong undertone to start with.

    7) Ugly is always on sale.

    8) Joanna Gaines has never been to your house. (That was your funniest title ever!!!)

    9) Stay classic.

    You have saved me TIME and MONEY.

    Your books of colors are like a bible, a ist of tried and true choices. It would have taken years for me to figure it out.

    I’m so happy and excited for my next renovation, thanks to your guidance.

  • Maria Franco says:

    Thank you for your spreading your knowledge! I have renovated two bathrooms with your help. White is complicated completely changed my perspective. Thanks to your book, my bathrooms look fabulous!!!

  • Gabriela Hull says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I have been reading your blog since 2017. I spent hours reading your posts while we were renovating our house. I know you saved me from many mistakes. I have learned that undertones matter, boring timeless and classic hard finishes are best, and lamps are crucial in creating atmosphere.

  • Susan Zager says:

    Congratulations on 15 years. You have so much fantastic content. I have always loved ambient lighting; the more, the better. I also like the pops of color you use. After reading your posts and blogs, I have decided to avoid the black-and-white trend. You are right; it does make things look heavy! We have been forced into a remodel because we had a house fire. I now have to pick paint colors and flooring, redo three bathrooms and pick exterior colors. I am going to focus on timeless colors and decorating. I am so grateful to have found you; with your advice, I will make intelligent choices, and my home will be beautiful!

  • Erin Bennett says:

    The best advice? Where can I begin! Really I think it is that it’s ok not to be trendy! You don’t need to do the same as everyone else and timeless will get you a lot further!
    Congratulations Maria! You are a real inspiration!

  • Robin says:

    I’ve learned so much from you in the past 2 years. You put words to feelings I had about undertones that I couldn’t fully explain (now I can!!) and you share my love of colour 🤩 I look forward to your blog posts and the colour rescue series.

  • Tonita Hickey says:

    I’m a relatively new follower, but I have learned more from you in a short time than I have learned from the collective over many years. Some of my favorites are to add color to grey; trendy vs. timeless; use classic choices in your hard finishes, and you will love your home forever; and spread your money around. I look forward each day to your stories and posts, and I look forward to learning so much more!

  • Ashley Finan says:

    One pattern only!! You either have pattern tile or pattern countertops in a space—not both. I cannot tell you how much your advice has saved me over the years!!

  • Andrea says:

    I am fairly new around here, but I am appreciating so much your Timeless vs Trendy posts. It has made me reconsider what I want in our future home build! One thing I thought I ‘should’ go with is black trimmed windows. You have made me revisit the whole idea!
    I look forward to learning more!

  • Joyce Fowler says:

    It’s ok to buy that yellow couch I have always wanted instead of some drab neutral color others think I should buy.

  • Sheree L says:

    I’ve learned so much from following you all these years, Maria! A couple of my top favorites: how to decorate around my Tuscan fixed finishes, understanding undertones better, and you can never have enough lamps! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

  • Cindy says:

    I’ve learned so much, but I’ll sum it up with Undertones (now I know why my precious paint colors aren’t quite right and how to correct them) and Timeless vs Trendy. My mom was pretty good at timeless and I didn’t appreciate her knack for it until you explained it. Thanks!

  • Lauren says:

    Happy 15 years, Maria! We’re all so grateful for your knowledge and talent and the entertaining way you’ve shared it with us over the years. I stumbled into your blog a few years ago while trying to decide what color sofa I wanted. I found, “Why A Colourful Sofa is as Timeless as Subway Tile” and I was hooked. There are so many nuggets of wisdom in your blog posts, and clearly more and more people are learning about you so I’m hopeful that in another decade or so there will be a lot more timeless homes out there! 🙂

  • Kristyn White says:

    I’ve known your blog in the later years so it’s fun to see its early history. Thank you for giving me the confidence to choose timeless over trendy. I love my subway tile and medium wood floors knowing they are like blue jeans. I appreciate your honesty and that you haven’t turned into an influencer pushing brands on your followers.

  • JJ Kadon says:

    Aside from learning how important undertones are, I learned it is best to select a favorite color for a large furniture purchase, since it won’t look trendy.

  • Tracy Back says:

    I’ve learned how to see neutrals in a whole new way. I can spot pink beige a mile away! Thank you Maria for helping me make my home beautiful ❣️

  • Edwina says:

    Congratulations! Love to see this evolution. Because we are doing a bathroom renovation, one thing that sticks in my mind is you CAN have mixed metals in a bathroom. 😄. Thank you for all you do to teach us.

  • Beth says:

    The LATEST most useful color tip for me was that a color needs to be repeated in small, medium and large doses. This tip really saved my bedroom. I have an area rug that has blue, gray and cream in it, so when it was time to buy blackout curtains I decided to go with blue. Then I wanted a new duvet cover and I thought, “Blue!” But wait a minute… We have 6 curtain panels flanking the windows and sliders spanning an entire wall. That’s a large dose of blue already. So instead I bought a blue blanket to lay folded across the foot of the bed and mwah (finger kiss)! That was the perfect amount of blue. A whole duvet cover would have been too much. Thank you, Maria!

  • Glenetta Roberts says:

    The most useful thing I have learned from you is about the neutral undertones. I had no idea about these before reading your information and ebooks. Thanks!

  • Ruth Shepard says:

    When I found your system, it was such a breath of fresh air and it resonated with me so much. The one thing I’ve learned that use over and over again is “repeat it”. Suddenly my rooms start to come together and feel cohesive.
    Looking forward to learning more from you! Specifically, decorating with darker color furniture. With kids, I just can’t do the white furniture, help! (I’m not willing to wash white slip covers every month- life is short. 🙂

  • Teresa says:

    It sounds like an easy answer, but the lamps. When I first heard you say that more lamps immediately make a space feel more designer, my eyes were opened. I now see how much of a difference it makes to the feel of the room.

  • Sarah C says:

    Hi Maria! Ask my friends I quote you often! My faves are “ugly is on sale” and “boring now equals timeless later”. Thank you for sharing so much useful and valuable information over these 15 years!

  • Kathleen R. says:

    Congrats on your years !
    My take away from following your blog is, “You’re not alone trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t when creating a lifestyle environment. You’re a guide for making sense of all the visual clutter we’re daily exposed to.”
    I’ve always been told I have a knack for decorating, but never the confidence or credentials to convince others I know what I’m doing. And, having an art degree helps with aesthetics, but is a far cry from interior design.
    There’s been my fear of wrong choices, bad colors, other people’s opinions, and feeling in over my head. Too many choices and directions to follow. And, thinking about the cost of “all this wonderfulness ” is overwhelming .
    Your blogs have given me the “why” things work, and how design choices reflect many variations of any style, yet are controlled by art principles. Till now, it seemed like there was a secret ” magic” formula that only interior designers & decorators knew about.
    Thanks for opening the doors for the rest of us.

  • Ashley says:

    Trendy vs timeless! And choose the paint colour last…I was always looking at paint first but this makes so much more sense!

  • Marcie says:

    So much useful stuff! Undertones, how to think about white, effect of sun on color, lamps lamps lamps, avoiding exterior stone, boring equals timeless, only one pattern in hard finishes…

  • Marci says:

    I am so very happy I found your blog! The most important thing I have learned from you over the years is the wisdom of avoiding installing anything “Bossy” in our open floorplan home. With your custom expert advice, I chose a creamy white backsplash and countertops that coordinate perfectly with the existing cabinets and let the open beamed ceiling and view in the great room be the star of the show. I hope to work with you again when we tackle the exterior next summer.

  • Cynthia says:

    Way way back in the day, 2011 I believe, I googled how to paint oak cupboards😀 and discovered Maria. What a blessing! I have painted the oak cupboards and got all her e books. Learnt so much… timeless vs trendy, bossy fixed elements, dirty vs clean color, undertones, variations of white… Maria what a rock star!!!I love being a groupie🥰

  • Allison Jolliff says:

    I am so grateful that I found you on Instagram! I have loved learning about the top renovation mistakes and how to avoid them. Thank you for your expertise and wisdom!

  • Linda Moore says:

    I loved learning about ‘understanding undertones’. Brilliant! Love you!

  • Linda says:

    Understanding Undertones.
    Love you!

  • Jessica says:

    I found your blog mid-renovation of my kitchen last year. Just in time to help pick the tile, backsplash and cabinet colors! Thank goodness, because I definitely was on the verge of choosing something “more exciting” for the tile. But I listened to your mantras of “boring now equals timeless later” and “color is timeless” and a year later, I still love my kitchen. Thank you!

  • Catherine Peterson says:

    How can I pick just one thing? Undertones and Contrast! Wow has it transformed our home and made it easier to renovate and decorate this past year. Thank you!

  • Magdalena Klimowicz says:

    I have learned so much! First of all you were the very person who showed me the importance of classic and timeless house and how chasing the temporary trends can leave us always searching and never finding our happiness in our space. Next- you had opened for me the door to the world of undertones, and how really important it is to be able to recognize them and combine them proper way. Also- I like your bold and honest style in your posts, and your love of the light (yes! the lamps) and of the color. There’s so much more.

  • Cecilia says:

    The color wheel, e-books, and large color samples have been such great learning tools! I’m having a blast designing my first home

  • Linda F. says:

    Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! Not sure when I found you (it’s been a while) and you have taught me so much about color. Your new ‘Colour Rescues’ really showcase what you can do and are so fun to watch. The best advice I’ve gotten has been the lamps. Went from 2 for 25 years (!) to 5 recently – atmosphere has really improved!

  • Julie R. says:

    So many things come to mind–of course, undertones! Also lamps, and “decorate around the problem when you can’t fix it.” Love it!

  • Cindi Saiewitz says:

    I learned not to be afraid of color, that an update doesn’t have to be perfect, and that timeless may be boring at first but you will be grateful later when you can just change paint and get a whole new look. Oh yeah, and I need more lamps!!

  • Audrey says:

    Yipeeeee!! Congratulations on 15 years!
    So many things have brought clarity and made me see things in a way I hadn’t considered before. But right now, as I look towards a kitchen renovation, my top pick would have to be “Pick your countertops first!” Especially since we will be using marble. You always think classic white cabinets will go with anything, but you are so right, you have to get the undertones right. It’s so much easier to match paint to other elements than the other way around! Thanks Maria!!

  • Jaclyn Bowman says:

    My favourite thing that I’ve learned from your blog is that simple solutions (e.g., paint, styling) are sometimes the best immediate option and could help you avoid or delay a renovation. I appreciate your practical and budget conscious approach.

  • Anneli Tiainen says:

    Congratulations on the 15 years!I think one of your strengths is that you have the ability to make posts that are touching and eye-opening and make one realize that color is something that can be learned. You opened my eyes and I am grateful for that.

  • Anna says:

    You have taught me when in doubt, decorate! And the world needs less overhead lighting and more lamps! I can’t unsee it. Love love love your family and your content!!

  • Claudia says:

    Awesome look-back for sure, and absolutely inspiring. Your content is useful, practical, and down-to-earth. I appreciate your sense of humor, too. In terms of memorable advice — many tips come to mind from using white sheets of paper behind paint swatches, to MORE LAMPS, to don’t pick the paint color first (pick furniture or fabric or anything else before the paint color). Of all the things, you should know that your authenticity and bravery empower others beyond your design expertise. I remember reading your blog post about sharing with your online audience that you have a wife. I could feel the angst of those words as you battled over the potential impact it could have on your rising professional success. I’m so glad that the Maria in you won out… It would seem to me that the Maria we see — the vibrant, personable, and determined individual who can only be 100% authentically her at any given moment — made the right choice. Thank you for the many ways you honor your wife and the role she plays in the business you have grown together. It’s a beautiful example of what can be accomplished when two people of different backgrounds and strengths come together around a passion or common interest and a dedication to solving problems. Only the two of you know the sacrifices made along the way of the journey that has brought you to now. Celebrate this milestone and keep doing great things. One day, my wife and I hope to run into you both… We would love to chat over coffee!

  • Flor says:

    You have put a name to what I always seen and it’s undertone and how the family of undertones really put a perspective on color when I was always taught color through the color wheel. So having said that I thank you for your color wheel of undertones

  • Rebecca says:

    Once I found your “color me happy”, about a year into your blogging, I went back and read all your past posts.
    What I learned was, look for the undertone. It gave a name to what I naturally saw but did not recognize. Shortly afterwards there was a major magazine with an article featuring a cute home. I could instantly see why I felt the room was off.
    I honestly can say, your blog has given me the words to use when discussing color. What is the undertone and why it makes a difference.

  • Yvonne M. says:

    Your “How not to screw up your renovation” series affirmed my preference for simple, classic styles and helped me see that they need not be boring or uninspired. It also taught me that classic design choices have longevity, which totally appeals to my thrifty nature! You have such a gift for communicating succinctly, clearly and with such warmth. Congratulations on 15 colorful years! 🥰

  • Ada says:

    Hi Maria, I really enjoy your attitude about spreading the money around in a remodel instead of a complete renovation. Most folks, like myself, don’t have a lot of money to gut the kitchen and start from scratch. A few key elements to replace or to paint will often give extended life to a room. I recently did a small makeover of my bathroom and kitchen and used the money I saved for a trip!
    Thanks for your enthusiasm and practical design tips.
    Ada from Nova Scotia

  • Lori T says:

    I have learned the concept of undertones as well as not being scared of a ooo of color in decorating and how to do it in a balanced way

  • Jaclyn Bauer says:

    I have learned many things but the biggest is the undertones of neutrals. Neutrals don’t even exist to me now bc all I see are their undertones. I’ve been doing a major renovation this year without a designer and I feel confident in 99% of my choices bc of what I’ve learned here.

  • Tina Redecop says:

    Congrats on 15 years! I’d love to win one of these prizes! I’ve learned the importance of lamps and timeless finishes. I love reading your blog.

  • Valerie says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I don’t remember when I started reading your blog, but it was only a year or two after I moved into my current home in 2012. I have learned so many things from your blog it’s hard to choose the best. However, right after I moved in with my enormous renovation plans, my mom, dad, and husband got quite ill, so they became my priority, and the renovations were put on hold for more than five years. Family first! The finishes, fixtures, and wall colors that I hated had to stay. Your advice, “If you hate a color and cannot change it, repeat it,” was the most helpful thing from your blog. I repeated the dark burgundy and other deep tones in my decorations and found that the rooms looked much better.
    A couple of years after my mom and dad passed and my husband had recovered from his heart attack and bypass, we renovated, and everything else I had read helped us choose our new fixtures and finishes. We bought your paint color package which helped us choose the wall color, too.

  • Martha says:

    Do as Maria says, and you will love your house forever! Happy 15 years!

  • Nancy Vanstone says:

    Results For “Congratulations on all you have accomplished over the past 15 years. I’ve been an avid follower for about 15 months and bought your books in “whites” and “shopping online”. All so helpful as I have gone through a major reno of a condo. Your advice was game changing for me to have better information to select the hard finishes during this reno. You do a great job in this blog! And your advice on LAMPS and lighting is awesome. Here’s to another 15. Thanks Maria— 👍”

  • Sara Valentino says:

    It’s clear from all of the amazing comments here that you’ve had an incredible impact on so many people over the years. I’ve been following your journey for the past 2 years as I’m in the process of self-building my own home (with no prior experience). Your content has helped guide me make confident design choices (like only putting pot lights in the kitchen and planning my outlets for enough lamps!). Within the next few months I will be starting to pick out the finishes and will keep implementing the endless list of things I’ve learned to make my dream home timeless. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, making me laugh and for documenting your journey. Happy Blogiversary!!

  • Sabrina says:

    When I first started to read your blog, the biggest Ah ha moment was about all the different undertones that I was not paying attention to when finding my paints. As I continued to follow you, the next useful advice was about lighting & lamps. Can’t have enough lamps! Congratulations on 15 years and your continued success!

  • Lee Bombard says:

    There are two very important things I learned from following you number one is the importance of undertones and how they work with wall color cabinet color, trim color, even flooring, appliances, and hardware and the second is I’d love how you over, grouted the stone on your home that to me was eye-opening

  • Laurie says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I love all of your design advice – everything doesn’t have to be black and white, decorate not renovate and timeless never goes out of style. I’m so happy I found you on Instagram and look forward to so much more in the future!

  • Rory says:

    So many takeaways..really too many to list here over all the years. My favorite..small lamps in the kitchen, makes it feel so warm and cozy!!!!

  • Leesa Herndon says:

    My husband and I are building our dream home on a mountain in Montana! We are choosing flooring, cabinets, countertops, tile, etc., from our home in Florida! I have given your color wheel a workout, taking it everywhere and finding the undertone in everything we look at.
    I have loved your “10 things” about building and decorating! Thanks and congrats on your fabulous business!
    Sincerely, Leesa

  • Glorianna says:

    So many things to love-the inquiry’s from readers, before and afters, but the color wheel is my top favorite ever. Use it for all my selections.
    Congratulations on the anniversary!

  • Dana Dalbak says:

    Start with the hard surfaces, then find the undertone! Embarressed to tell you how many times I painted my living room before I learned how to do this!

  • Leann says:

    Learning to spot timeless verses trendy choices! I’d love to win one of these

  • Catherine McMakin says:

    Congratulations Maria on 15 years! Thank you for sharing your knowledge of color…it has been most helpful in choosing the colors in my home!
    Best regards,

  • Charlene says:

    Your blogs have taught me so much. Undertones, choosing timeless basics. It informs all decisions I make now. Thank you for your blogs.

  • Victoria Saccaro says:

    I learned about color undertones. My sisters and I redecorated a bedroom in my parents home and I taught them about color undertones. They were making fun of me while we were shopping. The bedroom turned out beautifully. Now they follow you on Instagram and talk about color undertones all the time!

  • Beth L says:

    Definitely the most useful thing I have learned from you (took an LA class many years ago) is seeing the undertones in beiges & greys. It has served me well…and driven me crazy. Ha! Happy anniversary!

  • Anne-Marie says:

    My most helpful lesson from your blog is a seemingly contradictory pair of ideas. On the one hand, you have to submit to your bossy hard finishes; on the other hand, sometimes you can ignore one if everything else coordinates properly. The bathroom with the jacuzzi from the most recent colour rescue video is a good example.
    Congratulations, Maria, and thank you!

  • Pam says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I started following you while you lived in the townhouse and have so enjoyed your opinions and perspective. There are so many things I’ve learned from you. Lamps are better than any other lighting. I know why colors seem “off”, things I can no longer “unsee”😄
    You are fabulous, celebrate you😉

  • Carolyn says:

    I have learned that whites and neutrals have undertones. I’ve read and listened and have begun to be able to see them. I love all of your information!

  • Janelle Neilson says:

    I haven’t been following you for very long but I’ve learned about looking for undertones, lamps and trying to go a little more timeless over trendy

  • Jen says:

    The most useful thing I have learned from you is UNDERTONES! I have struggled for years with why neutrals don’t look right and I can’t tell you the satisfaction it has given me to at least understand WHY. Thanks Maria!! Happy 15 years!

  • Kim Sanchez says:

    Maria, you have opened my eyes to so many things! First we have in common that I love French country!❤️ Your blog, posts and YouTube’s have been a game changer! We are building out retirement home/cabin in Tahoe this spring. I would drop everything to be in your course in Dallas as I have been saving up to see about hiring you for our project. I love some of my French country furnishings and hope it’s possible to incorporate them i with a cabin style home. Is it possible. I have learned about keeping your hard finishes timeless. This was a huge awakening. Thank you for all you are doing in awakening all of us to undertones and their mandatory importance to design and decorating.

  • Jen says:

    First, congratulations to you! I’ve learned so much and I’ve been following you for at least 10 of your15 years.

    Second, I learned that lighter colors don’t necessarily create light in a north facing room nor make it feel brighter, and that undertones truly make a difference.

    Armed with wisdom from your blog and inspired by a brown ribbon from a gift of salted chocolate caramels, SW French Roast became the star of my north facing living room! The rich color creates a different vibe throughout every season, and I love it!

    Congratulations again! I wish you another 15 years of success and joy with your loved ones!

  • Wendy says:

    Timeless vs trendy, natural wood tones and grey not from nature

  • Renee Spurrell says:

    Spread your money around! – Best advice!

    Congrats on 15 years! You’re an inspiration and I always love seeing what you’ll come up with next! Thank you for being a beacon of color in a sea of white!

  • Tricia says:

    Wow, a lot of comments! You’ve impacted a lot of people! Congratulations on 15 years and the growth of your company. I’ve learned a lot from you, and would love to attend a live course someday. Challenging to narrow it down to one thing, but other than the undertones, I think buying a sofa in your favorite color is what I’ve learned from you. Thank you for doing this blog and the YouTube videos.

  • Melanie P says:

    Thank you Maria for 15 years of hard work, perseverance, dedication, and how you willingly help others to understand color/design basics. I look forward to your posts so much that I sometimes feel like a stalker (but not in a creepy way -LOL!) I am celebrating 15 years too- in my house that is now outdated ☹️. The most useful thing you taught me is “timeless” design…and I’m trying so hard to stay true to that in the choices I’m making now (trends are an addiction-you can never get enough). Your room reno on a budget are my current go to. I could go on and on. Keep doing what you do! I love it! I’m here for it! You’re the best! Congrats on 15 and beyond!!

  • Tessa says:

    Congratulations on 15 years, Maria! 🎉 I’ve been following you for about 3 of those years and have learned so much I can’t limit it to one thing. I didn’t even realize that “neutral” colors had undertones before I found you! I still have trouble seeing the undertone a lot of the time even with the color wheel. 😊 I need much more practice. Other life changing lessons I’ve learned from you are to keep your hard finishes timeless, work with the bossy hard finishes, and that I can never own too many lamps! I’ve added 9 more lamps to my home in the last two years! Thanks for all you do, you are truly changing lives. 🤍

  • Susan W says:

    Boring now = timeless later
    Find the bossy fixed elements and work with them
    Understanding undertones.
    Yea for your colour wheel
    Subway tile as accent tile (timeless)
    Clean and dirty colours
    Testing colours with your colour boards (and putting a white board behind to isolate the colour being tested from the original colour)

    Congratulations on 15 years! I have been reading your blogs for 6 years and you made my life so much easier with three E-design consults (exterior and interior colour and roof colour). Thank you, Maria and Tricia.

  • pmiffb08 says:

    Your undertone, and Colour Rescue you tube series have been so good. I love the idea of choosing the correct undertones instead of gutting kitchens and bathrooms. Spread the money around!


  • Anne-Marie P says:

    Dirty v Clean paint colors. Let’s me confirm why I think my ceiling color that the builder’s design team chose is the wrong color. Hope to attend a 2 day workshop soon – once I can make the available dates! Congrats!

  • Laura says:

    Learning about undertones was a game changer! I could see that something was off but now I have words for why.

  • Danielle says:

    Congratulations on your anniversary!

    Who knew there were so many shades of white and beige? Mind blown.

    I realize why our primary bath drives me crazy- blue white paint everywhere, Carrara marble shower, beige marble countertops and tub surround. Ugh!

    Not fond of the blue white trim paint and cream walls throughout the house, but it matches the Carrara marble entry floor, kitchen backsplash, fireplace… The designer did a great job carrying the colors throughout. Not my favorite (I prefer warm tones) but I now understand and am peace with it all.

    I also tossed every cashmere turtleneck I own. You are so right! At sixty two years old I don’t need to draw attention to towels.

  • Leah Farrell says:

    I am one of those people that often feels like I don’t know where to start with design. Your best advice is to “keep it timeless”. For example, when choosing the color of a wood floor, stick with a timeless toned color and avoid the trends. Thank you for sharing your gift of design with us!

  • Tanya Caughey says:

    You are an inspiration—your teachings help support small businesses. Thank you! I can’t wait to receive my color wheel to inform a kitchen reno I’m leading. Also appreciated your recent post about how to live happily with outdated bathrooms.

  • Alex P. says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! That’s a lot of inspiring and educational posts bringing joy to your readers.

    The most important thing I learned from you is that it’s okay to decorate with bright, happy colors. And also, how to do it the right way.

    Happy anniversary!

  • Kristina Capucilli says:

    What a wonderful accomplishment. Not easy, took a lot of work and training and dedication but you have a community out there!
    There is no question it has been the concept of timeless vs. trendy. I am a minimalist in training and I can use a lot of outdoor foliage to create seasonal decor that can then be returned outside. But this can best be done with a core design that does not have to be altered, that accepts decor changes easily. I now drive around even on vacation, and note “trendy”, “trendy” “trendy. I appreciate your knowledge. I would be taking every class you had if I had the money to afford. Someday, hopefully, I will be able to.

  • Miranda DeJarnatt says:

    You taught me about undertones in colors. How to evaluate black used in houses. But I really enjoyed learning how to dress and match lipstick color and glasses by looking at you.🙏

  • Lee says:

    Hello Maria and color enthusiasts!

    For years, I’ve been watching influencers, borrowing and sometimes buying many decorators’ materials (including Martha’s 😉).
    You are the one who has taught me the most about understanding color. Your 6 minute YouTube video on selecting countertops
    BEFORE paint color “unfroze” me from FOMM in updating our kitchen…a Godsend! I just received and recommend your
    paint boards and color wheels, not only for paint colors but for ANY ITEMS. Can’t wait to take them shopping with me.
    I appreciate your down to earth unpretentious perspective. Thanks for sharing your talent and money saving tips with us!

  • Emily says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! I have to say that your blog could not have come into my life at a better time. I was sick of the grey trend and pushy builders trying to make me participate in trends, but with your encouragement I was able to make timeless decisions with basic options (and then unleash my personality in the decorating;) ). All of your philosophies around lamps have completed changed the atmosphere in my home to where I just can’t wait to get back. Lots of people would say I am quirky, but with your tips and framework everyone can’t help but say they love the feeling of my home. And ultimately that is what you are helping us all achieve, home.

  • Sheila Smith says:

    The most important thing I have learned from your blogs is that colours have undertones. When I first read that, I thought “what, surely a beige is a beige and a grey is just grey”!! So being inquisitive, I ordered your colour wheel and have been blown away since. It is truly genius and unique, and something that is used so often for my colour decisions. Thank you so much Maria

  • Rebecca says:

    Your blog has changed my life. If I had to pick one thing I would say it would be designing with classic elements and what exactly defines classic. Thank you so much for all you do and I look forward to many more years.

  • Melinda says:

    I found your blog in 2012 when I was starting a kitchen renovation. I learned to stop stressing about backsplash tile!! White subway tile, the end! I’m still happy with my choice 11 years later. Thank you for this blog, the books, and the workshops!

  • Dani says:

    Congratulations! I cannot wait to take a live course (once my kids are in college OR you offer an East Coast time friendly course), but I plan on taking your non live courses. Everyone tells me, “you should be a designer!” But I cannot make money and do it well if I do not understand AND have ability to communicate why a color or undertone makes sense. I look forward to learning from you and eventually having my own business, once I am ready and have the confidence to move forward. In the meantime, open mouth and insert foot? I recently congratulated a friend on her color and designer choices for her new build, and said, “Thank God you did not paint your house black and white!” The other friend with us – her heart sank – as she told us their shore house siding is all picked out and being installed…black and white. Oops!

  • Jessica says:

    Thank you for ALL that you have taught us! It’s a tie for best Maria lesson learned:
    1) Boring Now = Timeless Later (even my husband says it now ;-))
    2) Add a lamp (we live in MN with long, dark, cold winters)

  • Cathy Vogel says:

    Pink beige! I didn’t even know that was such a thing, but now I understand why so many apartments I lived in, I just couldn’t get to looking the way I wanted, because I didn’t take into consideration it was a pink beige carpet.

  • Jennifer Hall says:

    I love your all of your advice. But your understanding and ability to show undertones is by far the best and easiest to understand. Also the importance of how lighting, and the direction of natural light entering the space can alter a color drastically.

  • Karen says:

    The best thing I got from you was – Trust. A few years ago, after reading your blog since almost the beginning, I submitted an application for advice on a total renovation for my last home. I was aprehensive but had to Trust you would guide me in the right direction with colours. When I got my package back, I immediately contacted the contractor and issued him painting colours. Then I went shopping for floors, countertops, and lighting with your suggestions in hand.
    In the end, it was well worth the money spent. I am still trying to work in accent colours but that will come with time. Again, thank you Maria.

  • Mary Graves says:

    I love your insight! I share your site with others frequently. I like the constant reminder not to follow trends and to stay true to the design style of your home. Thank you for your expertise!

  • Karen says:

    I have been reading your blog for a long time – 2008 or 2009 – and have learned so much! Understanding Undertones was life changing (and life saving) for me. Along with classic and timeless being my goals, especially for kitchens, bathrooms, and floors. Most recently I’ve been sharing with my husband your advice on working with what you have vs tearing everything out and starting over. He always wants to get rid of everything – not only furniture, but hardwood floors and the entire kitchen and both bathrooms – but he has no idea how much it costs to replace. I made him watch your video ‘Simple Fixes for Your Dated Bathroom’ and he agreed that is makes sense to tweak what we have so there is money to purchase furniture and decorate (lamps, artwork, rugs) and hire out maintenance in our old age. However, he loved the bathroom with the purple walls and square earth toned tile! This is what I’ve been dealing with for 44 years. Hopefully our home’s upcoming redesign will be based on what I’ve learned from you.

  • W Alexandra J Mac says:

    Start. Just start. I was recently acquainted with your IG page, blog and course which I attended in June. The course was-is a game changer. I’ve not had lots of time to practice what I’ve learned or use the color boards I purchased, but I started. That’s where I am. In the beginning. So I’ll continue to learn, read, practice and grow. Reading the journey over the last 25 years inspires to start at beginning, don’t stop and watch it unfold. And remain classic; that’s what lasts.

  • Marg says:

    Great suggestions on how to avoid color mistakes!

  • ColorFan says:

    I love reading your blog! your confidence reminds me that I make better choices when I trust myself. I knew about undertones before, but having a system and way to name/identify them makes it sooooooo much easier. I also really appreciate how you continue to remind us (your faithful readers) that color is classic and neutrals are actually the trendy ones.

  • SuzeBon says:

    Dear Maria,

    The most useful thing I have learned from your 15 years of blogging is how to start a project. Be aware of trends, undertones, and find that inspiration piece that expresses you.

    And if I may take this opportunity to congratulate you on 15 years! Your information has been invaluable for so many of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • ALLISON F says:

    I’m so grateful my big sister sent me your color wheel and introduced me to you! While she is currently taking on a whole house renovation, I’m slowing chipping away at projects on a budget. While I may have heard this from my sister first, she got this from you and sent me your way…choosing classic and timeless fixed elements has been the most impactful advice. It’s so easy to get caught up the trends and get overwhelmed! She and I may have different budgets and different styles but this advice works for everyone.

  • Ann Anderson says:

    I have been a follower for several years and have purchased several packages, the latest being the Exterior Selection Masterclass. I look forward to an exterior update to my home and to incorporate all the knowledge I have been taught through this site. I look forward to every new post and Instagram story!

  • Erika says:

    How do I pick one? Timeless is key when it comes to kitchens, baths etc., understanding undertones, colour is timeless.

  • Marcia Flanagan says:

    The power of lighting, undertones and not to be afraid of colour!

  • Barb says:

    WOO-HOO!!! Congrats on 15 years! Your story is inspiring as I am also starting a business in my early 40s. You helped me through my last renovation by knowing how to identify whites by comparing undertones. I was able to have a cohesive home and sell it for a good profit. THANK YOU!! I can’t wait to learn all the keys to pulling a room together by attending a two-day course in the future. You make it so easy to understand! All the best to you this coming year!

  • Kate says:

    It’s a challenge to pick just one piece of advice, but I’ll go with what I learned when you were renovating your new house. When you’re looking at just one thing at a time as it’s installed you will obsess over it because it’s all you can see, but wait for it all to come together and then decorate. Trust the process! 🙂

  • Tracey mata says:

    I love following along. You have taught me so much about love and Light! Rooting for you always. Ps.lamps are critical:) ps. Love to you three!xo

  • Joan Ellis says:

    I have been following Maria for almost 2 years and being newly retired I want to freshen and update my home ! I love my house and it deserves a makeover !
    Lighting with lamps and colour knowledge have drawn me to Maria’s decorating skills ! I am not great at decorating but love to learn and Maria is a great teacher ! Her passion is evident in all her projects!

  • Michelle H says:

    Congratulations on the15th anniversary of your blog! It has helped me tremendously. One of the best lessons I’ve learned is to understand undertones and how to pick a paint color to pull my room together. Thank you.

  • Ann says:

    The overhead lighting thing blew my mind. And yes, I now mostly use lamps instead of the eight recessed lights in my living room! 😎

  • Donna Richards says:

    The most useful thing I have learned from Maria is “timeless is never boring.” A simple rule that pays off big time in the end. You can always change out colors and furniture if you keep your hard surfaces simple and with the same undertones. Don’t go with the trends! Thanks Maria!

  • Gail says:

    Undertones! Whites! Lamps! Bossy color and furniture! Classic vs trendy! Timelessness! How to arrange coffee table and bookshelf accessories! Stone! And a way to BE in this world in love and presence! You are a wonderful role model! You truly are a gift as you inspire women with your guileless, powerful and humble sharing. Your influence and inspiration go way beyond how to decorate-it is about showing up with our full hearts and minds and bringing the full range of the gift of the feminine to the world.

    And soooo much more!
    Here’s to the next 15 in knowledge, love and joy!

  • Amanda says:

    I have learned so much from your IG, e books and colour wheel about the importance of undertones. Something I couldn’t quite figure out previously. Looking forward to applying this knowledge to our new build.

  • Laura Showalter says:

    Been following you for years, have purchased your books and tell all my friends to go check out Maria she will get you on the correct color path!

  • Elissa says:

    I’m studying Interior Design, and watching/reading your posts has helped me see the undertones in neutrals!

  • Melinda says:

    You’re a gift to my life, that’s for sure. What is the most useful thing I’ve learned?..this is a difficult question! But I think it is the spectrum of whites. That completely changed how I see whites everywhere! I remember driving down a street and seeing colors and whites pop at me in ways they never did before. But then also, my first color wheel. The confidence that comes with training my eyes to see more accurately is pure joy! Thank you. And congratulations on 15 years blogging. I know how much work it takes and you are sooo good at it!! Best to you!!

  • Saundra says:

    I would say that GREY IS OUT! When have been building a Barndominium and I panicked because our floors are Concrete Grey! But I am doing my best to warm things up as we are building slowly but surly (it’s been quite a slow process) but that’s OK. Because I thankfully haven’t painted yet and I WILL NOT PAINT GREY, thanks to you. =)

  • Apra says:

    Everyone deserves a beautiful space and home. Repeating elements, mixing metals and finishes and choosing a colorful item as a focus point can make a space great and not break the bank with a full renovation. Also one does love to have every item. Love one and coordinate the rest of them has been key to as am looking to decorate my home
    Love your mantra of boring = timeless.
    Wishing you and your family love and happiness.

  • Jessica says:

    I learned so many things from your blog! My favorite item is how to think of dirty and clean colors and why a clean color will make what is otherwise a lovely and complex “dirty” color look dingy. Best post ever, is the one with the bathroom where dirty and clean colors are mixed. It’s so clear! Love that there is a systemic way of thinking about colors that doesn’t rely on my nonexistent design gut.

  • Madeline says:

    I’m slowly updating my first house – a1960s colonial with theme park-like French Country updates that we’re made in 2000. Aside for bringing your color wheel EVERYWHERE, your advice about embracing your home’s original style has helped me make some really nice selections thus far. There are lovely ways to update a colonial and make it just feel right. Thank you!

  • Barb Jensen says:

    I love seeing your beautiful home and colorful outfits!

  • Rachel Kraynak says:

    Lamps, lamps, lamps!!!

    Too many other details to list.

    Thank you very much for all you do!


  • Louise Long says:

    Most useful thing is recognizing undertones in neutrals and whites.

  • Dina says:

    I’ve learned how to organize and differentiate between colors, how boring now equals timeless later, the many layers professional looking design needs, and so much more! Congrats on 15 years!

  • Lizzy says:

    I found your blog at the PERFECT time! Just before I bought my first home which has been a total fixer upper! Your Colour Wheel has been a life saver along the way helping to pick out all the colors for every room and make sure the house flows together. I also realized I LOVE dirty paint colors once they’re on the walls but I don’t care for them on the swatch. So keeping the faith in the “plan” has been very important! I have also become a Lamp Lover! Just purchased another one today, embracing the glowy light. Now all I need is the perfect EXTERIOR color to to make my house pop from the street. Thank you for all your knowledge and love of what you do. Here’s to another 15 years and more!

  • Rebecca Vigil says:

    I’ve learned so much from your charmingly opinionated posts! That’s actually how I found you online. You had actual opinions and guidance about what not to do. The biggest thing I have learned is not only that items in a space must relate to each other but also what this actually means. Repetition of color, consistent decorating style, and of course, undertones! I haven’t taken the plunge with your 2-day course yet but I think it won’t be too much longer.

  • Candy says:

    Congratulations! I’ve learned so much watching/reading from you, but I think “boring now = timeless later” is a gem…I say it to friends working on their house all the time!

    Looking forward to learning about color from you for another 15 years!

  • Daisy says:

    I only found your blog a few months ago but as a first time homeowner (I.e. this being the first time I’ve been allowed to choose paint colour and really cared about investing in my OWN space) it’s been a total gamechanger. The total fundamental importance of undertones and linking colours in a space have really helped me understand why some things work and others just don’t. Thank you for all your advice!

  • Kim Gaza says:

    I ran across your blog close to 10 years ago and learned so much. Your blog was the springboard to educating myself about all things interiors. Medium brown wood floors has been a game changer for me and those who’ve asked me to help them. Without that advice, I would never have known how to navigate the world of floors. Also that all the floors should pretty much be the same, except maybe a bathroom. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  • Nancy says:

    It’s hard to pick just one but I would have to say probably the top of the list is classic finishes (what some would say boring) white, off white or cream subway tile, and quartz or marble looking countertops, light or medium brown floors so that I can love my house forever.

    Love your thoughts on lamps as well and no cheese lights.

  • Cindi Siniard says:

    Huge Congratulations on 15 years! Very impressive! The most crucial thing you’ve taught me is: in addition to having the “Understanding Undertones Color Wheel,” you’ve absolutely got to have the accompanying color boards in order to feel 100% confident in your color choice. No ifs, ands or buts. I’ve followed you for close to 15 years and I regret not immediately purchasing these items early on. I wasted years of my precious time thinking I could figure this out on my own. So foolish of me! Don’t be a fool like me. Don’t waste another minute: BUY the color wheel and both sets of color boards if you want to get it right!

  • Lynne McKiernan says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of blogging. I found you during the pandemic and have learned a lot about color and their undertones by listening to your reels, purchasing some of your on line books and taking your exterior master class. Our house has gotten a new roof and Hardy board siding. The course helped me in the big decision making choices of choosing the correct colors for a timeless classic look. I now love our home.

  • Kathleen says:


    I have watched your Instagram stories every single day for about 9 months. I have referred many people to follow you because I have learned so much. I LOVE your house so much. I loved reading the story behind how you ended up there.
    I have always felt I have a good eye for decorating. But I doubt my choices all the time. I live in an old colonial house so I cannot do trendy. I love learning what makes design traditional. I am about to make some changes in my kitchen and I keep learning more and more from you every day.
    Your courses look amazing and I would love to take one someday. I love seeing little glimpses of your life with Trea.
    One thing I will never understand though is you and your sisters getting up at the crack of dawn every day! Haha. I am a night owl.
    I also love your OOTD!

  • Sarah Fry says:

    I really enjoy your no nonsense approach. I’m a hairstylist and work with hair undertones so as you talked about color and undertones in the world of home I was quickly intrigued! I love color and tones and love you aren’t interested in the latest trends! Love your color wheel and some day hope to do one of your classes!!

  • Nori King says:

    Hi Maria,

    As someone with the dreaded grey floors in my kitchen, I was thrilled to see the beautiful color options for the cabinets to keep the focus off the floors. I also appreciate all of the lighting guidelines. Lamps can transform a space! Thank you for your expertise and inspiration for all things color!

  • Sharon Sjerven says:

    Congrats and thanks, Maria and Terreeia! Your success is well-deserved.
    I’m so much more confident about choosing colours after your two day workshop and getting the colour boards. One takeaway is the need to paint a colour in dark rooms.💛

    • Deanna Kass says:

      Hi Maria and team!
      My story is simple: I accidentally found your page from an Instagram reel (thank you for doing them!) about “black and White House trend” & gosh it confirmed everything I was thinking about this trend! I live in beautiful New England and nothing disturbs me more is seeing all these new houses go up without colored paint and that fits in with the already beautiful historical homes that are here! From then on I was hooked! I tell all my first time home buyer friends about your page and utilized your tips to create my new timeless kitchen. Thank you for sharing your expertise with the world ! It would be great to work with you 1:1!

  • Karen van Warmerdam says:

    I learned I could actually make good renovation and decorating choices, and began to trust myself. It has been so rewarding when people said my renovation was beautiful – especially because I made some non-trendy, and colorful choices!

  • Becky says:

    You do not need to fall in love with your hard finishes! Beware the trendy backsplash accent tile! You don’t need allll the neutrals, just a handful of good ones. Medium toned wood floors are like blue jeans – they go with everything!

    I am so grateful for all I have learned from you! I would love to attend your course!

  • Sestofi says:

    Dear Maria,

    Congratulations on 15 years!

    In the years that I have been reading your blog and purchasing various items (ebook, colour wheel, consultation), I have learned that educating yourself is key. Before then, I didn’t know what I didn’t know, but I have now learned to look at undertones, harmony and composition. And I hope to learn so much more!


  • Marisa says:

    Maria, Congrats on 15 years!! I’ve learned so much from you- choosing a paint color last to pull the room together, lamps lamps lamps, and if all else fails decorate are a few lessons that come to mind! But I think the most important thing has been learning your system of undertones and becoming able to even see/identify the undertones. I so admire your ability to system use this knowledge in a way that makes it easy to understand. Thank you Maria for all you share.

  • April says:

    I am a newbie that recently found you on Pinterest while looking for ideas for my “dream garage”. I now follow you on all forms of social media. I have always had an interest in interior decorating but didn’t know where to start. You make it simple in terms that make so much sense. I can’t wait for my home to be finished so I can use the color wheel and all of your tips and tricks. You have saved me from my “grey phase” and I thank your for that!!

  • Darlene says:

    Congratulations, what an incredible journey!!
    “Boring now equals timeless later” has saved me from making huge mistakes in my home. Picking a sofa in a color I love versus a trendy neutral and the idea of multiple lamps (my living room is north facing so this has made a huge difference)

  • Andrea says:

    It’s all in the undertones!
    I use your colour wheel for everything: from „white“ shirts, porcelain to car interior decisions.

  • Marla Koch says:

    The simplest thing I’ve learned is to add a lamp! It totally changes the room.

    The thing I’m still struggling with is finding the undertone of a color. But I will eventually get it!

  • Ann says:

    Congratulations! I am over the moon that I found you and all of your helpful information! The most valuable thing I’ve learned is that there are undertones that coordinate and ones that don’t! I now have confidence in decorating my home!

  • Amy Mazeran says:

    Hi Maria,
    My top takeaways are understanding undertones, timeless Vs. trendy and lamps, lamps, and more lamps!! Thanks for all the tips!

  • Margaret says:

    Lamps! My all time favorite posts!

  • Patty says:

    I love the way you make things so relatable and achievable for all who want to learn, no matter our level of interior design.
    I have learned many things from you but the one that rings true always is.. it’s not the lighting that made the color wrong you picked the wrong color. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard and still hear from friends and designers say the lighting changed the color and I tell them no you picked the wrong color with a smile. Most of the time they don’t smile back.
    Then I say you should really check out Maria Killam and you’ll know what I’m talking about.
    Thanks for all you provide for the especially designed challenged ones like myself

  • Heather Hickman says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! The biggest take away for me is don’t give up! That it’s never too late to start! And, that you don’t have to be afraid of color!!
    I need your skills in my life!
    Please pick me🙏

  • Diana H says:

    So much to list! I love the color wheel to identify undertones and the ebooks that go along with it. Thanks!

  • Linda says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I found your blog in 2009 when I bought my first house and used your sage advice when repainting and renovating. I now have a timeless house I adore, thank you.

    Lamps, lamps, lamps!

  • Susan says:

    White has undertones. White subway tiles and white counter tops. Spread color throughout the room. Rethink black and white. Soooo much info! Thanks!!!!

  • Erin says:

    White tile is classic and timeless! Because of your advice I have the most beautiful white pearl tile in my kitchen and I am still getting compliments 12 years after install. I know it will look beautiful forever!!!

  • Nancy says:

    I can’t thank you enough for putting all this information into a concise course that can help ANYONE who is looking to make their house into a lovely, cozy, cohesive, timeless home. It is truly invaluable for homeowners, designers, builders, etc. You and your team are such a gift!

  • Laurie says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I love your blog and posts and have learned so much. Timeless over trends really stands out for me and I love the examples you share of both. And of course,understanding undertones!

    Keep doing what you’re doing! Thank you for sharing you passion and expertise 😊

  • KelsJung says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! What a fabulous milestone. I’m truly so grateful I stumbled upon you, your IG, and your Blog. YOU are 100% my number one reason to pop on IG every day.

    It’s hard to narrow down what I’ve learned most from you and your team’s greatness …I understand trends, color, flooring, LAMPS, why taupe can fall short— hello PINK…

    But what I love most that I learned from you is how learning about color has transcended into so many other areas of my life: home decor, interior and exterior home finishes, paint colors, my wardrobe and picking out flower arrangements, holiday decor… your method has spilled into so much of my daily life.

    I think of you constantly- when I get dressed for my day to driving by a new strip center painting is black and white.

    Big thank you! 💛

  • Linda F. says:

    I’ve been following and reading the blog for a couple of years. What terrific content! Understanding undertones and how they affect everything has been huge for me. Also, I’m less afraid of using color, which has been so freeing and fun. Thank you Maria!

  • Charlotta says:

    I learned from you that I make my house a house I love by adding lamps and other accessories.

  • Erin says:

    Undertones — I’ve learned so much about undertones, especially in neutrals. I knew there were a few and realized there was much more to it.

  • Jill Shank says:

    Maria is a wealth of great advice! I learn something from each and blog post!

  • Ronni McGarty says:

    Classic and timeless is not boring.
    White is complicated.
    How to see the undertones in neutral colors.
    Styling matters.
    More lamps!

  • Donna Byrd says:

    1. Stay classic…not TRENDY
    2. Don’t Overdo …Black
    3. Add COLOR
    4. It’s okay to Mix metals (hardware)

    One more thing…don’t add huge ass boulders to your landscaping….🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Sara Garcia says:

    The best thing I’ve learned is how to work with things that have more than one undertone. Wow! That helped so much!

    Also, I’ve learned to not shy away from color so much out of fear that I’d make the wrong choice.

  • Joy Lindgren says:

    Have been watching you on IG for couple years, realized you had something there,, I ordered the two colour ebooks and colour wheel, I have learned many things,,ie my 2009 Reno’d kitchen has pink beige countertops, taupe flooring and orange beige cupboards(nutmeg/ginger maple ) who knew we could have been so wrong choosing those things while doing a Reno in a 1970 bungalow,, I have to wait a couple years to redo, most likely have cupboards painted and replace the rest, I don’t have it all figured out but I truly appreciate what I have learned !

  • Marcy says:

    Don’t mix clean colors and dirty colors! Helping me choose the gable color for the outside of my house to go with the dark blue body, Lancaster white trim, and chrome green accent color.

  • Julie S. says:

    Your methodical and practical roadmap to color selection!

  • Susan says:

    I’ve realized and been validated that my life needs color and that my style and hard finishes are relatively timeless and and my decorating has always been my way to introduce color.

  • Meribeth Buhr says:

    I have learned about undertones! I took the two day online course and I bought all of the e-books and have enjoyed the input. It’s been very helpful for my personal decisions around my house.

  • Shelly Morris says:

    I sooooo appreciate you not recommending throwing out everything and starting again. That is such a waste and makes you susceptible to following trends and gets away from the curating over time that builds character and uniqueness to your home.

  • Lynn Stovall says:

    Congratulations on 15 years!!!
    Of course all your color advice is amazing! But it was so nice to finally understand why I hated the can cheese lights all over my home & add lots more lamps!! Dramatically changes the feel!
    &. Of course I added a bunch of color & art!!
    Thank you!!

  • Lisa says:

    I am learning so much from your blog. We are moving into a new-to-us house and need to make some updates. I’ve been scouring your blog and I ordered the color wheel with ebooks which I find very helpful. I can’t come to Dallas but would love a virtual class in the future. Thanks to you, when we remodel the kitchen, I’ll be using a subway tile backsplash and a timeless, quiet countertop. Also learning about undertones and adding lamps has been helpful. Going to spread the money around carefully 😘 Thank you Maria!

  • Amber says:

    The best thing I learned from you: Decorate first! I came across your content while trying to figure out what the heck to do with my VERY Tuscan house, and I’ve stayed because I’m always learning something! I’m still slowly making plans for how/when to update, but I now have confidence that I don’t have to rip out everything in the kitchen and bathrooms and start over. I can make smaller updates and decorate to get more life out of my existing hard finishes until it makes more sense to do a larger update. You’ve already saved me thousands of dollars and lots of stress!

    I love all your content and have dreams of attending a course one day! Thanks for all you do to bring color/colour and lamps to the world. ❤️

  • Emily says:

    Maria, I love watching your stories,I’ve learned so much that way!! I’d say your simple guide/color wheel for undertones is the most helpful for me as it really helps me match paint and decor. As I am preparing for a full kitchen Reno, I know it will continue to get lots of use.

  • Jana Fitzpatrick says:

    I’m so glad that I found you! Understanding undertones, using store bought art and of course, lamps have been so helpful! Cheers to you and 15 years of your fabulous blog!

  • Barbra says:

    So many useful things I’ve learned from you. Not sure how to pick just one. If in doubt,keep it simple is one tip I’ve been using recently as we put in pavers and a concrete pad.. Keep the hard finishes timeless. Thanks to you we just put in a 2 in white hex floor into our older bathroom. I keep adding lamps with shades to my home. I follow all your undertone advice. I have a lot more clarity and vision compared to several years ago as I used to be known for my indecisiveness. No more! Thank you!

  • Antonia says:

    The color wheel is the most useful tool – it’s perfect for distinguishing cool from warm neutrals, which can sometimes be surprisingly difficult! And then, its helpful for pairing a white that works with the neutral. I love the confidence it inspires when making color choices. Thank you for the work you do Maria. Congratulations on 15 years of success. And cheers to 15 more.

  • Erin says:

    “Boring now equals timeless later”
    Be boring/classic in your hard finishes, flooring, countertops, and tile. Get this right and you will love your home. You can always decorate around timeless finishes!

  • Lindsey Fleshman says:

    I’ve been following you during our renovation this year and used your color wheel to pick all the paint colors in my house. But now I must decorate! I’d love to win one of the prizes ☺️

  • Kim Du Bord Sanchez says:

    Well, I was not fortunate enough to have found in 15 years ago, but in this last year, I feel like I have learned everything that I know to present about decorating it’s because of you. I have a long way to go and I will be a fan for a long long time. It’s been like a paradigm shift of thinking one way and then turning it a different way, and I’m seeing more clearly now and it’s just it works! thank you for all your videos and sharing your knowledge.

  • Carol says:

    The most useful thing I have learned is to get your hard surfaces right. With your ebooks and color wheel you can then get the other things right, too. And also that you do not have to love each element in your design if it all works together.

  • Yvonne says:

    Dear Maria, Congratulations on your 15 years of writing! I look forward to all the platforms you use to share your knowledge and love of colour.
    My choices of your best advice are to stick to Timeless Choices in hard finishes & to use Inspiration items for decorating and paint colour choices.

  • Kristine Costello says:

    Congrats on 15 years, Maria! So admirable! I’ve been thinking all week about the most “useful” thing I’ve learned from you and your blog. I went down memory lane thinking about all your posts that opened my eyes and truly taught me about color and decorating. I’ve enjoyed each lesson; you’re a wonderful teacher. If I have to pick a favorite useful lesson, however, it’s all about undertones. Until I followed you I had no idea why colors didn’t look right together. Truly grateful for all the wisdom you’ve shared over the years!

  • Lucinda says:

    Congratulations on 15 years!! There are many things I’ve learned from you, but I think the most important one was about undertones. Finally there was an explanation as to why somethings just don’t look right! Also in this world of grey:( I’m so happy to see colour:)

  • Kelly says:

    Undertones for sure! It has helped me so much when choosing paint colors. Also how to choose timeless flooring was a big help and I probably would have chosen wrong without reading your posts

  • Mary Pat C. Dilks says:

    “It’s lamp season, kids!”
    I recently purchased an adorable lamp for my laundry room counter and keep it on all day. My husband doesn’t get it but it brings me joy. As my grandfather used to say, “We’ll be in the dark long enough…turn on those lights!”

  • Kristen Dezso says:

    Although I’ve learned so much about color and uundertones, the most important thing I’ve learned is that Lamps are EVERYTHING!

  • Tannis Lemke says:

    I recently joined an online decorating community on Facebook, and everyone was mentioning an “undertones chart” by Maria Killam. I was curious so I looked you up. Am I ever glad I did! Your advice about investing in a colourful couch gave me the courage to go with my gut instinct – a beautiful teal blue velvet. Your advice and the way you wholehearted embrace and encourage decorating with colour resonates with me. The recent trends of black and white decor or neutral (insert bland) always left me feeling a little sad in the surrounding space. I’m looking forward to a refresh in my home, bringing in the happiness colour provides!

  • Diane Schulze says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I’ve only been following for the last year, but absolutely love your advice and your home. I can’t afford your services but love to dream. If I ever win that ever elusive lottery I will be in touch. 💖

  • Les says:

    I’ve learned about all the undertones! And that hiring will equal timeless as a rule of thumb.l so you can accessorize to your taste.

  • V says:

    Congrats! It just goes to show that it’s never too late to start something new. I have found it all useful and have gone back and referenced posts many times. One of the most useful things is something I’ve put into practice in my own home – lamps, lamps and more lamps! Especially small lamps on the kitchen counter. Thank you for continuing to share your wisdom and the “why”!

  • Sonia Martinez says:

    I love your Tineless looks for everything. This has always been a struggle for me because I love timeless design in everything. I always think of things for the long run not just a moment because it is money that will be spent and for me timeless means it will have a long life and that just means everything. So hearing your reassurance being somewhat different than everything you see ion instagram it brings me reassurance, comfort and makes me happy for the choices we have made in our home and makes me Love my home forever! 🙂

  • Rochelle McMullen says:

    The most useful for me has been the timeless vs trendy. I will be building a house soon and it has totally changed my thought process. I hope to get better at identifying undertones too! Thank you for all of your content!!

  • Donna Reynolds says:

    I have learned so much about undertones from you! Congrats on 15 years! If you ever get tired of color and decorating I think you have a good shot at styling people’s personal wardrobes. I love how you dress!

  • Kelly Hahn says:

    Undertones Matter! And here is why…

  • Jackie says:

    It was finding your website and blog and sending for your color wheel that has changed things for me and gave me the confidence to learn from you and trust myself. Since then I have taken your short course to help me put together my spaces and am excited to follow you more. I appreciate your may reels and advice u give others. You have worked long and hard to realize your dreams.

  • Devon Morton says:

    I most important revelation you revealed to me is color is way easier to style than neutrals! And a bonus point is that sticking with classic will be timeless.

  • Heather Helm says:

    I love all your wisdom and advice and have used your how to choose paint colors, understanding undertones book and wheel so often. I love your advice on hard finishes, lamps and more but the best nut I cracked with your advice was the pink beige undertones that I run into so much!!! I can now deal confidently with these!!

  • Nichol Kreger says:

    The most valuable thing I have learned from Maria is to keep my hard finishes timeless/neutral and to add color with easier to change items. Thank you Maria! My master bath now has chrome finishes instead of matte black!

  • Kristin Lundeen says:

    More lamps!!! I want all the cans gone now!

  • Julie says:

    Congratulations on 15 years!
    I have so enjoyed learning to distinguish undertones & confidently recognize trends in home design. I feel so much more at ease helping customers pick the right finish(es) for their remodel projects as well as making our own home the perfect place for our family.

  • Dusti Jones says:

    How can I list all the ways I’ve learned from you?! I’m always learning through you! Reading your blog I began down the rabbit hole of trend cycles, color, undertones, and bringing balance to rooms. You are always so insightful and so appreciate everything you share. And of course, off the blog – your books, courses, color training, color wheel are all so impactful! Thank you for all your generosity!

  • Cindy says:

    I am learning a lot about color, landscaping and lighting.

  • alli says:

    Been following for awhile! CONGRATULATIONS !!!! You have accomplished a major milestone! Gosh narrowing down just a few of my takeaways would be your lessons about color and the relationships to the control white. GAME CHANGER!!!!No more second guessing, its so clear now. I would also say I’ve always been a color girl and the past 10(?)years have been so hard to not lean into the blah grey black white world.Everywhere you look especially down here in the South with the farmhouse style so popular, I often felt so “out of trend”, but reading your blogs gave me the confidence in not only picking color but the right colors! And to light it up with all the lamps! You were able to put into words what my brain already subconsciously knew and it finally clicked!But now I see everything through the lens of the undertone color wheel, and by golly SO MANY BAD CHOICES! HAHA IYKYK. I hope one day to be able to purchase one so I can show others what I’m trying verbally to explain. Thanks again for all the lessons and CONGRATS again for big achievements!1

  • Robin K says:

    I learn something helpful from you with every post. Your take on the black and white trend has made me look at every new build with a sharper eye. My new obsession is how to update rooms without major demo. Saving up to do my kitchen, i will be calling.

  • Debra White says:

    This is so easy. Start with the furniture first before doing wall color. I started following you about 3 months before I started in a new house build. I was overwhelmed about how in the world was I going to decide on wall colors before I have furniture in the room! I bought your color wheel. Followed you non-stop and it all came out beautifully. Picked out my sofa and chairs first. Both full of color! Not to mention that I have lamps everywhere now. A wallpaper mural in my master bedroom that even the plumber fell in love with. Thank you Maria!

  • Amy says:

    I so appreciate the focus on lamps! I hate a dark house and soft lamp light makes everyone look younger and gooey!! Congratulations on 15 years and looking forward to the next 15!

  • Michelle says:

    Maria, You had me hook, line and sinker with your “!0 Finishes that will Date Your New Build” video on countertops. You were advising against bossy countertops and made your point quite well by wearing a patterned dress. We installed a busy granite countertop back in 2012 and I was so ready to see it go! I didn’t really know why I had fallen out of love with it, but your video made it clear to me. You get tired of all that pattern after a while. That and your other videos and blogs convinced me that I had to take your class. I took the plunge and attended last Fall as a homeowner seeking advice. I learned a lot and decided to hire an interior designer to help me totally re-do my kitchen and great room. I was armed with lots of fundamental concepts going in which made the process go very smoothly, and she helped me pull it all together in a cohesive design, plus sourced the furniture. I’m happy to report that my renovation is coming along beautifully. Just yesterday, we said goodbye to the old granite countertop. In its place is a beautiful white quartz countertop. I absolutely love it! And I sold my old granite for a very low price to someone who is going to build an outsdoor kitchen so it’s getting a seond life. Never again will I have a bossy hardfinish. And very soon, my wood floors will be refinished from the old orangey 90s looking stuff to medium brown. Thanks for all the timeless advice that you give. You are saving homeowners a lot of money and headaches. My only regret is that I did not find you sooner! Happy 15th anniversary!

  • Christine Trebendis says:

    Congratulations! Wow…15 years of blogging. Thank you for all your help and great advice. Getting your professional help before starting a project…priceless!

  • Jeannine says:

    I was going to put recessed lights in my house until I heard you talk about lamps! Lighting is so important, and now I’m on the hunt for lamps, and more lamps to place around every room in my house!
    Congratulations on 15 years!🎉

  • Kelly H. says:

    Reading your blog and watching your insta reels I learned why I don’t like certain colors combinations. There were always things that bothered me but you put it all into words – of course putting too many contrasting neutrals in a space looks bad! Love the color wheel, thanks so much.

  • Natalie Thomas says:

    You have made undertones so much simpler for people like me who have struggled so much! And your trendy/timeless posts are so helpful too! Thank you and congrats!

  • Anne says:

    So much valuable information you’ve shared over the years It difficult to say the best advice but I’ve learned boring is timeless and to pick a colour and repeat it in different amounts throughout the room (drapes/throw pillows/accessories) to style a room

  • Kim O. says:

    I’ve learned so much from your blog, from working with undertones to disguising mismatched finishes with decor. My all-time favorite lesson is to choose timeless finishes over those that are trendy, as doing so saves homeowners the expense of frequent updates and remodeling hassles as well as reduces the amount of materials ending up in landfills. A big win all-around.

  • Justin G says:

    Congrats on 15 years! From your blogs, I learned to embrace colour, to avoid that which is trendy when making decisions about hard finishes, and your systematic approach to understanding undertones when selecting paint colours. Thanks for sharing your insights!

  • Jamie says:

    Maria, I was hooked upon learning about your Timeless vs Trendy approach! I have since bought your colour wheel and 2 e books. Currently I’m on the hunt for the perfect lamps to add my living room, I’m loving all your advice! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge ☺️

  • Tiffany says:

    The most useful thing I’ve learned from following along is how I’ll choose tile in my future projects. Thanks Maria!

  • Teri says:

    I’ve learned so much but the easiest place for me to start was lighting. I can easily add lamps, you need a lot, and stop using the cheese lights!

  • Diane says:

    LAMPS! I learned how important lamps are for setting the mood in a house. I never turn on my cheese lights in my living room but I’ve got a lamp in every corner and also on my sofa tables. Thank you for sharing you knowledge with the world and congratulations on 15 years of blogging.

  • Gloria Milligan says:

    I’ve learned so much from your content. One gem in particular is to move forward when renovating meaning if you are changing floors then to not to match new floors to one’s in the house that were trendy at the time but not now. Goal is to keep a timeless look that won’t go out of fashion in 10 years. I love that.

  • DanielleH says:

    Definitely learned about undertones. Now I can’t unsee bad combinations.

  • Arlene Kaufman says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! And thank you for putting your expertise out there. I’ve learned so much that will be useful if we ever renovate. I’m especially thankful for the timeless vs trendy posts, as well as any money-saving helps you give. Can’t wait to see your landscape finished!

  • Stacy Shinas says:

    15 years! That’s amazing! Maria, you are such an inspiration! One thing that goes through my head whenever I’m in a project is timeless, timeless, timeless. It’s so easy to see and find things that are on trend, but I am sure glad I met you and have heard you say timeless over and over again. I’ve also upped my ‘lamp’ game. I thought I was crazy with lighting until I met… lol I love the lamps! Thank you for helping us see the light. 😉

  • Berni says:

    When adding color in a room you need to repeat it 2-3 times.

  • Amy says:

    Maria – you changed my life when you recommended I buy 5 lamps for my living room! It’s 100% correct that lamps enhance a room.
    I have read your blog for at least 14 of your 15 years and I’ve always thought it was the smartest most approachable one out there. Congratulations on 15 years! And thank you for everything you’ve done for WithIt and for me.


    PS my upstairs bath has pink beige tile and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong until I read your blog.

  • Yvonne Mullaney says:

    Wow, I don’t think it is possible to list only one ‘best’ piece of advice I have learned over the years reading your blogs,watching and listening to you on Instagram, etc. You have continued to offer such a wealth of information to everyone over the years. Not only about color and decorating but you have shared about personal growth, taking chances and being true to yourself and what makes you happy. All very valuable. I have always had an interest in taking one of your courses – you teach the importance of understanding color, embracing color and having fun with color! Congrats on 15 years of aspiring us all! Thank you!

  • Kim says:

    Lamps! Lamps! And more lamps!

  • Adele Ray says:

    We plan to build our retirement home in the next year and a half. I am so excited to put the timeless, classic design tips you have shared to good use. I have read your E Books and enjoyed EVERY page! Thank you so much for the inspiration. I look forward to attending one if your design classes next year!

  • Brigitte Moore says:

    It’s hard to pick just one thing, as decorating is so complex! But I think having an awareness to the undertones of neutrals has helped me the most. Thanks to you, my kitchen and bathroom counter top, tile backsplash (subway, of course) cabinet and paint all flow very nicely. And I love that you have validated my preference for warm, glowing lamplight.

  • Diane says:

    Maria, it was so fun to read this background information, all about your journey, I really enjoyed it. Most useful thing I’ve learned from you is undertones of course! And after that it would be that the fixed elements are the background and the decorating brings the joy. That said, I still get so much joy from my kitchen counters that you specified. Thank you for all your teach us and all you share with us.

  • Denise says:

    Without a doubt it is Understanding Undertones. Game changer. Love of lamps a very close second! Congratulations on 15 years!!

  • Suzanne Albright says:

    I am a new follower and I loved learning about lighting with lamps instead of overhead lighting!
    Congratulations on 15 years!!!
    I get so much inspiration with design and color by following you!!

  • Lisa says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! I always look forward to your blog posts and your instagram videos. The most important thing I’ve learned from you is that classic and boring now will be timeless and I’ll love it forever. This has proven itself to be true over and over throughout our last 9 years of renovating our home. It’s truly made decision making much easier.

  • Amy Hinrichs says:

    I’m a homeowner who loves creating a beautiful home. I’ve purchased your color wheel for undertones. I love your advice for lamps, hard finishes, drapery height, being daring with color NOT in the hard finishes, and on and on. After living in Ethiopia for the last 6 years, we’ve bought a fixer upper in Florida with amazing potential and scary 12’ ceilings (I kind of wish they were 10’; 12 is a bit overwhelming). Your advice is helping my confidence and ability to make timeless, seamless choices for this home. Still…I wish you could just come over for a day.

  • Amy Hales says:

    Lamps really do equal JOY! Turning on the lamp in the corner of my kitchen every morning makes me so happy and brings me peace. Thank you so much for all you share! I look forward to learning from you every day. You’re my favorite!!

  • Jennifer Baker says:

    Undertones! Also, to go with “boring” (that aren’t boring) classic choices for kitchens and baths to avoid being quickly dated.

  • karen says:

    I love when you talk about undertones in paint colors and how natural light changes color in a room. I haven’t taken your class yet so I love to learn more

  • Alex Miller says:

    The most useful thing I’ve learned from following you (and a relatively new follower) is to choose a couch in your favorite color! I find it earlier to decorate around it and my blue sofa makes me so happy every time I look at it, best decision ever!

  • Karen says:

    Wow, Maria! Has it really been 15 years!

    The game changer you’ve shared is to embrace colour to work with a timeless start point. Bit by bit, I’ve been incorporating this while updating my own house, wishing I had known this when we purchased and replaced some hard finishes.

    I’ve enjoyed following you and wish you the best for the next 15 years (at least).


  • Tricia says:

    Congratulations on 15 years! You are my go-to source for all things color! Up until now, I’ve been scared of color and I completely underestimated the complexity of undertones. I’m a classic and timeless kind of girl at heart, but I never knew how to achieve that look. I still have so much to learn, but you are my number one resource! Thank you!

  • cschoepp19 says:

    Things you have taught me:
    1.) grey wood floors never should have been invented
    2.) cheese lights aren’t necessary
    Thank you!!

  • Jean Hays says:

    The importance of undertones and a color wheel to help figure them out.

  • Monica says:

    I’ve learned so much from your IG page, Youtube and blog! I think my biggest takeaways are the importance of lighting (lamps!) and if you don’t like something, decorate first before deciding to rip it out. I’ve used your tips to warm up my living room through decorating and adding small lamps and pops of colour and have been able to convince my spouse to look at sofas in colours outside of grey and white. Thank you!

  • Fiona Hanbidge says:

    It might seem boring now but it will be timeless later!

    I would have always been a sucker for a patterned tile but thanks to you I’ve purchased timeless natural stone floors for our hallways and a classic white subway tile for our bathroom walls and I’m so glad I did. Thanks Maria!

  • Amy says:

    Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I’ve learned so much from you that has been helpful in my work with my own clients. Maritime White has been a game-changer for my clients who’ve inherited peachy-tiled bathrooms. “Permission” to stick with classic, timeless tile (and a way to reframe it for my clients when they worry it will be “boring”) has been so helpful. And I can’t “unsee” how most shutters are too small for the windows that they frame. Thanks for that and much more!

  • Cheryl says:

    That all your hard finishes should be timeless then decorate with colour. I have learned so much over the years from you about decorating and how getting undertones right is so important.

  • Jacks says:

    I always struggled picking wood flooring until you compared it to denim jeans. Game changer.

  • Julie says:

    I have followed you for a long time and you really are a refreshing voice in a sea of trend led interiors. I’m slowly learning how to avoid the latest trendy interiors, it’s not easy though. Please don’t ever stop saying here’s the thing, it always makes me smile and listen closely x

  • Martha N. says:

    I love having permission to use nice, ckear colors! Learning about those undertones that I knew existed but didn’t know what to call has been a game changer. Congratulations on make the world a more beautiful and more colorful place!

  • BetsyA says:

    White kitchens are timeless and beautiful! Yay for 15 years!

  • Elizabeth V. says:

    I’ve learned all about undertones and how they relate to other elements in a room. Now I know WHY the colors work or don’t work in a space. Thank you for all you do to educate us about color.

  • Kim B says:

    I’ve learned so much over the years but the one lesson I keep reminding myself of is boring is timeless. 🙂 Cheers to your next 15 years!

  • Lorna Heacock says:

    Boring hard finishes in the build equal timeless later! At this moment I’m grateful that while I’ve been immersed in learning your ways for our renovation, my husband has listened. When we need a design decision, he understands the concepts behind it! This renovation would be incredibly stressful without your training and your plan!

  • Christine Pearl Lutzko says:

    The biggest lesson I have learned is “timeless is boring”. I used to get caught up in the latest and greatest when it came to decorating or even selecting items like backsplash or floor tile. It is SO MUCH SMARTER to go with timeless finishes for all your hard finishes and add the latest trendy item in things like throw pillows that can easily be changed!!!

  • Dana Hill says:

    Wow! I’ve learned a lot following you. There’s a tie for what has been the most impactful between the difference between timeless and trendy and understanding color undertones. I will definitely take your class before our next move or renovation job! Thank you!

  • Madonna Seminelli says:

    I’ve only been following you for a few months now but I’ve already learned so much. My dad once said “Some people go to beautiful places, some people build beautiful places” – that stuck with me. I’m always trying to make things beautiful which makes me the person that everyone comes to for design help. Your explanations of color and design seem so intuitive and natural and I aspire to be that effortless in my future home (hoping to do a new build) and in helping friends and family. Your mindset of timeless hard finishes and trendy decorating is constantly circulating in my head now and has already helped with my sisters kitchen renovation!

  • Jeanette says:

    I have used the white/undertone knowledge often!

  • Laura Figueroa says:

    Congrats on 15 years Maria! You’ve taught me SO many things…and I’m still learning from you all the time. Paying attention to undertones is probably the #1 thing I learned from you. And: subway tile forever! 🙂

  • Alyson Kurtz says:

    Congratulations, and thank you for all you have taught me! I have followed you for probably 12-13 years and have learned so many useful things! Picking one is too hard so the two too are the clean VS dirty paints, which have helped me make a cohesive looking home and the second was working with bossy stone to pick a gorgeous exterior color palette! So many neighbors wanted to use our new colors that even our painter laughed as he told me people were asking to hire him to do the exact colors we had just put on our home! Thanks again Maria for helping me reach for my dream of a beautiful home!

  • Daria R says:

    My eyes have been “ruined” (helped) when noticing clashing undertones whether it be while walking a perusing the paint on homes clashing with the roof, brick, or stone; or telling my husband those shades of browns or greens don’t match.

    Am claiming the class because after living in our home for 17 years, its due for a makeover and I can’t afford mistakes!!

  • Rebecca R says:

    The lesson that’s stuck with me the most is your explanation of why certain black hardware doesn’t work. Now I can’t unsee it! I still have so much to learn from your techniques and I’m so glad I found you and your blog.

  • Pat says:

    In 2018 we tackled a new build for the first time ever. The post you did about the 10 steps of planning your new build was an absolute LIFESAVER. Thank you so much!

  • Becca B says:

    It’s hard to pick one learning because they are so interconnected. Your organized way of approaching undertones and making a big impact with a relatively small budget by starting with undertones of hard fixtures and paint. I love the spend money where it counts but don’t go unnecessarily crazy philosophy.

  • Lynn Simms says:

    At the moment I’m flip flopping on the two colour choices for this storage unit for my living room room. I love the cabinet, but can’t seem to decide if I want it in off white (more on the timeless scale) or a dark green (trendy). This room needs more colour. I need to determine where to start with your colour training so I can ‘love my home forever’!

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